Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

Was not:


I've asked you to stop spreading misinformation but you are unable to do so.
carry on.
Expert opinion and speculation, it's a starting point though for marshalling arguments and evidence. It's a good topic for discussion on a pot forum, you are free to disagree as are others, I'm looking into it further and if I find anything I figure is relevant ( from a credible source) I'll post it and we can chew on it for a spell. There obviously is not much legitimate research because of the prohibition of pot and the stifling of research that is ongoing in the USA.

In Canada however such research would be useful to protect cannabis users from possible adverse health effects of cannabis use (even edibles), in regards to viral infections, immune response and possible medical complications. There is mounting evidence that smokers are at risk of severe complications and higher mortality rates than non smokers. Smoking pot causes respiratory inflammation and congestion, I know this from my own personal experience and that of others, I don't need a double blind study to know that, but it would be nice to have one.
They are just Trumpers, until you look them in the eyes and find it impossible to hate when you know they will probably be dead in a week. He was a victim of fox news and a host of assholes who filled his poor old head with nonsense for their own selfish purposes. Suffering ain't hard to find, its all around us if we have eyes to see it, hospitals concentrate it. I hope the old guy makes it, let me know if ya can, I figure he's just a victim of the American civil war. Ignorance kills not just those who are ignorant, but others too.

I'm glad your hospital is not being hit too hard yet, but I suspect the day might be coming. Take care Amber and stay well.
Should have left the room and drove in the robot .... told him to look at the light for 5 min.
Expert opinion and speculation, it's a starting point though for marshalling arguments and evidence. It's a good topic for discussion on a pot forum, you are free to disagree as are others, I'm looking into it further and if I find anything I figure is relevant ( from a credible source) I'll post it and we can chew on it for a spell. There obviously is not much legitimate research because of the prohibition of pot and the stifling of research that is ongoing in the USA.

In Canada however such research would be useful to protect cannabis users from possible adverse health effects of cannabis use (even edibles), in regards to viral infections, immune response and possible medical complications. There is mounting evidence that smokers are at risk of severe complications and higher mortality rates than non smokers. Smoking pot causes respiratory inflammation and congestion, I know this from my own personal experience and that of others, I don't need a double blind study to know that, but it would be nice to have one.
I actually am pretty confident smoking anything when facing a severe pulmonary infection is not great ...... actually probably not too healthy anytime but I’m speculating
Expert opinion and speculation, it's a starting point though for marshalling arguments and evidence. It's a good topic for discussion on a pot forum, you are free to disagree as are others, I'm looking into it further and if I find anything I figure is relevant ( from a credible source) I'll post it and we can chew on it for a spell. There obviously is not much legitimate research because of the prohibition of pot and the stifling of research that is ongoing in the USA.

In Canada however such research would be useful to protect cannabis users from possible adverse health effects of cannabis use (even edibles), in regards to viral infections, immune response and possible medical complications. There is mounting evidence that smokers are at risk of severe complications and higher mortality rates than non smokers. Smoking pot causes respiratory inflammation and congestion, I know this from my own personal experience and that of others, I don't need a double blind study to know that, but it would be nice to have one.
You often confuse opinion and extrapolation with observation and facts.

The former are what could be. The latter are what is.

So, what IS information?

Definition of information

1a(1): knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction
b: the attribute inherent in and communicated by one of two or more alternative sequences or arrangements of something (such as nucleotides in DNA or binary digits in a computer program) that produce specific effects
c(1): a signal or character (as in a communication system or computer) representing data
(2): something (such as a message, experimental data, or a picture) which justifies change in a construct (such as a plan or theory) that represents physical or mental experience or another construct
d: a quantitative measure of the content of information specifically : a numerical quantity that measures the uncertainty in the outcome of an experiment to be performed
2: the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence
3: the act of informing against a person
4: a formal accusation of a crime made by a prosecuting officer as distinguished from an indictment presented by a grand jury

Knowledge, intelligence, news, facts, data.

