Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

The Tiny Compound That Makes Soap A Coronavirus Killer

Hand sanitizer has become a scarce commodity as Coronavirus has spread around the world. But you might be surprised to learn that plentiful, cheap soap is actually one of the most effective weapons we have against COVID-19. It all comes down to the unique chemical makeup of soap that has made it a central part of life since ancient times.
On a lighter note, MSNBC had a spot on an economist who tracked down the supply chains for toilet paper and came to the surprising conclusion that hoarding is not directly causing the shortages.

It seems the world of butt scraping tree products is actually bifurcated.

There is one supply chain for consumer paper which is made from virgin paper and sold in the familiar compact rolls.

There is a completely different supply chain for commercial paper, which is made from recycled paper and sold in very high capacity rolls.

When the people were forced to stay home, there was a large increase of use of consumer paper. People were no longer tush tugging with commercial paper. They were home scooping.

And since tp is bulky and inexpensive, there isn't a large store in warehouses. The production lines were tuned to the former consumption levels and can't keep up with the increased demand.

Now presumably there is an excess of the huge rolls used in public restrooms, but the companies that have them aren't customers of the retail buyers, and Kroger's isn't going to put it on supermarket shelves.

So it isn't all the fault of hoarders and scalpers, although they don't help.
Anybody who is wondering about all those emergency ventilator projects or the efforts of Tesla and Dyson should watch this video. Foggy was trying to explain the difficulties in ventilator design and production to people here (me included) and I've since learned a bit about the subject myself. This video explains the difficulties and issues with many of the open source projects, the kinds of equipment needed to help save people from covid19 are of a different order than many of these desperate efforts. Here is the best explanation of the situation that I've come across, if you're curious about what the problems are.

A Guide To Designing Low-Cost Ventilators for COVID-19
Now presumably there is an excess of the huge rolls used in public restrooms, but the companies that have them aren't customers of the retail buyers, and Kroger's isn't going to put it on supermarket shelves.
Why not they'd buy anything and they aren't gonna be selling much of it to restaurants and bars. The story of the bumwad panic is explained at last!
Anybody who is wondering about all those emergency ventilator projects or the efforts of Tesla and Dyson should watch this video. Foggy was trying to explain the difficulties in ventilator design and production to people here (me included) and I've since learned a bit about the subject myself. This video explains the difficulties and issues with many of the open source projects, the kinds of equipment needed to help save people from covid19 are of a different order than many of these desperate efforts. Here is the best explanation of the situation that I've come across, if you're curious about what the problems are.

A Guide To Designing Low-Cost Ventilators for COVID-19
don't cite me. I'm not even an associate professor in charge of physician assistant students.
Well I just took a few breaths and I'm feeling much better.
Just because right wing loonies link to this site means nothing.
The videos aid with understanding as do the papers posted with them, if you are incurios that's your business. I'll post credible science and medical videos and articles, the understanding is for me and those who are interested in looking into the matter a little deeper.

Reddit is not a credible source and I'm sure these right wing loonies started linking to the videos after Donald blathered about it on national TV. This guy was reporting on what was going on in the medical community and a lot of doctors go here for info too, it's made for them. He started with a talk on zinc and people commenting told him of chloroquine as a zinc ionophore (helps zinc get inside cells), next another scientist suggested that hydroxychloroquine was better tolerated etc. I don't think he started this trend in the medical community, but he reports on it. Someone mentioned it to Donald and it became a political football, now you get criticised for mentioning it, before Donald got involved it was just science.

I've been a science fan since I was a kid, had some college, but found a pretty good career in the trades, I've had a lifelong passion for learning and science. My posts on the subject have been responsible, though we all lapse occasionally, and informative to those who are interested enough to watch or read. I don't post right wing crap and you know it, you are aware of my political views.

Hubris is excessive pride and there ain't much pride to be found in this tragic situation, only sorrow.
I am incurious about watching these videos, because I am not in the medical community, and would not know enough to understand if what I am watching is correct or propaganda.

