Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Are any of you guys seeing a massive spike in people planning to have a big garden this year? I was talking to a guy at my local hardware store and he said it has been crazy this spring. They can not keep seed starting items in stock and people are buying 75-100 dollars worth of veggie seeds at a time, many of the "larder" vegetables spots are empty in their display. He said that there have been basically two driving factors for people, some are afraid the supply chains are going to crash but most fear a great depression event.

If anyone is looking for a seed supplier, I have had really good luck with a company called Bentley Seeds. Many heirlooms and they have done great in my garden for the last few years. They also have a hell of a deal on a bulk order of 250 packs of either veggies or herbs for $70. Great way to get a stock pile on hand as that's roughly 28 cents a pack.



Well-Known Member
Are any of you guys seeing a massive spike in people planning to have a big garden this year? I was talking to a guy at my local hardware store and he said it has been crazy this spring. They can not keep seed starting items in stock and people are buying 75-100 dollars worth of veggie seeds at a time, many of the "larder" vegetables spots are empty in their display. He said that there have been basically two driving factors for people, some are afraid the supply chains are going to crash but most fear a great depression event.

If anyone is looking for a seed supplier, I have had really good luck with a company called Bentley Seeds. Many heirlooms and they have done great in my garden for the last few years. They also have a hell of a deal on a bulk order of 250 packs of either veggies or herbs for $70. Great way to get a stock pile on hand as that's roughly 28 cents a pack.

Yup. the "Victory Garden" has taken on a new relevance in the Age of the Corona Virus.
Same thing here where I live, seeds wiped out in the normal places.
Went to Burpees on line to get some basics & they were sold out also.
Freaky shit.


Well-Known Member
Are any of you guys seeing a massive spike in people planning to have a big garden this year? I was talking to a guy at my local hardware store and he said it has been crazy this spring. They can not keep seed starting items in stock and people are buying 75-100 dollars worth of veggie seeds at a time, many of the "larder" vegetables spots are empty in their display. He said that there have been basically two driving factors for people, some are afraid the supply chains are going to crash but most fear a great depression event.

If anyone is looking for a seed supplier, I have had really good luck with a company called Bentley Seeds. Many heirlooms and they have done great in my garden for the last few years. They also have a hell of a deal on a bulk order of 250 packs of either veggies or herbs for $70. Great way to get a stock pile on hand as that's roughly 28 cents a pack.

Guilty. Right when it started getting scary I went out and stocked up on a lot of perennial and started a few new garden beds.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Are any of you guys seeing a massive spike in people planning to have a big garden this year? I was talking to a guy at my local hardware store and he said it has been crazy this spring. They can not keep seed starting items in stock and people are buying 75-100 dollars worth of veggie seeds at a time, many of the "larder" vegetables spots are empty in their display. He said that there have been basically two driving factors for people, some are afraid the supply chains are going to crash but most fear a great depression event.

If anyone is looking for a seed supplier, I have had really good luck with a company called Bentley Seeds. Many heirlooms and they have done great in my garden for the last few years. They also have a hell of a deal on a bulk order of 250 packs of either veggies or herbs for $70. Great way to get a stock pile on hand as that's roughly 28 cents a pack.

Thank you for the link, very timely. I have been gifting saved seed to more friends this year and will be forcing some stuff to seed early to increase my supply.

It's about time people began taking control of their own destiny. Imagine a hungry family being told by a codes douche "you can't grow that in
your front yard" . The proper response is a large boot up the ass of the codes douche.

Backyard chicken flocks are on the rise too.

The things that have actual value, tools, food products, survival skills, honorable reputation and person to person kindness etc. will increase in value. Barter will be more prevalent, as more people leave the system and rebuild a sane world based on honest exchange. Local decentralized food production is going to make a BIG comeback. Hooray !

The parasites fear others gaining independence, since the only thing they have to offer other people is domination.

In an economic collapse, massive, but rightful, civil disobedience will become common as people return to their senses and stop blindly obeying others. The system will collapse as the productive and peaceful people walk away. That is what the parasites fear. All thru history, they've never been able to feed themselves without using a whip.


Well-Known Member
Yup. the "Victory Garden" has taken on a new relevance in the Age of the Corona Virus.
Same thing here where I live, seeds wiped out in the normal places.
Went to Burpees on line to get some basics & they were sold out also.
Freaky shit.
Yep, nursery and landscape businesses are considered essential, and are killing here as well.

Did you see crops are being left to rot because restaurants aren't buying produce? This tells me, one, we waste a lot of food in this country, and two, fucking Americans are lazy as hell when it comes to making their own damn food.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yep, nursery and landscape businesses are considered essential, and are killing here as well.

Did you see crops are being left to rot because restaurants aren't buying produce? This tells me, one, we waste a lot of food in this country, and two, fucking Americans are lazy as hell when it comes to making their own damn food.
Well hell has frozen over, I actually liked one of your posts Pee Wee.

I think the Governators in some states, (Vermont?) will fuck this up though.

Heard big box garden supply stuff may be considered nonessential. Of course there are those people in some places who will be shot if they leave their house and try to garden too.


