Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
No, we can't just make up definitions likes that.
You might say “Words have meanings”.
People (ignorant people that is) do it all the time.

Example: surreal.

Years ago the word was very rarely used for a good reason. It means "very brightly colored" and "other worldly".

It defined the surrealist movement in art.

But then idiots started using it to mean "unreal" because they thought it made them sound smarter.

So now, that definition of surreal has been modified to also include unreal because a bunch of morons liked using the word incorrectly.

In the end, idiots in large numbers can change anything, even the definition of words.


Well-Known Member
People (ignorant people that is) do it all the time.

Example: surreal.

Years ago the word was very rarely used for a good reason. It means "very brightly colored" and "other worldly".

It defined the surrealist movement in art.

But then idiots started using it to mean "unreal" because they thought it made them sound smarter.

So now, that definition of surreal has been modified to also include unreal because a bunch of morons liked using the word incorrectly.

In the end, idiots in large numbers can change anything, even the definition of words.


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Sen. Schumer Calls For Nationalized Testing, Boosting Small Business | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, says the president's plan to reopen the economy is flawed due to a lack of testing. Sen. Schumer also discusses getting money into the hands of small businesses and the importance of government. Aired on 04/17/2020.


Well-Known Member
After Fauci urged caution in reopening the economy, Fox News turned to Dr. Phil for a second opinion .... the clown show continues

After Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, explained the White House’s new guidelines for states to slowly reopen their economies in a three-phase process, Fox News host Laura Ingraham ( Fox News in-house whore ) sought another opinion later in the show.

She turned to Phil McGraw, better known as Dr. Phil, television psychologist to the masses.
Yep ... Baldy McHack . Not a medical doctor but
experience in psychology, sociology and observation. Other words ... a nobody.

He acknowledged that the novel coronavirus is killing Americans — more than 33,000 as of early Friday — but also wondered why the economy would shut down over the pandemic but continues to function as people die from lung cancer, car crashes and pool drownings. (Unlike coronavirus, none of the causes of death listed by Dr. Phil are contagious.)

“We don’t shut the country down for that,” said Dr. Phil, after he cited inaccurate statistics on accidental deaths. “Yet we are doing it for this and the fallout is going to last for years because people’s lives are being destroyed.”

The conflicting views, one from the most qualified source available on the topic and the other from a talk-show host with questionable credentials, highlighted again how expert advice on the novel coronavirus has frequently been undermined by celebrity doctors with little to no infectious disease experience.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House coronavirus task force, urged a cautious approach on Ingraham’s show Thursday night. His advice was quickly undercut by Dr. Phil in a following segment, when he argued states should reopen their economies even if lives might be lost to the virus to prevent anxiety and depression.

“People are dying from the coronavirus,” Dr. Phil said. “I get that.”

Then, he launched into his theories about what might happen if people don’t return to work and school soon. In doing so, he cited incorrect statistics and repeated talking points Fauci and other experts have disputed.

The conversations came after President Trump released new federal guidelines on Thursday that lay out a three-phase plan to eventually return to normal in places with minimal cases of the coronavirus. The recommendations place the onus on governors and mayors to determine when and how to return to normalcy.

Dr. Phil joins other social distancing naysayers, like Dr. Oz, another TV doctor who told Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Wednesday that an unmitigated coronavirus death toll might be a “trade-off” worth making to reopen schools. Dr. Drew, known for his 30 years as host of the radio show “Loveline” and as a reality TV regular, also sparked controversy when he compared the coronavirus to the flu. (Unlike Dr. Phil, both Dr. Oz and Dr. Drew are physicians, though neither is an expert in infectious diseases.)

Fauci, who is a licensed physician and immunologist, joined Ingraham to discuss the guidelines he helped write for slowly reopening the economy. He ended up having to dispute questionable claims the Fox News host repeated that compared the novel coronavirus to HIV and SARS and downplayed the need for a vaccine. Fauci and others have suggested some level of social distancing guidelines may need to remain in place until a vaccine is developed.