So let me put this in terms I do better understand. I can show you a video on Khan Academy about Poisson Distributions.

So now I might understand how cool this probability distribution is, it is so useful and has many great things you can gain from using it.

But that doesn't mean it is good at estimating everything, it has particular uses, in particular cases. A statistician would be able to understand this and know which distribution to use for those particular cases. And in watching those videos you might not understand it as well as you think you do. Sure it can be a nice brush up if you have a couple minutes and didn't want to dust off a old text book to get a refresher on it, but it doesn't make people a statistician because they watched that one (or handful) of videos.

So then, some very important person comes along who has a interest in the Poisson distribution, because it gives the answer they want people to believe, and starts using the power of the President of the United States of America to push it as the thing that is going to save the world. And yet the actual statisticians are saying it is way too untested, we need to get some actual data to make sure that this is really the correct answer and not just noise.

But that powerful person uses people to spread the noise around the internet/news that this is the right distribution (without doing the work to know if it is or not), and they find stories that may or may not be supporting what they are saying and push it by posting it nonstop everywhere. And so because this method of advertising works faster than reality of finding the right answer, people start to believe it. Because they want to believe it. Hell I even want to believe it is real, but luckily I live with someone who understands the science and they keep telling me there is no way to know if it is real or not yet.

I doubt that this matters to you and know you will continue to push what you like, but seriously you are spreading propaganda that Trump wants pushed even if you don't realize it, shit it could even be right. But it could far more easily be wrong. The only way I can think of that would give Trump some kind of special knowledge that this works is if one of his dictator friends unleashed this, but it is more likely he is talking out of his ass and having propaganda pushed to support his bullshit claims.
I am incurious about watching these videos, because I am not in the medical community, and would not know enough to understand if what I am watching is correct or propaganda.

So let me put this in terms I do better understand. I can show you a video on Khan Academy about Poisson Distributions.

So now I might understand how cool this probability distribution is, it is so useful and has many great things you can gain from using it.

But that doesn't mean it is good at estimating everything, it has particular uses, in particular cases. A statistician would be able to understand this and know which distribution to use for those particular cases. And in watching those videos you might not understand it as well as you think you do. Sure it can be a nice brush up if you have a couple minutes and didn't want to dust off a old text book to get a refresher on it, but it doesn't make people a statistician because they watched that one (or handful) of videos.

So then, some very important person comes along who has a interest in the Poisson distribution, because it gives the answer they want people to believe, and starts using the power of the President of the United States of America to push it as the thing that is going to save the world. And yet the actual statisticians are saying it is way too untested, we need to get some actual data to make sure that this is really the correct answer and not just noise.

But that powerful person uses people to spread the noise around the internet/news that this is the right distribution (without doing the work to know if it is or not), and they find stories that may or may not be supporting what they are saying and push it by posting it nonstop everywhere. And so because this method of advertising works faster than reality of finding the right answer, people start to believe it. Because they want to believe it. Hell I even want to believe it is real, but luckily I live with someone who understands the science and they keep telling me there is no way to know if it is real or not yet.

I doubt that this matters to you and know you will continue to push what you like, but seriously you are spreading propaganda that Trump wants pushed even if you don't realize it, shit it could even be right. But it could far more easily be wrong. The only way I can think of that would give Trump some kind of special knowledge that this works is if one of his dictator friends unleashed this, but it is more likely he is talking out of his ass and having propaganda pushed to support his bullshit claims.
Hanimmal, I'm posting science and technology news that is in the mainstream media, some of the scientific subjects related to covis19 are pretty esoteric. These videos and news are my usual nerd entertainment, plowing through papers is not fun and I only do it when I find something that's interesting. Much of the time I'll read the abstract and conclusions, the actual paper is behind a paywall, though for much covid19 stuff it's in the open.

I'm not gonna be posting much on hydroxychloroquine because there's not much to post scientifically speaking and my last one I believe was a research update from Since Donald got involved in the issue and is touting it like snake oil I've notice his fans are piping up here about it too. The right wing loonies were getting their information from the medcram site among others online, it's what they did with that information that counts. My biggest hope for this drug was its usefulness in poor countries where this plague is gonna do the most damage. To me it was just science and searching for hope from credible evidence based sources and the next time I'll post on it is when someone releases a study that makes the news.

