
Like I said, maybe I'm weird. In high school from grade 9-11 acid was my drug of choice. I did it hundreds of times. Did lots of the phenylalanines and tryptamines (2C-B, 2C-I, 2C-t2, 5-MEO-DMT etc). My friend used to make DMT and I spent a few years vaping that. Did lots of mescaline (san pedro and peruvian torch), drank ayahuasca etc.

I've loved every one of them. My mind usually feels like a methed out tiger caged up on Joe Exotics farm. On psychedelics, my mind is able to roam the Serengeti and shit. Spray my wild cat urine and whatnot.

Maybe it explains a lot about me :D
I love you
U.S. 'wasted' months before preparing for virus pandemic

A review of federal purchasing contracts by The Associated Press shows federal agencies largely waited until mid-March to begin placing bulk orders of N95 respirator masks, mechanical ventilators and other equipment needed by front-line health care workers.
Georgia stay-at-home order rolls back local restrictions
But Kemp’s stay-at-home order, signed Thursday, now supersedes those local orders. That includes reopening many parks and beaches that local governments had ordered closed after seeing gatherings of people not obeying distancing requirements.
U.S. 'wasted' months before preparing for virus pandemic

A review of federal purchasing contracts by The Associated Press shows federal agencies largely waited until mid-March to begin placing bulk orders of N95 respirator masks, mechanical ventilators and other equipment needed by front-line health care workers.
Oh, there's going to be a ton of blame to go around.

I just can't wait for the made for TV movie about this in 2022.

And wouldn't you love to see an advance copy from the future right now? I'd pay $100 to watch it right now.
Federal Government Outbids Kentucky For Medical Equipment Amid Shortage

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear says his administration is doing everything it can to prepare hospitals to be inundated with cases of COVID-19, but nearly every time the state has placed an order for medical protective gear, the federal government has prevented its transfer.
Georgia stay-at-home order rolls back local restrictions
But Kemp’s stay-at-home order, signed Thursday, now supersedes those local orders. That includes reopening many parks and beaches that local governments had ordered closed after seeing gatherings of people not obeying distancing requirements.
Let's all play twister at the county park.
I don't understand much about it either. I Googled "Viral load and You for Dummies" but nada. This article kinda explains it.

Thanks, BB. I kinda get what they're saying, not sure if I believe it. I get that drinking 16 oz. of the pure virus would be worse than breathing in some droplets, but as I said, I hadn't been exposed to a huge viral load, minimal by my estimation, and it was still trying to take me out. Even with my Wolverine like immune system. This is highly contagious, and just a little dab will do ya...
Thanks, BB. I kinda get what they're saying, not sure if I believe it. I get that drinking 16 oz. of the pure virus would be worse than breathing in some droplets, but as I said, I hadn't been exposed to a huge viral load, minimal by my estimation, and it was still trying to take me out. Even with my Wolverine like immune system. This is highly contagious, and just a little dab will do ya...
Yes, we still need Annie to get this down to RIU level ;)
Thanks, BB. I kinda get what they're saying, not sure if I believe it. I get that drinking 16 oz. of the pure virus would be worse than breathing in some droplets, but as I said, I hadn't been exposed to a huge viral load, minimal by my estimation, and it was still trying to take me out. Even with my Wolverine like immune system. This is highly contagious, and just a little dab will do ya...
I thought if you ate it you're fine, but if you breathe it in you're in trouble.

But what do I know? It changes every day.
I don’t think that is near the only war vessel in trouble. The thought of that on ships with large crews in close quarters is a nightmare. I also realize that too much info on that would be a clear threat to national security. Navy personnel have not faced a threat so serious since WWII.