“On the question of a vaccine, we don’t have a vaccine for SARS,” Ingraham said. “We don’t have a vaccine for HIV, and life did go on, right? So the idea that we’re definitely going to have a vaccine, we didn’t really approach much else in the same way as we’re pegging going back to normal with a vaccine, did we?”

Fauci responded by pointing out the stark differences between HIV, the virus that caused SARS and the novel coronavirus. He said HIV was “entirely different” because researchers developed effective treatments that allow people to live with HIV/AIDS. And SARS, he said, disappeared on its own, which ended efforts to develop a vaccine.

“I think it is a little bit misleading, maybe, to compare what we’re going through now with HIV or SARS,” Fauci told Ingraham. “They’re really different.”

“But, we don’t know,” Ingraham said in response. “This could disappear. I mean, SARS did pretty much disappear. This could as well, correct?”

“You know, anything could, Laura,” Fauci said. “But I have to tell you, the degree of efficiency of transmissibility of this is really unprecedented in anything that I’ve seen. It’s an extraordinarily efficient virus in transmitting from one person to another. Those kind of viruses don’t just disappear.”


Well-Known Member
Haven't seen the Captain since since Mar 28th and I PM'd him last night, when last on he was complaining of a sore throat and is in Michigan with a die in place order issued by the governor for guys like the Captain, no ventilators for seniors there.

Jimmy was on more recently and never indicated any new health issues, though he is in a hot spot, now I'm concerned about him too.

I figured we'd lose members over this bullshit, I hope I'm wrong about the Captain and hope to hear from jimmy soon.

Stay home and stay safe.


Well-Known Member
After Fauci urged caution in reopening the economy, Fox News turned to Dr. Phil for a second opinion .... the clown show continues

After Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease expert, explained the White House’s new guidelines for states to slowly reopen their economies in a three-phase process, Fox News host Laura Ingraham ( Fox News in-house whore ) sought another opinion later in the show.

She turned to Phil McGraw, better known as Dr. Phil, television psychologist to the masses.
Yep ... Baldy McHack . Not a medical doctor but
experience in psychology, sociology and observation. Other words ... a nobody.

He acknowledged that the novel coronavirus is killing Americans — more than 33,000 as of early Friday — but also wondered why the economy would shut down over the pandemic but continues to function as people die from lung cancer, car crashes and pool drownings. (Unlike coronavirus, none of the causes of death listed by Dr. Phil are contagious.)

“We don’t shut the country down for that,” said Dr. Phil, after he cited inaccurate statistics on accidental deaths. “Yet we are doing it for this and the fallout is going to last for years because people’s lives are being destroyed.”

The conflicting views, one from the most qualified source available on the topic and the other from a talk-show host with questionable credentials, highlighted again how expert advice on the novel coronavirus has frequently been undermined by celebrity doctors with little to no infectious disease experience.

Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House coronavirus task force, urged a cautious approach on Ingraham’s show Thursday night. His advice was quickly undercut by Dr. Phil in a following segment, when he argued states should reopen their economies even if lives might be lost to the virus to prevent anxiety and depression.

“People are dying from the coronavirus,” Dr. Phil said. “I get that.”

Then, he launched into his theories about what might happen if people don’t return to work and school soon. In doing so, he cited incorrect statistics and repeated talking points Fauci and other experts have disputed.

The conversations came after President Trump released new federal guidelines on Thursday that lay out a three-phase plan to eventually return to normal in places with minimal cases of the coronavirus. The recommendations place the onus on governors and mayors to determine when and how to return to normalcy.

Dr. Phil joins other social distancing naysayers, like Dr. Oz, another TV doctor who told Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Wednesday that an unmitigated coronavirus death toll might be a “trade-off” worth making to reopen schools. Dr. Drew, known for his 30 years as host of the radio show “Loveline” and as a reality TV regular, also sparked controversy when he compared the coronavirus to the flu. (Unlike Dr. Phil, both Dr. Oz and Dr. Drew are physicians, though neither is an expert in infectious diseases.)

Fauci, who is a licensed physician and immunologist, joined Ingraham to discuss the guidelines he helped write for slowly reopening the economy. He ended up having to dispute questionable claims the Fox News host repeated that compared the novel coronavirus to HIV and SARS and downplayed the need for a vaccine. Fauci and others have suggested some level of social distancing guidelines may need to remain in place until a vaccine is developed.

