Lockdowns don't work.

pretty sure you don't have any friends in real life. and that you're maybe mid 30's in mommy's basement. close?
Nope. Popular, celebrity and military friends. 11th degree 121 friends.Law enforcement friends. Druid friends. Illuminist friends. Luminari friends. Don't need mother. Have excess of what I need. No poverty. Good fighter Handsome. Ismet Jashari the martyr was my friend. His statues clutter the streets of Kossova. Christopher Wallace was my friend, his murals adorn Brooklyn. I am big and strong and brolic, I was a child poverty and hunter tried to recruit me for college out of elementary school. So no. Usually when I walk into a room people get nervous. Grew up on the campus of Columbia University, my father was head accountant. I am handsome and I do well with women, but prefer to be with one. I have dated 2 women at a time. I speak to you with authority because authority has been given to me to do so. I have done bodyguard work, I am the muscle with a bigger IQ than the boss. I AM that I AM.
Nope. Popular, celebrity and military friends. 11th degree 121 friends.Law enforcement friends. Druid friends. Illuminist friends. Luminari friends. Don't need mother. Have excess of what I need. No poverty. Good fighter Handsome. Ismet Jashari the martyr was my friend. His statues clutter the streets of Kossova. Christopher Wallace was my friend, his murals adorn Brooklyn. I am big and strong and brolic, I was a child poverty and hunter tried to recruit me for college out of elementary school. So no. Usually when I walk into a room people get nervous. Grew up on the campus of Columbia University, my father was head accountant. I am handsome and I do well with women, but prefer to be with one. I have dated 2 women at a time. I speak to you with authority because authority has been given to me to do so. I have done bodyguard work, I am the muscle with a bigger IQ than the boss. I AM that I AM.
Nope. Popular, celebrity and military friends. 11th degree 121 friends.Law enforcement friends. Druid friends. Illuminist friends. Luminari friends. Don't need mother. Have excess of what I need. No poverty. Good fighter Handsome. Ismet Jashari the martyr was my friend. His statues clutter the streets of Kossova. Christopher Wallace was my friend, his murals adorn Brooklyn. I am big and strong and brolic, I was a child poverty and hunter tried to recruit me for college out of elementary school. So no. Usually when I walk into a room people get nervous. Grew up on the campus of Columbia University, my father was head accountant. I am handsome and I do well with women, but prefer to be with one. I have dated 2 women at a time. I speak to you with authority because authority has been given to me to do so. I have done bodyguard work, I am the muscle with a bigger IQ than the boss. I AM that I AM.
You are delusional and the self absorbed nature of your posts indicate this, seek help and get back on your meds.
So therefore I say to you love one another stop hating for nothing
Bullshit, you are a trumper and a tard.
I love that word Tard. Not a Trumper and no developmental issues here. You should see from how loquacious I am that I am not a Tard. Even if I was afflicted with down's syndrome, Count Adventures
No, and stop hating, because I love you. At the equinox of the gods Ra-Hoor Khuit is seated at his throne in the East, and love is the law, ok? So love me and love each other and we will all make it through ok. Stop trying to get me mad. It tickles.
You are delusional and the self absorbed nature of your posts indicate this, seek help and get back on your meds.
I say that I love you to show you the power of love so that you can apply it in your own life. I truly only want you to be happy, and if you get everything you want It will be no offense to me, I am just reminding you that it is necessary to be kind to others, the way of the strong has caused the poor beneath you to collapse and they can no longer hold you up. We have been blessed and we partied since the 80s while many have suffered worldwide in our stead. Let us be gracious and mindful of all the blessings we received and repent of our graft and greed. Love and happiness is what you want, so take that. The sheep have eyes and teeth now so learn to love them. If they receive that love they will continue to serve. There is another caste of men that are what they claim to be and not delude themselves. I understand. So take a good look. Might be the last time you see one.
Fine, no more psychobabble, deal with it as you will.

People argued you into the ground on this thread
No. They didn't. They insulted, dismissed and shitposted. Governments around the world are looking to reopen their economies even without spreads under control and no vaccines. Because they have to.
You are from St. Petersberg.
An 88-year-old church mystic close to Vladimir Putin has performed a blessing in an executive jet above Moscow and St Petersburg to 'protect Russia from coronavirus'.
Orthodox elder Iliy Nozdrin was seen alongside another prominent priest with icons and a cross blessing residents.
The elder - who is confessor to Russia's most senior churchman Patriarch Kirill - prayed to rid the country of the 'destructive infection'.

Happy Tomato Day on August 26th!
New York appears to be flattening out.
11,667 new cases confirmed in the last 24 hours.
11,550 in the previous 24 hour period
11,525 in the period before that.

That is well above their capacity and they require continued national aid to treat active cases. If there's another such outbreak in the country, the fatality rate will be much higher. They can't open their economy. They need food aid brought in from outside and dispersed.