The article you posted contained believable opinions but contained no factual observation. It was not information. It was objectionable because it promoted an unjustified conclusion that the act of smoking marijuana made a person susceptible to coronavirus based upon buzz words that sounded ominous. "Causes inflammation", "very similar to bronchitis", for example. All of which conflicts with other known beneficial properties of weed.

The contributors gave their opinions but there was zero factual information in that article.

So, how about some facts? Sorry, but I haven't the time or inclination to verify this. I found these bits that sound like facts to me:

Cannabis for Bronchodilation
According to Symonds, cannabis can act as a bronchodilator—a medication that opens the airways of the lungs by relaxing bronchial muscles. That's not a suggestion to smoke a fat blunt if you're already fighting bronchial irritation. But if you're clogged up with phlegm, using a tabletop vaporizer to smoothly inhale flower with a high concentration of alpha-pinene—a known bronchodilator—could support easier breathing.

Cannabis as an Antibacterial
There has been research into the antibacterial activity of all five major cannabinoids, but a February study led by McMaster University professor Eric Brown found that cannabigerol is particularly effective in treating antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. "CBG proved to be marvelous at tackling pathogenic bacteria," Brown says. "The findings suggest a real therapeutic potential for cannabinoids as antibiotics."

CBD for Immune System Support
Tons more research is required to accurately map the relationship between the immune and endocannabinoid systems, but it's well established that CBD helps reduce self-harming autoimmune and inflammatory responses. "CBD has been found to act as an immune system modulator," says Anna Symonds, director of East Fork Cultivars' CBD Certified program. "This means that it's like a thermostat—it can turn the level of activity down or up, depending on the body's needs."

ncbi article on brochodilation

They concluded thc is a bronchodilator

ACS article on antibacterial properties

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) has long been known to contain antibacterial cannabinoids, whose potential to address antibiotic resistance has not yet been investigated.

Simply vomiting out links from the internet is not informing or useful. You are linking to right wing propaganda making false claims about miracle drugs for coronaviurs and now right wing propaganda containing probably false claims about how mj makes people more susceptible to the disease. You are demonstrating a bias in choosing articles showing you are influenced by Trump and his right wing propaganda. So I ask you to stop showing your ignorance on these topics. Also stop posting propaganda from Trump and his cronies.
Last edited:
The feds can stop you from flying, but that's about it, public health is a state decision and buying food a local one. A national emergency can be declared however and extraordinary powers invested in the federal government. This will happen with a democratic win in November and is the only way out, so far.
Well, you see the feds can over rule anything the state has in place.
Why could they not restrict employment or other things?
They have the power to do that today.
Medical martial law.
In the name of public health you loose all your rights.
Check it out......
Thank you for the discussion!
Simply vomiting out links from the internet is not informing or useful. You are linking to right wing propaganda making false claims about miracle drugs for coronaviurs and now right wing propaganda containing probably false claims about how mj makes people more susceptible to the disease. You are demonstrating a bias in choosing articles showing you are influenced by Trump and his right wing propaganda. So I ask you to stop showing your ignorance on these topics. Also stop posting propaganda from Trump and his cronies.
Prove it, it's a baseless accusation, are you referring medcram as a right wing site? I thought we settled that. Spouting baseless accusations against me is not part of that discussion. The guy from medcram looks just like all those other American heroes everybody is praising in his PPE, he acts like one too, Trump slags American heros too. That's what I think about that.

The contributors gave their opinions but there was zero factual information in that article.

So, how about some facts? Sorry, but I haven't the time or inclination to verify this. I found these bits that sound like facts to me
This was considered expert opinion and was posted to stimulate conversation about the topic at hand. The fact is much scientific research into cannabis has been and is being stifled. You seem all bent out of shape about an article from cnn on my public health thread concerning the potential health effects of cannabis and COVID-19 on a pot site. You feel that it is unworthy of your attention and cite and selected a few articles to counter the narrative presented in the article. I was thinking of creating a thread on it, but there is to much emotion invested in the issue on this site for any kind of rational debate.