Well-Known Member
Guilty. Right when it started getting scary I went out and stocked up on a lot of perennial and started a few new garden beds.
View attachment 4531227View attachment 4531229
Nice work on your raised bed planter.
Good to see you used regular wood for your frame instead of that treated stuff.
Your plants will appreciate it :)
I guess you like berries by you selection, but they will take a year to establish & produce but I can smell that Blueberry & Strawberry pie now.
Get a Rhubarb plant also, defintly a cool plant that along with your Strawberries make the best pie in the entire World in my opinion, although a hot Apple pie with vanilla ice cream is a close second :)


Well-Known Member
Nice work on your raised bed planter.
Good to see you used regular wood for your frame instead of that treated stuff.
Your plants will appreciate it :)
I guess you like berries by you selection, but they will take a year to establish & produce but I can smell that Blueberry & Strawberry pie now.
Get a Rhubarb plant also, defintly a cool plant that along with your Strawberries make the best pie in the entire World in my opinion, although a hot Apple pie with vanilla ice cream is a close second :)
I take it you like pie?


Well-Known Member
Trump Reportedly Weighed Letting COVID-19 'Wash Over' U.S., But Was Warned Of Grim Toll ...... * How about that trumptards ?

President Donald Trump asked his top health adviser last month why officials couldn’t simply let COVID-19wash over the country,” infecting people, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

In his haste to jumpstart the economy, Trump posed a frightening scenario to Dr. Anthony Fauci during a task force meeting in the Situation Room. No COVID-19 countermeasures would be taken so that people would quickly become infected, with some recovering to create a protective herd immunity, sources told the newspaper.

“Why don’t we let this wash over the country?” ..... Trump asked, a question others told the Post the president has raised repeatedly in the Oval Office. Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, realized with surprise that Trump was serious, the Post reported.

“Mr. President,” Fauci responded, according to the Post. “Many people would die.”

Wants country to completely become infected just to get his agenda moving again. Time to Article 25 , this megalomaniac monster.
He would rather send you , your loved ones , our fellow Americans to their deaths . What kind of fucking president does that ?
When I said he brings DEATH , I wasn’t fucking kidding. He is a stupid , unfeeling menace. Same Herd mentality that his English counterpart BORIS tried to push and karma bit his fat Brit ass.

Trump’s public comments during that time also indicate he was considering such a scenario to get the economy moving again — despite the toll. He said repeatedly that the “cure cannot be worse than the problem itself,” implying that saving lives could be less important than saving the economy. He has claimed without evidence that more people would die from a weak economy than from a pandemic...... this your president you mindless followers... ALTERNATE FACTS.

Last month Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Fox News, a supportive sounding board for the the president’s policies, also raised the startling fringe notion that “lots of grandparents out there” are willing to take a chance against COVID-19 to save the economy. Patrick, 70, said he would put his own survival on the line for “keeping the America that all Americans love.”

Another populist leader, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, also early last month raised a “theory” about Britons “taking it on the chin, take it all in one go and allow the disease ... to move through the population.”

Johnson at that time didn’t think it was such a bad idea for Britons to attend mass sports events. This month Johnson landed in intensive care after testing positive for COVID-19. He’s no longer in intensive care but remains hospitalized, He deserved karma.

Johnson enacted social distancing guidelines later last month after an Imperial College report predicted a 250,000 death toll in Britain — and up to a 1.2 million tally in the U.S. — if strict social distancing and isolation measures weren’t taken.
you can't just be finding this out, can you?

as for the 25th:lol: we couldn't even remove him in a setting designed just for that..


Well-Known Member
Nice work on your raised bed planter.
Good to see you used regular wood for your frame instead of that treated stuff.
Your plants will appreciate it :)
I guess you like berries by you selection, but they will take a year to establish & produce but I can smell that Blueberry & Strawberry pie now.
Get a Rhubarb plant also, defintly a cool plant that along with your Strawberries make the best pie in the entire World in my opinion, although a hot Apple pie with vanilla ice cream is a close second :)
i'm thinking of having my hand at a raised bed planter for the first time..i have a nice big back yard. it faces south, where would you put the box?


Well-Known Member
Yup. the "Victory Garden" has taken on a new relevance in the Age of the Corona Virus.
Same thing here where I live, seeds wiped out in the normal places.
Went to Burpees on line to get some basics & they were sold out also.
Freaky shit.
it's spring and no one has anything to do.


Well-Known Member
Nice work on your raised bed planter.
Good to see you used regular wood for your frame instead of that treated stuff.
Your plants will appreciate it :)
I guess you like berries by you selection, but they will take a year to establish & produce but I can smell that Blueberry & Strawberry pie now.
Get a Rhubarb plant also, defintly a cool plant that along with your Strawberries make the best pie in the entire World in my opinion, although a hot Apple pie with vanilla ice cream is a close second :)
I have a bunch of veggie seeds going now, but I had them ready to go. I wanted to add in the perennial fruiting stuff this year. Also got a Asparagus bed started and one to do tree cutting in:

I planted seeds from the red bud, white hibiscus and purple hibiscus seeds that popped up on my property, and took cuttings from a willow tree and one of the evergreen arborvitae. I still have white pine trees to use and going to do a lot more of the arborvitae cuttings.


Found this video and am looking forward to making a few Bonsai Trees:


Well-Known Member
I converted my 3/4 of my medical farm into food production two years ago after the county passed an ordinance limiting sq. Ft. on cannabis. I still have a deep freezer full of tomato, Chile, and tomatilla sauces.
Set up a drive thru vegetable stand and sell other shit too, make it a drive thru, wear masks and gloves, for later this summer when things open up a bit.
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