Pandemic Canada 2020 - The response, the issues and problems


Well-Known Member
If only we knew it would be bad to source life saving equipment from offshore ....... well I’m sure the price was right :(.
It's a wake-up call. Trump, I believe is a one term wonder, still he's highlighted how little can be done when a country puts in place a leader who doesn't recognize laws, treaties, agreements, common sense or long term interests. So, here it is. Countries have to look at supply chains and ensure that interruption of supplies won't harm their nation.

Food, medicine, weapons, aircraft. Will every nation need to build up capability to survive another Trump?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
At least it seems to be a legitimate effort, these things look like they will work and are a proven design from a reputable manufacturer. Too bad they never thought of it a couple of months ago, America ain't alone in having issues with this shit! We have a minority government however and the inquiry into our preparedness is gonna be fun. I'm a liberal, but I'm also a citizen first and inquiring minds will want to know, the only problem is the tories would have done worse.
The NDP would have been our saviours ;).

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
It's a wake-up call. Trump, I believe is a one term wonder, still he's highlighted how little can be done when a country puts in place a leader who doesn't recognize laws, treaties, agreements, common sense or long term interests. So, here it is. Countries have to look at supply chains and ensure that interruption of supplies won't harm their nation.

Food, medicine, weapons, aircraft. Will every nation need to build up capability to survive another Trump?
Yes but this has been repeated throughout history and we didn’t learn then and I doubt we’ll learn now.......... but here’s hoping!


Well-Known Member
Here's the numbers from Nova Scotia today, there are probably really 5000 cases in the province since only around 6% are reported according to a recent study. Our rate of increase is only topped by Ontario at 11.63% , no wonder the premier was freaking out at people on TV the other day.
Nova Scotia342↑ 32 (10.32%)


Well-Known Member
New Canada-wide clinical trial aims to help find coronavirus cure

A clinical trial to determine if the plasma from a COVID-19 survivor’s blood can help heal other patients is about to get underway in Canada. Cynthia Mulligan speaks to a man who is taking part in the massive medical undertaking.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many they will have to bleed before it's safe to go out? There should be lots recovered to choose from, they must have an antibody test since they are looking to harvest some. This might work in Canada for some, but it might be hard to scale up, though blood donors programs work and I suppose they could use their infrastructure for this effort. I'm not sure how they do blood donations now, this will be a major issue for them, the last thing they want to do is infect a critically ill patient with covid19. Maybe their resources for collection and plasma making can be utilized for awhile since they are pretty much out of business for now and must be having a Helluva time trying to operate.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many they will have to bleed before it's safe to go out? There should be lots recovered to choose from, they must have an antibody test since they are looking to harvest some. This might work in Canada for some, but it might be hard to scale up, though blood donors programs work and I suppose they could use their infrastructure for this effort. I'm not sure how they do blood donations now, this will be a major issue for them, the last thing they want to do is infect a critically ill patient with covid19. Maybe their resources for collection and plasma making can be utilized for awhile since they are pretty much out of business for now and must be having a Helluva time trying to operate.
Take a sit science fan


Well-Known Member
Take a sit science fan
I'm gonna try a sit, a hot bath and a cold shower tomorrow, health through suffering and practice what ya preach. I might regret my curiosity about this subject! There are ways to do it while minimizing the risk of having the big one, though I expect to scream a lot.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna try a sit, a hot bath and a cold shower tomorrow, health through suffering and practice what ya preach. I might regret my curiosity about this subject! There are ways to do it while minimizing the risk of having the big one, though I expect to scream a lot.
How much cash are you prepared to donate to a covid related charity ? After all boomers were greedy wfs


Well-Known Member
How much cash are you prepared to donate to a covid related charity ? After all boomers were greedy wfs
How much are you gonna give? I live modestly, run a small compassion club and I give almost everything away to those in need. I smoke it in fits and starts and recently quit to try and survive the ordeal. I also help out poor folks in my community and give lots of drives to the grocery store for people too. Those activities are now halted and I can't even deliver to a couple of guys in the nursing home. I shut my local meditation group down a few weeks ago when I saw this coming.

In fact, I have 5 plants to harvest starting tomorrow and I'll have to do a couple myself, since me and my grow partner are personal distancing, he usually does most of the work on the garden these days and is pretty well trained. I hate harvesting!


Well-Known Member
Take a sit is a reference to meditation, as in go meditate, it is not a criticism of Carl Sagan.
True, I didn't understand the take a sit reference. What I was referring to is how science was popularized over the past decades and now people with zero understanding (Trump, for instance) feel empowered to tell people with knowledge in a scientific discipline what they think. Maybe we shouldn't have done that.


Well-Known Member
True, I didn't understand the take a sit reference. What I was referring to is how science was popularized over the past decades and now people with zero understanding (Trump, for instance) feel empowered to tell people with knowledge in a scientific discipline what they think. Maybe we shouldn't have done that.
I think popular culture’s unique representation of science rather than Trump’s psychopathy/narcissism/machiavellianism is the explanation for Trumps efforts at establishing himself as a virologist in absentia but I could be duped. Don’t take the blame for electing a narc/psych/Mac the first time but if it happens again we are all fkkd
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Well-Known Member
Do you think popular culture’s unique representation of science rather than Trump’s psychopathy/narcissism/machiavellianism is the explanation for Trumps ascendency to date?
Racism is responsible for Trump's ascendency and nothing else, the fear of loss of social statues as other peoples arise in American society. The answer is real simple.


Well-Known Member
try googling 'raw water daily show' lol it is, and seriously it is pretty hilarious.
People have been dying drinking "raw water", I understand that the quality of many municipal water supplies sucks, but this is a nutty idea. Parasites and any number of waterborne pathogens, they should consider RO or distilled water:)
Jesus even rainwater in some places is full of pollution! I'll look for the daily show video, but stupid ideas are in no shortage. Hot cold therapy might sound loopy too and I thought it was myself until confronted with credible evidence. There's a proper study being done on it now in Washington state and they are recruiting covid19 people for the trial. In this case nothing is involved except a real hot bath followed by a cold shower, though there are methods to do it safely and reduce the shock to the system. I'm gonna scream tomorrow pushing the frontiers of science forward through suffering.:o