
Is what it is. Don't have Covid. Sinus infection that is still rampant here on top of oral infection. Dentist is closed. $278.95 online for call in script of antibiotics. Pain is gone. Fever of 102 still. Skip the less pleasant details. Bacterial infections still suck. Can't remedy for foreseeable future due to shut downs. Support that though. I'm sick and it sucks. Stay safe.
Is what it is. Don't have Covid. Sinus infection that is still rampant here on top of oral infection. Dentist is closed. $278.95 online for call in script of antibiotics. Pain is gone. Fever of 102 still. Skip the less pleasant details. Bacterial infections still suck. Can't remedy for foreseeable future due to shut downs. Support that though. I'm sick and it sucks. Stay safe.

You can buy amoxicillin or penicillin online for cheap without a prescription. It's used for fish aquariums and are the same Thomas Labs capsules you get at the pharmacy.

Crap, I just checked the place I get it from and they are out of stock of everything. Must be a bunch of idiots out there that think antibiotics will help with a virus like covid-19. Stupid people that don't know the difference between a virus and bacteria hoarding pills that won't do any good against covid-19. :wall:
You can buy amoxicillin or penicillin online for cheap without a prescription. It's used for fish aquariums and are the same Thomas Labs capsules you get at the pharmacy.

Crap, I just checked the place I get it from and they are out of stock of everything. Must be a bunch of idiots out there that think antibiotics will help with a virus like covid-19. Stupid people that don't know the difference between a virus and bacteria hoarding pills that won't do any good against covid-19. :wall:
TY. All and good for most people. I am allergic to Iodine which is added as a purifier to most aquarium meds to meet not for human consumption standards. FDA cert required if pure.
TY. All and good for most people. I am allergic to Iodine which is added as a purifier to most aquarium meds to meet not for human consumption standards. FDA cert required if pure.

Are you sure? I have a bottle of FishMox and there is no iodine listed on the label. And they say they are the same as what is dispensed from local pharmacies.

"Antibiotic tablets and capsules used for ornamental and pet fish are the same as the antibiotics dispensed from the local pharmacies for human use, except that they are clearly labeled for fish use only, and are not for human consumption. "

Are you sure? I have a bottle of FishMox and there is no iodine listed on the label. And they say they are the same as what is dispensed from local pharmacies.

"Antibiotic tablets and capsules used for ornamental and pet fish are the same as the antibiotics dispensed from the local pharmacies for human use, except that they are clearly labeled for fish use only, and are not for human consumption. "

Sorry. It is in the tetracycline. I have not seen Fishmox in over 10 years here. No longer available in pill form at country supply stores for livestock either. May just be here. But the insurance avoidance scams have been going away for some time. For a $5 prescription.
Seems like a fitting beer for the times.

Are you sure? I have a bottle of FishMox and there is no iodine listed on the label. And they say they are the same as what is dispensed from local pharmacies. "Antibiotic tablets and capsules used for ornamental and pet fish are the same as the antibiotics dispensed from the local pharmacies for human use, except that they are clearly labeled for fish use only, and are not for human consumption. "

I'm a big fan of Dr. Alton and always thought of him as GRAS. Interesting what I can't find online is anything relating to an actual quantitative/qualitative analysis side by side of identically appearing drugs/capsules with identical imprints, vet vs. human. Simple enough to do, right? Not that Big Pharm would shut something like that down..1586866464719.png
Only paper I could find on the subject of use in a quick search was:
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I ordered my daughter-in-law a picture of her daughter :D for her first mother's day. I need to get a Pandora charm on order for her too. Thanks for the reminder.

Have you had a chance to spend any time with them since the birth? My sister had her first baby in February and I only got to spend time with them in the hospital. She said corona was going to be really bad and wouldn't let any of us visit them after they left the hospital. I offered to wear a mask, gloves whatever she wanted, I figured it was the hormones or she'd lost her damn mind. I'm not sure how she knew this was coming, maybe the nurses at the hospital told her but I should definitely listen to her more.

I'll probably get my mom a card and spend the day sitting on the deck talking to them through the door. Seeing them that way is so depressing, I can't wait until we can go back to touching and hugging each other.