They didn't provide information in the article because there is none to very little solid scientific information. There are the observations and the opinions of health experts like pulmonologist and such, the wise respect experience. People get into trouble by claiming things that science just does not know and these people are wise enough to know that.

I'll look through some of the studies, most are probably small sample sized correlation studies, but I'll have a look see.
Please elaborate, the dialog would suggest we do.
Nope, we do not agree. Not from your earlier question.
Those who force other humans to do things they don't want to do are called fascists.
Google the description.
Does what you suggest fit that mold?

I replied back that rather than forcing people to be vaccinated, fascists would capitalize on the situation and let it rise to a crisis, which is exactly what the Republican fascists in charge of this government did.

So, no, we do not agree. Mandating vaccinations is not by definition fascist government.

Fuck antivaxxers, many of whom happen to be fascists. They are a pox on humanity.
Last edited:
Well, you see the feds can over rule anything the state has in place.
Why could they not restrict employment or other things?
They have the power to do that today.
Medical martial law.
In the name of public health you loose all your rights.
Check it out......
Thank you for the discussion!
If the congress gives them the power and the courts approve, roll up your sleeve. No vaccination no gun, make ownership a requirement, you'll get all the hard cases that way.
Prove it, it's a baseless accusation, are you referring medcram as a right wing site? I thought we settled that. Spouting baseless accusations against me is not part of that discussion. The guy from medcram looks just like all those other American heroes everybody is praising in his PPE, he acts like one too, Trump slags American heros too. That's what I think about that.

This was considered expert opinion and was posted to stimulate conversation about the topic at hand. The fact is much scientific research into cannabis has been and is being stifled. You seem all bent out of shape about an article from cnn on my public health thread concerning the potential health effects of cannabis and COVID-19 on a pot site. You feel that it is unworthy of your attention and cite and selected a few articles to counter the narrative presented in the article. I was thinking of creating a thread on it, but there is to much emotion invested in the issue on this site for any kind of rational debate.

They didn't provide information in the article because there is none to very little solid scientific information. There are the observations and the opinions of health experts like pulmonologist and such, the wise respect experience. People get into trouble by claiming things that science just does not know and these people are wise enough to know that.

I'll look through some of the studies, most are probably small sample sized correlation studies, but I'll have a look see.
Prove it, it's a baseless accusation,

I proved it in my post (linked below). That article was useless opinion and most definitely contained all the false bullshit that the right has thrown at MJ ever since Nancy's "this is your brain on drugs" ads in the 1980's. You posted yet another one of their meaningless propaganda attacks on MJ that was repackaged to appeal to today's crowd with it's need for information on how to avoid covid-19. It was not information and that was not an opinion from an expert. It was an opinion from a zealot. I showed countervailing facts that easily refuted the "expert's" zealot's opinion about how "inflammation" due to smoking MJ is linked to contracting coronavirus WITHOUT ANY FACTS to back up the claim. That same expert zealot probably knew about those facts but powered right through them and you were the chump who passed it on to us as "information".

I don't think you are intentionally promoting propaganda. I think you have fallen prey to it. That medcram sciency bullshit and that one with a zealot's view on MJ making people more susceptible to the virus are just examples. I again ask you to stop posting stuff about health because you have no clue. You study meditation and self awareness, other more spiritual aspects of humanity. That's what you spend time on. So, post what you know about, leave medical science alone. Do what you are good at.

You often confuse opinion and extrapolation with observation and facts.

The former are what could be. The latter are what is.

So, what IS information?

Definition of information

1a(1): knowledge obtained from investigation, study, or instruction
b: the attribute inherent in and communicated by one of two or more alternative sequences or arrangements of something (such as nucleotides in DNA or binary digits in a computer program) that produce specific effects
c(1): a signal or character (as in a communication system or computer) representing data
(2): something (such as a message, experimental data, or a picture) which justifies change in a construct (such as a plan or theory) that represents physical or mental experience or another construct
d: a quantitative measure of the content of information specifically : a numerical quantity that measures the uncertainty in the outcome of an experiment to be performed
2: the communication or reception of knowledge or intelligence
3: the act of informing against a person
4: a formal accusation of a crime made by a prosecuting officer as distinguished from an indictment presented by a grand jury

Knowledge, intelligence, news, facts, data.

