Budley Doright
Well-Known Member
I agree we need to lift the “lockdown” eventually. I don’t agree that it wasn’t needed. And your right, Canadians have faired better than most with supplemental money and programs. I still don’t think I would be willing to sacrifice people but it’s not thankfully a choice I have to makeRemember where he is Dudley, in the Philippines with a young family, goons at the intersections, the money and food running low. No government dole, no food banks, no job to go back to. Abandon is under tremendous stress, he is worried about those he loves.
I'm cutting him some slack over this, he has a point unfortunately, but it's being lost in the noise and frustration. Lockdowns are a temporary solution at best, sooner or later we will have to crawl out of our holes, there are treatments however which can be deployed that will make this easier. Look for large scale convalescent plasma transfusions this summer in Canada and the USA, it's one way out and Canada is exploring it too. Just as soon as the clinical trials are completed and serological testing starts, they will begin. It has the potential to drive mortality rates down to flu levels and almost ensure your and my personal survival if we get the bug, chances are we wouldn't even see a ventilator if they did it right.

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