Lockdowns don't work.

Remember where he is Dudley, in the Philippines with a young family, goons at the intersections, the money and food running low. No government dole, no food banks, no job to go back to. Abandon is under tremendous stress, he is worried about those he loves.

I'm cutting him some slack over this, he has a point unfortunately, but it's being lost in the noise and frustration. Lockdowns are a temporary solution at best, sooner or later we will have to crawl out of our holes, there are treatments however which can be deployed that will make this easier. Look for large scale convalescent plasma transfusions this summer in Canada and the USA, it's one way out and Canada is exploring it too. Just as soon as the clinical trials are completed and serological testing starts, they will begin. It has the potential to drive mortality rates down to flu levels and almost ensure your and my personal survival if we get the bug, chances are we wouldn't even see a ventilator if they did it right.
I agree we need to lift the “lockdown” eventually. I don’t agree that it wasn’t needed. And your right, Canadians have faired better than most with supplemental money and programs. I still don’t think I would be willing to sacrifice people but it’s not thankfully a choice I have to make :(.
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I agree we need to lift the “lockdown” eventually. I don’t agree that it wasn’t needed.
It was needed and still is, we here have a plan and are using the time wisely to prepare I hope. Plasma transfusions are almost a sure thing though and we've got the infrastructure in place to do it quickly too. A volunteer wouldn't even need to be completely clear of COVID-19 either, since they are donating plasma to another infected person. Recovered people would be lined up to save lives, most people are good people Dudley, there would be no shortage of volunteers either and we soon will be able to classify the efficacy of their convalescent plasma into grade A, B and C, A being the best for instance. There are other artificial antibody treatments being developed and manufactured in Winnipeg now, so the situation might not be as bleak as we think by the end of summer. That's a long way off if you are hungry now though.

We all believed the CCP when they said that lockdowns would stop SARS-CoV-2 from spreading, since it worked so well for them. But what if it didn't really work as well as they said it did? Furthermore, even if it did work, what if it wasn't even necessary? It doesn't work though.

There is no conclusive data on that whatsoever. Strictly Hyperbole, no merit.

You are an enemy of America, a sock spreading dangerous disinformation in a time of national peril and you've probably been banned from here before.
You are a Canadian and your post just isn't factual.
I already have shed a few and expect I will shed more. And yes your right, I also believe things are far from over. That has no bearing on the fact I still think your wrong that lock downs don’t work .......
You should tell that to the additional 7,636 New Yorkers since yesterday who clearly broke the law by breaching the lockdown and getting infected.