The article you posted contained believable opinions but contained no factual observation. It was not information. It was objectionable because it promoted an unjustified conclusion that the act of smoking marijuana made a person susceptible to coronavirus based upon buzz words that sounded ominous. "Causes inflammation", "very similar to bronchitis", for example. All of which conflicts with other known beneficial properties of weed.

The contributors gave their opinions but there was zero factual information in that article.

So, how about some facts? Sorry, but I haven't the time or inclination to verify this. I found these bits that sound like facts to me:

Cannabis for Bronchodilation
According to Symonds, cannabis can act as a bronchodilator—a medication that opens the airways of the lungs by relaxing bronchial muscles. That's not a suggestion to smoke a fat blunt if you're already fighting bronchial irritation. But if you're clogged up with phlegm, using a tabletop vaporizer to smoothly inhale flower with a high concentration of alpha-pinene—a known bronchodilator—could support easier breathing.

Cannabis as an Antibacterial
There has been research into the antibacterial activity of all five major cannabinoids, but a February study led by McMaster University professor Eric Brown found that cannabigerol is particularly effective in treating antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA. "CBG proved to be marvelous at tackling pathogenic bacteria," Brown says. "The findings suggest a real therapeutic potential for cannabinoids as antibiotics."

CBD for Immune System Support
Tons more research is required to accurately map the relationship between the immune and endocannabinoid systems, but it's well established that CBD helps reduce self-harming autoimmune and inflammatory responses. "CBD has been found to act as an immune system modulator," says Anna Symonds, director of East Fork Cultivars' CBD Certified program. "This means that it's like a thermostat—it can turn the level of activity down or up, depending on the body's needs."

ncbi article on brochodilation

They concluded thc is a bronchodilator

ACS article on antibacterial properties

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) has long been known to contain antibacterial cannabinoids, whose potential to address antibiotic resistance has not yet been investigated.

Simply vomiting out links from the internet is not informing or useful. You are linking to right wing propaganda making false claims about miracle drugs for coronaviurs and now right wing propaganda containing probably false claims about how mj makes people more susceptible to the disease. You are demonstrating a bias in choosing articles showing you are influenced by Trump and his right wing propaganda. So I ask you to stop showing your ignorance on these topics. Also stop posting propaganda from Trump and his cronies.
Last edited:
Nope, we do not agree. Not from your earlier question.

I replied back that rather than forcing people to be vaccinated, fascists would capitalize on the situation and let it rise to a crisis, which is exactly what the Republican fascists in charge of this government did.

So, no, we do not agree. Mandating vaccinations is not by definition fascists government.
Forcing people to do something they are unwilling to do is, would you agree?

Fuck antivaxxers, many of whom happen to be fascists. They are a pox on humanity.
To confirm here:
You are of the opinion that those how protest being forced to to something against there will are the fascists?
And those who oppose laws that force people to to things against their will are a danger to humanity?
Is that correct?
If the congress gives them the power and the courts approve, roll up your sleeve. No vaccination no gun, make ownership a requirement, you'll get all the hard cases that way.
Thanks, I did not even think about them taking away gun rights.
But you make a very good point, that may be done before restrictions are placed on food.
It is a pleasure chatting with you.
To confirm here:
You are of the opinion that those how protest being forced to to something against there will are the fascists?
And those who oppose laws that force people to to things against their will are a danger to humanity?
Is that correct?
i said you’re a biological terrorist and threat to humanity because your tard brain is chock full of shit stupid conspiracy theories
To confirm here:
You are of the opinion that those how protest being forced to to something against there will are the fascists?
And those who oppose laws that force people to to things against their will are a danger to humanity?
Is that correct?
Do you know what a strawman argument is?

I ask because you just made one and I'm not playing.