Discussing news and science is not a bad thing and suppressing them is as bad as suppressing political opinion. I take responsibility for what I post and that's what I'm doing here in defending it on my own thread with civil debate, when possible.
I am incurious about watching these videos, because I am not in the medical community, and would not know enough to understand if what I am watching is correct or propaganda.

So let me put this in terms I do better understand. I can show you a video on Khan Academy about Poisson Distributions.

So now I might understand how cool this probability distribution is, it is so useful and has many great things you can gain from using it.

But that doesn't mean it is good at estimating everything, it has particular uses, in particular cases. A statistician would be able to understand this and know which distribution to use for those particular cases. And in watching those videos you might not understand it as well as you think you do. Sure it can be a nice brush up if you have a couple minutes and didn't want to dust off a old text book to get a refresher on it, but it doesn't make people a statistician because they watched that one (or handful) of videos.

So then, some very important person comes along who has a interest in the Poisson distribution, because it gives the answer they want people to believe, and starts using the power of the President of the United States of America to push it as the thing that is going to save the world. And yet the actual statisticians are saying it is way too untested, we need to get some actual data to make sure that this is really the correct answer and not just noise.

But that powerful person uses people to spread the noise around the internet/news that this is the right distribution (without doing the work to know if it is or not), and they find stories that may or may not be supporting what they are saying and push it by posting it nonstop everywhere. And so because this method of advertising works faster than reality of finding the right answer, people start to believe it. Because they want to believe it. Hell I even want to believe it is real, but luckily I live with someone who understands the science and they keep telling me there is no way to know if it is real or not yet.

I doubt that this matters to you and know you will continue to push what you like, but seriously you are spreading propaganda that Trump wants pushed even if you don't realize it, shit it could even be right. But it could far more easily be wrong. The only way I can think of that would give Trump some kind of special knowledge that this works is if one of his dictator friends unleashed this, but it is more likely he is talking out of his ass and having propaganda pushed to support his bullshit claims.
I also never created a thread about it! Unlike some...
Hanimmal, I'm posting science and technology news that is in the mainstream media, some of the scientific subjects related to covis19 are pretty esoteric. These videos and news are my usual nerd entertainment, plowing through papers is not fun and I only do it when I find something that's interesting. Much of the time I'll read the abstract and conclusions, the actual paper is behind a paywall, though for much covid19 stuff it's in the open.

I'm not gonna be posting much on hydroxychloroquine because there's not much to post scientifically speaking and my last one I believe was a research update from Since Donald got involved in the issue and is touting it like snake oil I've notice his fans are piping up here about it too. The right wing loonies were getting their information from the medcram site among others online, it's what they did with that information that counts. My biggest hope for this drug was its usefulness in poor countries where this plague is gonna do the most damage. To me it was just science and searching for hope from credible evidence based sources and the next time I'll post on it is when someone releases a study that makes the news.

Discussing news and science is not a bad thing and suppressing them is as bad as suppressing political opinion. I take responsibility for what I post and that's what I'm doing here in defending it on my own thread with civil debate, when possible.
"Mainstream media" is a inkblot test, meaningless basically. And is not a way to get actual scientific information about a very fast moving virus, outside of from doctors telling people to do specific things. Unfotunantly it is just as panic causing because they are forced to carry Trump as he lies to sell his investments and change history to everything he does being perfect while he continues to loot our country and purge it of professionals.

If you want actual science on it, go to google scholar and search for it there. But I get it, that is not as much fun and hard as hell to understand generally. But that is because it is complex. But this shit is way too scary to be amplifying things that Trump wants passed out like candy that will lead to heart stoppages when people's blood pressure drops.
"Mainstream media" is a inkblot test, meaningless basically. And is not a way to get actual scientific information about a very fast moving virus, outside of from doctors telling people to do specific things. Unfotunantly it is just as panic causing because they are forced to carry Trump as he lies to sell his investments and change history to everything he does being perfect while he continues to loot our country and purge it of professionals.

