Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

They did a youtube search on you know what, as soon as it left donald's lips and guess who pops up on the first page of the results of the Youtube search, medcram, because they were one of the very few who have been quietly discussing it for awhile. This site provides unique access to the medical world for lay people, but it's the presidential advisers, that's where the beans were spilled to Donald, someone made the mistake of mentioning it to him. I just hope the same thing doesn't happen with Ivermectin. He didn't start the treating of patients with malaria medication, it was a trend in the medical community and still is.

Watch it if ya want foggy, it's nerd entertainment to me and might be of interest to some, I'm not surprised that he's being referenced by the right wing loonies, though through no fault of his own. I can detect no bias, only a discussion among professionals, many doctors go to this site too and you would hear howls if he was unprofessional or political in anyway. I suspect he's a democrat, most scientists and doctors are these days.

If you do discover he's hooked up with the trump crowd I'd like to know.
Just saying, you don't know anything on this subject except what you see and hear over the internet, so be careful where you get that information. Same as me. I have no idea why anybody would want to hear what an assistant professor in charge of student professional assistants has to say on this subject when there are vetted and archived sources of information available elsewhere. Also, youtube videos are a terrible place to get such information.

Compound all the mundane issues with those videos is the naked fact that it's become a chosen favorite for right wing citations on covid . Where DO they get their money?

I smell a rat. I get that you can't. So, carry on.
Just saying, you don't know anything on this subject except what you see and hear over the internet, so be careful where you get that information. Same as me. I have no idea why anybody would want to hear what an assistant professor in charge of student professional assistants has to say on this subject when there are vetted and archived sources of information available elsewhere. Also, youtube videos are a terrible place to get such information.

Compound all the mundane issues with those videos is the naked fact that it's become a chosen favorite for right wing citations on covid . Where DO they get their money?

I smell a rat. I get that you can't. So, carry on.
As near as I can tell he and a few fellow physicians have an online medical school where they teach and upgrade skills, they offer credits and certifications etc to medical professionals. Since the covid19 the pluminologist has been giving updates of a more general nature that appear to be aimed at the medical and the lay community. He does provide references to the papers and news articles he cites, but this covers a lot of empirical medical stuff as well as proper research. That's what's happening in the medical world right now, desperate measures based on limited data, much of it empirical and some even anecdotal, hence the confusion and controversy. It might not end with the first proper study either, several will have to be done. You know how crazy ideas can spread though, like the anti vaccers who cling to one fraudulent study, in spite of the many subsequent studies that countered it, and the scientist who conducted the study was a confessed fraud too, yet they refuse to believe...
Just saying, you don't know anything on this subject except what you see and hear over the internet, so be careful where you get that information. Same as me. I have no idea why anybody would want to hear what an assistant professor in charge of student professional assistants has to say on this subject when there are vetted and archived sources of information available elsewhere. Also, youtube videos are a terrible place to get such information.

Compound all the mundane issues with those videos is the naked fact that it's become a chosen favorite for right wing citations on covid . Where DO they get their money?

I smell a rat. I get that you can't. So, carry on.
I think of it more as, Trump/whoever has a particular outcome that they want pushed. Be it that they have a bunch of stock in a drug, or any other reason.

Then they research around the internet to find people who are talking about the subject, like this doctor was. Then they use their army of trolls/fake news (OANN) websites, blogs, and POTUS himself to amplify the shit out of it giving it instant 'credibility'. The story that they want pushed gets pushed organically at that point with some nudging here and there.

Shit at that point, those same trolls can start to feed that doctor by posting on his blog, emailing him 'data', commenting as his followers, and without ever actually coordinating with him by feeding his ego, he all of a sudden becomes a internet star and begins to believe his importance/knowledge and you get into a feed back loop.

That is when 'possible' 'potential' language starts to flow like 'feel' and 'seem'.

You said - "You know how crazy ideas can spread though, like the anti vaccers who cling to one fraudulent study, in spite of the many subsequent studies that countered it, and the scientist who conducted the study was a confessed fraud too, yet they refuse to believe..."

Concerning the efficacy of flu shots. I'm not convinced a flu shot is a silver bullet against the flu. Found this online. I added the bold in the interpretation section at the bottom.

Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Osterholm MT1, Kelley NS, Sommer A, Belongia EA.
Author information

Erratum in

  • Lancet Infect Dis. 2012 Sep;12(9):655.
No published meta-analyses have assessed efficacy and effectiveness of licensed influenza vaccines in the USA with sensitive and highly specific diagnostic tests to confirm influenza.
We searched Medline for randomised controlled trials assessing a relative reduction in influenza risk of all circulating influenza viruses during individual seasons after vaccination (efficacy) and observational studies meeting inclusion criteria (effectiveness). Eligible articles were published between Jan 1, 1967, and Feb 15, 2011, and used RT-PCR or culture for confirmation of influenza. We excluded some studies on the basis of study design and vaccine characteristics. We estimated random-effects pooled efficacy for trivalent inactivated vaccine (TIV) and live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) when data were available for statistical analysis (eg, at least three studies that assessed comparable age groups).
We screened 5707 articles and identified 31 eligible studies (17 randomised controlled trials and 14 observational studies). Efficacy of TIV was shown in eight (67%) of the 12 seasons analysed in ten randomised controlled trials (pooled efficacy 59% [95% CI 51-67] in adults aged 18-65 years). No such trials met inclusion criteria for children aged 2-17 years or adults aged 65 years or older. Efficacy of LAIV was shown in nine (75%) of the 12 seasons analysed in ten randomised controlled trials (pooled efficacy 83% [69-91]) in children aged 6 months to 7 years. No such trials met inclusion criteria for children aged 8-17 years. Vaccine effectiveness was variable for seasonal influenza: six (35%) of 17 analyses in nine studies showed significant protection against medically attended influenza in the outpatient or inpatient setting. Median monovalent pandemic H1N1 vaccine effectiveness in five observational studies was 69% (range 60-93).
Influenza vaccines can provide moderate protection against virologically confirmed influenza, but such protection is greatly reduced or absent in some seasons. Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking. LAIVs consistently show highest efficacy in young children (aged 6 months to 7 years). New vaccines with improved clinical efficacy and effectiveness are needed to further reduce influenza-related morbidity and mortality.

Alfred P Sloan Foundation.
Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Comment in
PMID: 22032844 DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(11)70295-X
[Indexed for MEDLINE]
I think of it more as, Trump/whoever has a particular outcome that they want pushed. Be it that they have a bunch of stock in a drug, or any other reason.

Then they research around the internet to find people who are talking about the subject, like this doctor was. Then they use their army of trolls/fake news (OANN) websites, blogs, and POTUS himself to amplify the shit out of it giving it instant 'credibility'. The story that they want pushed gets pushed organically at that point with some nudging here and there.

Shit at that point, those same trolls can start to feed that doctor by posting on his blog, emailing him 'data', commenting as his followers, and without ever actually coordinating with him by feeding his ego, he all of a sudden becomes a internet star and begins to believe his importance/knowledge and you get into a feed back loop.

That is when 'possible' 'potential' language starts to flow like 'feel' and 'seem'.
He does use the comment section and people make suggestions (on the YouTube channel), but most Trumpers aren't up on that shit. It's still science and has to pass the test of evidence, this is an area that is difficult to spin, but they try. Remember lot's of doctors go to this site too and they would spot any bullshit immediately.

These guys have been around since 2017, here is their website They are running a medical education business and the pluminologist (the logical choice) started doing public updates on covid19, I imagine this boosted their business and profile in the medical community considerably. I think it was a great business marketing idea doing those public updates, this is their business after all.

Learn why physicians, nurses, medical students, NPs, PAs, RTs, RNs, medics, and universities trust MedCram for clarity and efficiency

You said - "You know how crazy ideas can spread though, like the anti vaccers who cling to one fraudulent study, in spite of the many subsequent studies that countered it, and the scientist who conducted the study was a confessed fraud too, yet they refuse to believe..."

Concerning the efficacy of flu shots. I'm not convinced a flu shot is a silver bullet against the flu. Found this online. I added the bold in the interpretation section at the bottom.

Efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Osterholm MT1, Kelley NS, Sommer A, Belongia EA.
Author information

Erratum in

  • Lancet Infect Dis. 2012 Sep;12(9):655.
No published meta-analyses have assessed efficacy and effectiveness of licensed influenza vaccines in the USA with sensitive and highly specific diagnostic tests to confirm influenza.
We searched Medline for randomised controlled trials assessing a relative reduction in influenza risk of all circulating influenza viruses during individual seasons after vaccination (efficacy) and observational studies meeting inclusion criteria (effectiveness). Eligible articles were published between Jan 1, 1967, and Feb 15, 2011, and used RT-PCR or culture for confirmation of influenza. We excluded some studies on the basis of study design and vaccine characteristics. We estimated random-effects pooled efficacy for trivalent inactivated vaccine (TIV) and live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) when data were available for statistical analysis (eg, at least three studies that assessed comparable age groups).
We screened 5707 articles and identified 31 eligible studies (17 randomised controlled trials and 14 observational studies). Efficacy of TIV was shown in eight (67%) of the 12 seasons analysed in ten randomised controlled trials (pooled efficacy 59% [95% CI 51-67] in adults aged 18-65 years). No such trials met inclusion criteria for children aged 2-17 years or adults aged 65 years or older. Efficacy of LAIV was shown in nine (75%) of the 12 seasons analysed in ten randomised controlled trials (pooled efficacy 83% [69-91]) in children aged 6 months to 7 years. No such trials met inclusion criteria for children aged 8-17 years. Vaccine effectiveness was variable for seasonal influenza: six (35%) of 17 analyses in nine studies showed significant protection against medically attended influenza in the outpatient or inpatient setting. Median monovalent pandemic H1N1 vaccine effectiveness in five observational studies was 69% (range 60-93).
Influenza vaccines can provide moderate protection against virologically confirmed influenza, but such protection is greatly reduced or absent in some seasons. Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking. LAIVs consistently show highest efficacy in young children (aged 6 months to 7 years). New vaccines with improved clinical efficacy and effectiveness are needed to further reduce influenza-related morbidity and mortality.

Alfred P Sloan Foundation.
Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Comment in
PMID: 22032844 DOI: 10.1016/S1473-3099(11)70295-X
[Indexed for MEDLINE]
This ain't news Rob, vaccines are well known to be less effective in the elderly, vaccines depend on a functioning immune system to work and as we age the immune system like everything else goes for a shit. This is not a valid argument against vaccination even for older people, if it's only 30% effective, it still increases your odds of survival by that much. It's the damaged immune system that's the issue, not the efficacy of the vaccine in most cases. Also vaccines are not 100% effective for many illnesses, they work better for some than others and the sarscov2 virus will be a difficult one to make, or so say all the experts. The advantage of vaccines for people with compromised immune systems is herd immunity in the general population. They already have a half dozen vaccine candidates, we just need to see if they actually work and are safe.
This ain't news Rob, vaccines are well known to be less effective in the elderly, vaccines depend on a functioning immune system to work and as we age the immune system like everything else goes for a shit. This is not a valid argument against vaccination even for older people, if it's only 30% effective, it still increases your odds of survival by that much. It's the damaged immune system that's the issue, not the efficacy of the vaccine in most cases. Also vaccines are not 100% effective for many illnesses, they work better for some than others and the sarscov2 virus will be a difficult one to make, or so say all the experts. The advantage of vaccines for people with compromised immune systems is herd immunity in the general population. They already have a half dozen vaccine candidates, we just need to see if they actually work and are safe.

Just curious...

If 100% of a population is mandated to take a given vaccine, would you agree that 100% of people have had their individual rights to make that choice themselves violated ?

Would you be okay with violating 100% of peoples rights to chose based on a claimed efficacy of a given vaccine that falls below 100% ? (which can never truly be measured, since there are other factors involved)
He does use the comment section and people make suggestions (on the YouTube channel), but most Trumpers aren't up on that shit. It's still science and has to pass the test of evidence, this is an area that is difficult to spin, but they try. Remember lot's of doctors go to this site too and they would spot any bullshit immediately.

These guys have been around since 2017, here is their website They are running a medical education business and the pluminologist (the logical choice) started doing public updates on covid19, I imagine this boosted their business and profile in the medical community considerably. I think it was a great business marketing idea doing those public updates, this is their business after all.

Learn why physicians, nurses, medical students, NPs, PAs, RTs, RNs, medics, and universities trust MedCram for clarity and efficiency
'Most' aren't. And they do try. And some doctors are Trumper's pushing this shit for Dear Leader remember. And I meant more linking it around in the comment sections of other sites as a way to get it amplified. And don't kid yourself, people are highly programmable, and you don't know what he is reading in emails, Facebook shit, websites he visits, etc.

Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 5.37.48 PM.png

Im not saying it is junk science, but you have these things in every field of study, like economics:

Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 8.23.00 AM.png

Propaganda has been revolutionized by the internet.
Just curious...

If 100% of a population is mandated to take a given vaccine, would you agree that 100% of people have had their individual rights to make that choice themselves violated ?

Would you be okay with violating 100% of peoples rights to chose based on a claimed efficacy of a given vaccine that falls below 100% ? (which can never truly be measured, since there are other factors involved)
Rob, don't spam my thread, I don't want to talk to you and the only reason I responded was to counter a false narrative on my public health thread. Please don't respond or post to this thread again.
'Most' aren't. And they do try. And some doctors are Trumper's pushing this shit for Dear Leader remember. And I meant more linking it around in the comment sections of other sites as a way to get it amplified. And don't kid yourself, people are highly programmable, and you don't know what he is reading in emails, Facebook shit, websites he visits, etc.

View attachment 4528097

Im not saying it is junk science, but you have these things in every field of study, like economics:

View attachment 4528101

Propaganda has been revolutionized by the internet.
We can't allow that to censor our civil discourse, this is science and medicine, the Trumpers abused it like anything else they touch and the Russian trolls exploit anything they can find. Caution is required, but mere suspicions and false accusations (or inferences) are just as harmful and one of the desired outcomes of the Russian trolls, they also seek to delegitimize honest information and sow distrust. To make us afraid to speak our minds and confuse us is always one of the goals. This appears to be working in regard to this particular website and youtube channel, there is guilt by association and a hindering of the free exchange of ideas and information. A lot of Trumpers latched on to this youtube channel when Trump mentioned you know what and I'm sure it's getting lots of unwelcome attention. I'm also sure they are hearing about it from many sources including professional ones.

Not many troll sites offer medical certifications...

The solutions to this problem of disinformation will be found after the US election and not before, no amount of disinformation, bullshit or spin can save Donald's ass now and it's becoming more apparent with every news conference he has.
Federal Government's Support Ends For Coronavirus Testing: Report | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The federal government will end funding for coronavirus testing sites this Friday, according to new reporting. Aired on 4/9/2020.
This was the story that sparked my interest in medical cannabis, poor kid another victim of covid19, RIP. Back to the garden, but I'll be thinking of her while I harvest a CBD plant, another version of Charlotte's web.
Charlotte Figi, the girl who inspired a CBD movement, has died at age 13

Charlotte Figi, a child with a catastrophic type of epilepsy who went on to inspire a CBD movement, has passed away at age 13. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta reflects on her life.
Thanks for the video.
For more information visit

"To ensure that a minimum standard of N95-like functionality is preserved, it is desirable to find a source of filter material that is commonly available which has been performance rated using commonly accepted standards. A reliable material that satisfies both criteria is the polyester substrate in household heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) filters, which can be bought at many hardware and home-supply stores. In the United States, these filters are typically rated on the MERV scale, which is based on ASHRAE Standard 52.2. For more information of MERV ratings, a reliable overview can be found at under “Publications” → “Understanding MERV”. While MERV ratings will be used for this document, the same rationale can be applied to alternative HVAC filter rating systems including ISO Standard 16890 so long as performance has been reliably clarified."
He does use the comment section and people make suggestions (on the YouTube channel), but most Trumpers aren't up on that shit. It's still science and has to pass the test of evidence, this is an area that is difficult to spin, but they try. Remember lot's of doctors go to this site too and they would spot any bullshit immediately.

These guys have been around since 2017, here is their website They are running a medical education business and the pluminologist (the logical choice) started doing public updates on covid19, I imagine this boosted their business and profile in the medical community considerably. I think it was a great business marketing idea doing those public updates, this is their business after all.

Learn why physicians, nurses, medical students, NPs, PAs, RTs, RNs, medics, and universities trust MedCram for clarity and efficiency

Claims that hydroxychloroquine is effective in treating patients with Covid-19 symptoms "has passed the test of evidence" are false. You've been citing Medcrap and posting sciency videos about using hydroxyquinone to either ward off or treat patients suffering from covid19 infection. I really don't know what else to say other than to call bullshit on you.

