Pandemic 2020

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Red States Doomed Themselves By Not Taking Pandemic Seriously

According to a new study, Red States and those led by Republican governors have been slower than Blue States to adopt policies to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, and now they are starting to see the ramifications of this. The virus is spreading in these areas as leadership waited too long to act, and in cases like Florida, they actually waited to get Trump's permission before they would issue "stay at home" orders. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses this.


Well-Known Member
You'll see the trumpers again when the oversight hearings begin, they will be here rewriting history and killing Americans. They will carry Donald's water no matter what, after you win in November, I figure the government should castrate a few million of them as a national defense effort using eugenics to combat stupidity. It will also make em more mild mannered too, works for Bulls and horses, I say nut the magats..


Well-Known Member
You'll see the trumpers again when the oversight hearings begin, they will be here rewriting history and killing Americans. They will carry Donald's water no matter what, after you win in November, I figure the government should castrate a few million of them as a national defense effort using eugenics to combat stupidity. It will also make em more mild mannered too, works for Bulls and horses, I say nut the magats..
Oversight? What oversight?


Well-Known Member
Oversight? What oversight?
They will come after they are done with the immediate need of Donald to sign stuff, but they should start by June, Nancy knows best. I want to see the GOP carry Donald's water on this, I want to see those hearings on national TV where everybody including the republicans is wearing a mask. I want to see Donald try and withhold witnesses and documents from this one. I just hope I live long enough to see it, a thought I never entertained much until recently, like most other people. I'm in Canada and the government appears to be firing on all cylinders, but we still feel threatened by the orange asshole in the WH. He just proved this week why I need to be concerned by his actions with 3M, he just screwed every medical supply company in America out of their biggest export market and us out of supplies.

Why has nobody been thrown under the bus over testing? If some scientist or even one of Donald's minions was responsible they would have been Judas goated long ago and would be living under the bus by now. Why is that?


Well-Known Member
Donald is getting desperate about hydroxychloroquine and touting it like a snake oil salesman, someone told him it may be of limited value, but we don't know yet, this became Donald's magic bullet. He was touting it again last night and even prevented Dr. Fauci from speaking words of caution.


An Ohio Democratic State Representative has called for Donald Trump to be tried for "crimes against humanity," after Sunday's press conference in which the president once again promoted the unproven use of an anti-malarial drug against the novel coronavirus.

Throughout the White House briefings, Trump has repeatedly pushed hydroxychloroquine as a potential treatment to COVID-19, despite limited evidence of the drug's effectiveness.

On Sunday, the president doubled down on his assertions, telling reporters that the drug was "being tested now" and claiming "there are some very strong, powerful signs" of its potential as a treatment for coronavirus.

"It's a great malaria drug. It's worked unbelievably. It's a powerful drug on malaria," Trump said of hydroxychloroquine. "And there are signs that it works on this, very strong signs. And in the meantime, it's been around a long time. It also works very powerfully on lupus. So, there are some very strong, powerful signs and we'll have to see".


Well-Known Member
British blues. "Just about tits" was an expression we used for almost perfect. I feel like we're on a Hellbound Train.

Man, I'd love too sit down with you, eat something nice, smoke something great & drink some good beer & share our music collections.
That would be a good way to self-isolate.
We stay 6 feet apart & only remove our masks too take hits & drink :)
That should work, right?


Well-Known Member
Man, I'd love too sit down with you, eat something nice, smoke something great & drink some good beer & share our music collections.
That would be a good way to self-isolate.
We stay 6 feet apart & only remove our masks too take hits & drink :)
That should work, right?
Ain't nothin' like a House Party. Before someone says "get a room", let me say we're jess tryin' to relieve some stress. Now, Magic Dick, talk to me.



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WaPo Reporter: So Much Of The Timeline Was Squandered | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Washington Post reporter Greg Miller joins Morning Joe to discuss a new investigative piece on how the U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged. Aired on 06/04/2020.


Well-Known Member
How The WH Mishandled First 70 Days Of Coronavirus Crisis | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Morning Joe panel discusses the timeline of when the Trump WH first learned of the coronavirus in China and how the president handled the first 70 days of the crisis. Aired on 4/6/2020.


Well-Known Member
I dunno how many miles a charge it gets, I'm not optimistic about their effort and FDA approval might be an issue... I don't see any experienced ventilator people on the team...
Watch Tesla Design Ventilators Using Mostly Model 3 Parts

Tesla posted a video to its YouTube channel that shows Tesla engineers working on designing ventilators out of mainly Tesla Model 3 parts. It's pretty amazing to see how many existing Tesla parts can be repurposed into assembling a ventilator.

It wasn't too long ago when Elon Musk was skeptical about whether there was even going to be a need for more ventilators. However, that's changed, and Musk evidently realizes the medical community wasn't overreacting in February when they were warning us that this was going to get very bad.
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