If you want actual science on it, go to google scholar and search for it there. But I get it, that is not as much fun and hard as hell to understand generally. But that is because it is complex. But this shit is way too scary to be amplifying things that Trump wants passed out like candy that will lead to heart stoppages when people's blood pressure drops.
I'm more interested where the rubber meets the road, if you think my videos are boring you should read some scientific papers, most folks cannot digest such information. I'm quite familiar with google scholar, I'm just not as uptight about science as some, most think it's just the papers, but miss the free wheeling speculation and conjecture in discussions over a beer.

This is a political football and you are motivated by political considerations and subconscious forces, I've posted on hydroxychloroquine before Donald ever heard of it. Some people are convinced it does not work and is extremely dangerous, the truth is, we don't know if it works, and there are some hazards. It's also as common as asprin in many African countries and available without a prescription, it's been around for 50 years and prescribed in the west like any other medication, by a doctor.

Mainstream media is a term you use too to describe credible sources who use professional journalistic standards and practices, it does not include fox news.
I'm more interested where the rubber meets the road, if you think my videos are boring you should read some scientific papers, most folks cannot digest such information. I'm quite familiar with google scholar, I'm just not as uptight about science as some, most think it's just the papers, but miss the free wheeling speculation and conjecture in discussions over a beer.

This is a political football and you are motivated by political considerations and subconscious forces, I've posted on hydroxychloroquine before Donald ever heard of it. Some people are convinced it does not work and is extremely dangerous, the truth is, we don't know if it works, and there are some hazards. It's also as common as asprin in many African countries and available without a prescription, it's been around for 50 years and prescribed in the west like any other medication, by a doctor.

Mainstream media is a term you use too to describe credible sources who use professional journalistic standards and practices, it does not include fox news.
No I think you border line on pushing propaganda a lot of times. It is not about you being boring, I am fine with skimming over your posts as I am sure you do with some of mine too, we can't read everything that gets posted here. This is a subject that is being propagandized and I am pointing it out. Why that upsets you is on you.

I try to never say 'media' because it is bullshit. Especially 'mainstream media'. I try to specify blog, video, news, etc. 'Media' is a blank term that lets people fill in the blank. And when people want what is being said to be credible (or not), that blank gets filled in with what they find credible (or not).
No I think you border line on pushing propaganda a lot of times. It is not about you being boring, I am fine with skimming over your posts as I am sure you do with some of mine too, we can't read everything that gets posted here. This is a subject that is being propagandized and I am pointing it out. Why that upsets you is on you.

I try to never say 'media' because it is bullshit. Especially 'mainstream media'. I try to specify blog, video, news, etc. 'Media' is a blank term that lets people fill in the blank. And when people want what is being said to be credible (or not), that blank gets filled in with what they find credible (or not).
Well you think most people here are Russian trolls and you've gotten to the point of paranoia that you don't even trust credible sources. Show me the links where I've pushed propaganda? As for mainstream media I was speaking to intelligent people like yourself who should know what that is, even though it's a loaded term and MSM is used by the right wing loonies to denigrate the truth, I defined it pretty well in my last post

The truth is Trump is a liar who is surrounded by a shrinking collection of liars and supported by a vast right wing well financed media group led by fox and OAN and a host of right wing blogs, radio shows and websites. The russians are helping with facebook ad buys and YouTube posts among other social media efforts, but I think the Russians are writing off Donald and cutting their losses.

If America elects Trump and the GOP again, it will have more to do with what people want to believe, than the actual information they actually receive. No amount of Russian bullshit is gonna make you vote for Trump and those that believe him are a write off anyway, the die has been cast for the next election and the oversight hearings will put the seal on Trump and the GOP. Don't forget 40%+ of the US population actually still believe Trump, mostly because they really want to.