“On the question of a vaccine, we don’t have a vaccine for SARS,” Ingraham said. “We don’t have a vaccine for HIV, and life did go on, right? So the idea that we’re definitely going to have a vaccine, we didn’t really approach much else in the same way as we’re pegging going back to normal with a vaccine, did we?”

Fauci responded by pointing out the stark differences between HIV, the virus that caused SARS and the novel coronavirus. He said HIV was “entirely different” because researchers developed effective treatments that allow people to live with HIV/AIDS. And SARS, he said, disappeared on its own, which ended efforts to develop a vaccine.

“I think it is a little bit misleading, maybe, to compare what we’re going through now with HIV or SARS,” Fauci told Ingraham. “They’re really different.”

“But, we don’t know,” Ingraham said in response. “This could disappear. I mean, SARS did pretty much disappear. This could as well, correct?”

“You know, anything could, Laura,” Fauci said. “But I have to tell you, the degree of efficiency of transmissibility of this is really unprecedented in anything that I’ve seen. It’s an extraordinarily efficient virus in transmitting from one person to another. Those kind of viruses don’t just disappear.”
Fauci will be fired soon, par for the course. The only thing stopping Donald from firing Dr Fauci is that he would lose control of him and he would be on TV doing alternate briefings that would compete with Donald's nightly dog and pony show. With a good producer, Dr Fauci and his panel of fellow experts would blow Donald out of the water as far as TV ratings go, the only metric Donald cares about. They would also fact check him in real time and constantly call for testing while offering useful advice to the nation and governors.

Fauci will be fired, we can see the familiar pattern, those who oppose Trump would be wise to give him a landing place and resources. I'm pretty sure Bill Gates would be on the phone to him with an offer of a billion or so to put at his disposal. He would end up on Biden's team and with a senior position in his administration, it's the only thing stopping Donald from firing him, fear. Soon anger will overcome that fear, Fauci deals in facts and reality, Donald hates both and acts impulsively.


Well-Known Member
Haven't seen the Captain since since Mar 28th and I PM'd him last night, when last on he was complaining of a sore throat and is in Michigan with a die in place order issued by the governor for guys like the Captain, no ventilators for seniors there.

Jimmy was on more recently and never indicated any new health issues, though he is in a hot spot, now I'm concerned about him too.

I figured we'd lose members over this bullshit, I hope I'm wrong about the Captain and hope to hear from jimmy soon.

Stay home and stay safe.
That is commendable that although we may be faceless members here , we are reaching out from many points around .
I’m in California and honestly do look forward to the conversations here ... even with the trolls and non-believers. We have to realize this is a history making event that probably none of us could ever think we would see in a lifetime. Those people that become flagrant about the severity and seriousness of this pandemic , deserve their just deserts and will not garner any sympathy. I still see the rampant disregard to distance , cover and even basic hygiene efforts when in retail settings. Open sneezing , kids in tow , hugging , baby car seats in carts ( newborns ) , used PPE scattered about.

I rather follow the science than politics .... ironically this political forum is usually the “ last “ section of RIU , I would normally frequent.
Another eye opening result of this pandemic , is the huge flood of SOCK / NOOB members crawling out of Moscow or YouTube grows.

Hopefully in a foreseeable future , we all will have these “ war stories “ to pass on. And over a Massive RIU Smoke Sesh.

Although , I am a keyboard member in name only ... I wish all of you safety and wellness.
Especially to those members missing in action.


Well-Known Member

Protesters took to the streets in Michigan on Thursday to protest the "excessive quarantine"

whats wrong with this pic, too old, too close, lemme look atya gun?, unshaven ideal for virus
and they wanna go back to 'normal' life, as Trump wants to free up Democratic states as lab rats? first



Well-Known Member

Protesters took to the streets in Michigan on Thursday to protest the "excessive quarantine"

whats wrong with this pic, too old, too close, lemme look atya gun?, unshaven ideal for virus
and they wanna go back to 'normal' life, as Trump wants to free up Democratic states as lab rats? first

I believe you are on to something.....

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