Right wing propaganda sites are linking to medcram to give their false claims and smoke screen for Trump a sense of authority. It's a propaganda push by Trump and his Republican party leaders.

As near as I can tell he and a few fellow physicians have an online medical school where they teach and upgrade skills, they offer credits and certifications etc to medical professionals. Since the covid19 the pluminologist has been giving updates of a more general nature that appear to be aimed at the medical and the lay community. He does provide references to the papers and news articles he cites, but this covers a lot of empirical medical stuff as well as proper research. That's what's happening in the medical world right now, desperate measures based on limited data, much of it empirical and some even anecdotal, hence the confusion and controversy. It might not end with the first proper study either, several will have to be done. You know how crazy ideas can spread though, like the anti vaccers who cling to one fraudulent study, in spite of the many subsequent studies that countered it, and the scientist who conducted the study was a confessed fraud too, yet they refuse to believe...

As you say, "covers a lot of empirical medical stuff", "and some even anecdotal". In other words, some of the stuff in this site is not good science. I don't understand why anybody would want information from a site like this. There are better sources of information that don't do that.

On the other hand, I can see why right wing propaganda wouldn't care and would prefer to have a quasi-professional-looking medical site to link to. As they say in the commercial "doctors say" when they want to convince people to buy their stuff.
Just curious...

If 100% of a population is mandated to take a given vaccine, would you agree that 100% of people have had their individual rights to make that choice themselves violated ?

Would you be okay with violating 100% of peoples rights to chose based on a claimed efficacy of a given vaccine that falls below 100% ? (which can never truly be measured, since there are other factors involved)
do you stop at STOP signs Roy?.......why?
I don't care for this study, I wanna see the blood work concerning immune response, sick days are not a good measure IMHO. I had a nice hot bath of 41C and eased my way into a cold shower, I hardly screamed at all... Shower next time alternating hot and cold.

From the article:
"A person should not use cold showers as a replacement for other prescribed medical therapies, especially those that doctors prescribe to treat depression.

However, people can try cold water therapy to enhance the effects of other treatment methods.

Some people should exercise caution when taking cold showers. This includes people with weaker immune systems and those with serious heart conditions, such as congestive heart failure. This is because the sudden changes to body temperature and heart rate may overwhelm the body."


Are there any health benefits to a cold shower?
Many people prefer warm showers to cold showers. However, some studies have shown that using cold water may be beneficial to physical and mental health.
This article covers some of the scientific evidence supporting the benefits of cold showers for a variety of physical and mental benefits.
We also provide some tips for getting started with cold showers, and we discuss some of the things to be aware of when making the switch.
The following are some of the potential benefits of taking cold showers.

Here is what this article is based on.
I had a trumptard patient today. I asked if he had a cough. He said yes and I told him you need to wear - mask . “ I don’t like wearing no mask” He told me he got tested for the Covid 19 last week when he went in to the ER because of a cough and lack of oxygen. He told me he was negative . He told me he was a big Trump supporter trump doing a great job...and began an very elaborate story about how the Covid Virus was created back in 2008 and that a video on YouTube Proves it and started playing it on his phone for me. It had Some geek with a bow tie doing a bang up job trying to look professional, smart and convincing. It reminded me of this
Hey., but OKlaHoMa is has done DONE good only 1 more dead since yestaday and my hospital has ZERO positives in-house today.
I was gonna work out on the exercise bike before the hot cold stress of a shower and tomorrows experiment will include a bit of HITT on the bike then a shower.
Immune changes in humans during cold exposure: effects of prior heating and exercise

Conclusions This study suggests that, despite popular beliefs that cold exposure can precipitate a viral infection, the innate component of the immune system is not adversely affected by a brief period of cold exposure. Indeed, the opposite seems the case. The fall in core body temperature resulting from cold exposure led to a consistent and statistically significant mobilization of circulating cells, an increase in NK cell activity, and elevations in circulating IL-6 concentrations. Moreover, in agreement with one of our hypotheses, prior exercise with a thermal clamp significantly augmented the leukocyte, granulocyte, and monocyte response to cold exposure. Prior passive heating and exercise without a thermal clamp also tended to augment the effect of cold exposure alone, but, because of the small sample size and intersubject variability, these changes were not statistically significant.