I use the platform differently than most and post video media and format my posts etc, many people just come here to bitch and I've done my share too, but I like to do more than just bitch sometimes. The site owners put these tools at our disposal, but few use them, I do though.
Well you think most people here are Russian trolls and you've gotten to the point of paranoia that you don't even trust credible sources. Show me the links where I've pushed propaganda? As for mainstream media I was speaking to intelligent people like yourself who should know what that is, even though it's a loaded term and MSM is used by the right wing loonies to denigrate the truth, I defined it pretty well in my last post

The truth is Trump is a liar who is surrounded by a shrinking collection of liars and supported by a vast right wing well financed media group led by fox and OAN and a host of right wing blogs, radio shows and websites. The russians are helping with facebook ad buys and YouTube posts among other social media efforts, but I think the Russians are writing off Donald and cutting their losses.

If America elects Trump and the GOP again, it will have more to do with what people want to believe, than the actual information they actually receive. No amount of Russian bullshit is gonna make you vote for Trump and those that believe him are a write off anyway, the die has been cast for the next election and the oversight hearings will put the seal on Trump and the GOP. Don't forget 40%+ of the US population actually still believe Trump, mostly because they really want to.

I use the platform differently than most and post video media and format my posts etc, many people just come here to bitch and I've done my share too, but I like to do more than just bitch sometimes. The site owners put these tools at our disposal, but few use them, I do though.
'I think most people here are Russian trolls' is not the case. And just saying that shows how defensive you are getting about me pointing out that you post a lot of borderline propaganda. If you bothered to be accurate you would have said 'I don't rule out anyone from being a foreign troll'. Russia is just the one country whose military we know is being used to attack our democracy (and every other democracy world wide). And cat fishing is for real, so is people selling/renting out their accounts.

And I disagree 'mainstream media' is a bullshit term that is being used by Trump and his troll army to diminish anything that they want because it literally can mean anything. CNN has 3.2 million followers on twitter, Kim Kardashian has 62 million followers, so which is 'mainstream media'? CNN is 'news' or 'journalism'.

What makes you think 'Russia is cutting their losses' with Trump? Even though Trump pulled away all the efforts trying to stop them on the government level, gave them back their money man's access to his bank accounts (by dropping sanctions on Deripaska) and as recently as January was being reported to be attacking our democracy (which prompted Trump to fire the acting DNI). With this last guy, it looks like there are no more Senate confirmed people in the DNI.

And remember the Russians are not one dimensional, and they are micro targeting people in ways we don't have any ability to actually see because it is directly at them, places like here is a big paintbrush. Same with comment sections across the internet. They try to control the conversations/topics being discussed more than convincing any particular person.

And I would have looked and posted what I would consider propaganda that you have posted, but your history is blocked form view.
'I think most people here are Russian trolls' is not the case. And just saying that shows how defensive you are getting about me pointing out that you post a lot of borderline propaganda. If you bothered to be accurate you would have said 'I don't rule out anyone from being a foreign troll'. Russia is just the one country whose military we know is being used to attack our democracy (and every other democracy world wide). And cat fishing is for real, so is people selling/renting out their accounts.
Sure I'll get defensive if I'm accused posting right wing propaganda, I don't. I also doubt if this site has ever seen a Russian, it's just too insignificant and a waste of limited resources, humans monitor it, facebook and all the big social media platforms are completely automated and if they can hacked easily. Also face book sells them ads

And I disagree 'mainstream media' is a bullshit term that is being used by Trump and his troll army to diminish anything that they want because it literally can mean anything. CNN has 3.2 million followers on twitter, Kim Kardashian has 62 million followers, so which is 'mainstream media'? CNN is 'news' or 'journalism'.
I use it as shorthand for reliable sources who follow professional journalistic practices and standards, I'm not responsible for how others abuse the term. CNN, NBC, ABC, CBC, BBC NYT, WP Globe and mail (Canada) and the list goes on, these are reliable sources of news and information, stormfront or the daily caller is not. Kim Kardashian has a lot of followers, there are an awful lot of kids online too, but they don't vote and they probably don't look at her posts much either. Much of the buzz online is made up of children and teens, they are on the most and CNN probably has more actual voters watching than Kim has followers.

What makes you think 'Russia is cutting their losses' with Trump? Even though Trump pulled away all the efforts trying to stop them on the government level, gave them back their money man's access to his bank accounts (by dropping sanctions on Deripaska) and as recently as January was being reported to be attacking our democracy (which prompted Trump to fire the acting DNI). With this last guy, it looks like there are no more Senate confirmed people in the DNI.
The news, even Vlad can see at this point he's backing a loser. Do you think he wants to piss Joe off even more than he is already? Vlad is thinking hard about the future right now, because when the regulars are back in the saddle, Uncle Sam is gonna fuck mother Russia unti she shit's out Vlad.
If I was Vlad, I'd be quietly looking for a way to suck Joe Biden's ass right now. It will be a blow out in November for the GOP, but don't you think that way for a second, fight like Hell for your country.

And I would have looked and posted what I would consider propaganda that you have posted, but your history is blocked form view.
I've been having issues with Trumpers, so I had to make some security changes
And remember the Russians are not one dimensional, and they are micro targeting people in ways we don't have any ability to actually see because it is directly at them, places like here is a big paintbrush. Same with comment sections across the internet. They try to control the conversations/topics being discussed more than convincing any particular person.
This is one that will have to be addressed after you win in november, it requires not just government action, but Nato action. We cannot have our governments and alliances undermined like this, we will need to come up with some kind of firewall, if your country is producing or posting this shit then your gonna be on the wrong side of that wall and won't like it at all. Also the social media companies need to be regulated and the FCC's mandate and power expanded greatly to include cable, satellite and the internet.

Winning in November got a lot easier lately and this pandemic screwed up Donald's and even Vlad's plan. Right now Donald is using nightly news conferences to attempt to rewrite history and digging himself a deeper hole all the time. Donald troubles over this shit have not yet begun, but they will, when Nancy thinks its right. She is looking for the senate too in November and the republicans will have to carry Donald's water one last time, just before the election.

Keep the faith, you'll win in the end, the GOP is fast tracking to self destruction along with Donald. Joe ain't Hilary and now he's free to act and will by turning the heat up on Donald, it will be a landslide, but fight for your life nonetheless
Sure I'll get defensive if I'm accused posting right wing propaganda, I don't. I also doubt if this site has ever seen a Russian, it's just too insignificant and a waste of limited resources, humans monitor it, facebook and all the big social media platforms are completely automated and if they can hacked easily. Also face book sells them ads
Who said "Right wing", I just said propaganda. And you really are clueless if you believe what you posted there and explains why you end up posting a lot of the stuff you do. This website has 400-1000+ users logged in at almost all times on a subject that is a very popular voting issue.

I am pretty floored by what you are posting here and just have to say you really should spend some time looking at the way Russia has been attacking democracies, because it is clear that you are very vulnerable to what they are doing by not being as aware as you are in other things.

I have always tried to play it cool with you and have rarely said anything to you about the stuff you put out there and backed off a couple times, but it is important enough that you should really skim through (Reading the first 50 would be ideal) at least this report:

And I highly suggest the Bi-Partisan Senate report on it:

You seem like a good dude. You really should arm yourself with knowledge about this because it is affecting you.

And it is not stopping. They already attacked, and won too big of a victory to back off, this virus gives them the ability to suppress voters, especially in cities, which is exactly what Trump needs to squeeze through with just his base voting for him. If they are going to go full attack, this election might just be the one that they pull out all the stops, so being extra prepared is especially important.
Who said "Right wing", I just said propaganda. And you really are clueless if you believe what you posted there and explains why you end up posting a lot of the stuff you do. This website has 400-1000+ users logged in at almost all times on a subject that is a very popular voting issue.

I am pretty floored by what you are posting here and just have to say you really should spend some time looking at the way Russia has been attacking democracies, because it is clear that you are very vulnerable to what they are doing by not being as aware as you are in other things.

I have always tried to play it cool with you and have rarely said anything to you about the stuff you put out there and backed off a couple times, but it is important enough that you should really skim through (Reading the first 50 would be ideal) at least this report:

And I highly suggest the Bi-Partisan Senate report on it:

You seem like a good dude. You really should arm yourself with knowledge about this because it is affecting you.

And it is not stopping. They already attacked, and won too big of a victory to back off, this virus gives them the ability to suppress voters, especially in cities, which is exactly what Trump needs to squeeze through with just his base voting for him. If they are going to go full attack, this election might just be the one that they pull out all the stops, so being extra prepared is especially important.
I'm on your side on this issue more than most here and recognise the threat, but it's not gonna paralyze me. If you think my posts are questionable we can debate it civilly, without the use of words like clueless, you will find me quite reasonable about it if you provide evidence and not suspicions. I've been wrong before and hope to be many times in the future, for only the dead make no mistakes. Please bring it to my attention politely and we can either discuss the merits of the post, or if I'll see it in time I'll take it down if we're quick enough. If not I'll post a correction and explanation to counter the false narrative.

I posted a video from Iran that was clearly anti Iranian propaganda, but I warned people that I thought it was, the video showed conditions in Iran during the outbreak there. The video was real but manipulated and the producers had an agenda.

I use the platform a little differently than most and take advantage of many of the features of the site including posting videos from the owners of the content. I post news, late night comedy and political cartoons that do a good job of summing up issues as well as science, I'm not short on personal opinion either and of course my feeble attempts at writing humor. I post a lot because I'm a high energy kinda person, and I've recently quit smoking pot again too in an effort to survive the ordeal of illness. I try to keep things light, entertaining, informative and humorous, most of my posts are positive and an effort to help with what's going on in America, I'm here as an ally. Lately I'm trying to avoid shitting too much on the trumpers, but it can't be helped.

Have no worries hanimmal, I'll soon be chopping heads off around here for Joe and when Donald is in shit the Trumpers will crawl out. Trumpers will become my prey as the election nears, others I try to treat with respect, even if we disagree.
More nerd entertainment and another test tube wonder, I sure as shit hope that Donald doesn't hear about Ivermectin, the Trumpers will be latching onto this now, since they go to this site too. Here's a heads up. I was interested in the data from Finland the land of saunas followed by ice baths, they don't do it much in Sweden or Norway and the data is striking, though not really scientific proof of any kind, but such anomalies are a good place for actual science of begin. There is serious interest by respected scientists regarding hot cold therapy because they can measure and quantify the immune response and have with small scale correlation studies. It appears to challenge the innate immune system like exercise does for the body with controlled stress, that's the theory anyway.
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 52: Ivermectin Treatment; Does COVID-19 Attack Hemoglobin?

Dr. Seheult illustrates the possible mechanism of the medication Ivermectin for a potential treatment for COVID-19 and discusses recent articles about the possible impact of coronavirus on hemoglobin. Interesting projections and data from the USA, Nordic Countries, and New Zealand is also discussed.
Why should we listen to this guy?

You do know that he's the darling of right wing propaganda sites, don't you?
They did a youtube search on you know what, as soon as it left donald's lips and guess who pops up on the first page of the results of the Youtube search, medcram, because they were one of the very few who have been quietly discussing it for awhile. This site provides unique access to the medical world for lay people, but it's the presidential advisers, that's where the beans were spilled to Donald, someone made the mistake of mentioning it to him. I just hope the same thing doesn't happen with Ivermectin. He didn't start the treating of patients with malaria medication, it was a trend in the medical community and still is.

Watch it if ya want foggy, it's nerd entertainment to me and might be of interest to some, I'm not surprised that he's being referenced by the right wing loonies, though through no fault of his own. I can detect no bias, only a discussion among professionals, many doctors go to this site too and you would hear howls if he was unprofessional or political in anyway. I suspect he's a democrat, most scientists and doctors are these days.

If you do discover he's hooked up with the trump crowd I'd like to know.
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