Lockdowns work.

It’s funny how some “proof” is excepted while other “proof” is rejected. But I guess if you’ve spent hours researching your proof it is better proof .... weird how that works :(
if you gots to have you a cheeseburger, some facts are relevant, some aren't apparently.

i feel bad for the Scandinavian people. No respect at all from abandon. Sad!
if you gots to have you a cheeseburger, some facts are relevant, some aren't apparently.

i feel bad for the Scandinavian people. No respect at all from abandon. Sad!
Yup Some truths is more truths than other truths lol. I hope his non country statement wasn’t meant to derail your thread by deflection, that would be unacceptable. So many rules lol. Again thanks for letting me post here lol.
Again thanks for letting me post here lol.
hahahaha. let you? this is the dark webs, right? lol.

and yeah, i do find it very strange that the country (Sweden) that could have actually gave his theory a tiny amount of corrrectness turned out to be exactly the opposite of his theory. and then he calls me a moron because he thinks Holland is a Scandinavian country?
maybe he has the bends from his last dive? are hyperbaric chambers non essential businesses?
hahahaha. let you? this is the dark webs, right? lol.

and yeah, i do find it very strange that the country (Sweden) that could have actually gave his theory a tiny amount of corrrectness turned out to be exactly the opposite of his theory. and then he calls me a moron because he thinks Holland is a Scandinavian country?
maybe he has the bends from his last dive? are hyperbaric chambers non essential businesses?
:o! Careful your about to be accused of offering no proof while his proof is great proof, it’s the best proof ever lol....... I do get that there is a lot of stress out there for a lot of people, I’m stressed as well. I am working from home but my hours are reduced, I was also lucky to have built up a couple of months of vacation pay, Our goverment has offered up huge help for most but it can’t be maintained so hopefully the curve does fall and testing increases. Where I live there has not been a new case “confirmed” in 12 days. We have pretty much the same restrictions as NYC (not a total lock down), people are for the most part doing a great job at social distancing but a small fraction of the density. There are just to many variables to draw any conclusions IMO but logic would dictate yes lockdowns do save lives.
Our goverment has offered up huge help for most but it can’t be maintained

Your government doesn't produce anything, so it will need productive people to produce something, before your government can steal it and redistribute it to you. Scared people wearing masks and looking furtively around at people who - gasp - might invade their 6 foot perimeter aren't going to produce much are they ?

If you really needed to get load of wood to your house and I went and cut down all your neighbors trees and delivered them to you, would you consider that a good example of being a "huge help" ? Cuz that's the business model your government uses.
Your government doesn't produce anything, so it will need productive people to produce something, before your government can steal it and redistribute it to you. Scared people wearing masks and looking furtively around at people who - gasp - might invade their 6 foot perimeter aren't going to produce much are they ?

If you really needed to get load of wood to your house and I went and cut down all your neighbors trees and delivered them to you, would you consider that a good example of being a "huge help" ? Cuz that's the business model your government uses.
are you really sure that you’re in a good position to be talking about productivity
are you really sure that you’re in a good position to be talking about productivity

In between straightening you out, I helped somebody put up a fence and prepare a chicken coop today.

Started more vegetable seeds and sexed 10 hot chicks. Three of which are Barred Rocks.

You're probably still in the same dirty sweat pants you've had on since Tuesday and haven't even changed the cat litter yet.
Your government doesn't produce anything, so it will need productive people to produce something, before your government can steal it and redistribute it to you. Scared people wearing masks and looking furtively around at people who - gasp - might invade their 6 foot perimeter aren't going to produce much are they ?

If you really needed to get load of wood to your house and I went and cut down all your neighbors trees and delivered them to you, would you consider that a good example of being a "huge help" ? Cuz that's the business model your government uses.
In between straightening you out, I helped somebody put up a fence and prepare a chicken coop today.

Started more vegetable seeds and sexed 10 hot chicks. Three of which are Barred Rocks.

You're probably still in the same dirty sweat pants you've had on since Tuesday and haven't even changed the cat litter yet.
sounds like 20 minutes worth of work
If only the Swedes non lockdown worked, abandon might be justified in his theory. alas, the Swedish gov't is now getting hammered by their residents for failing to protect them.
South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong

Also, governments around the world are reopening their economies, even though spreads aren't under control, people are dying en masse and there's no vaccine or treatment.

Because they have to.
Sweden had no lockdowns per your recommendation and they are now paying the price.
Not really. Lockdowns cost an incalulcable amount of money and the US had to pay more than 2 trillion and are still losing more than 2 thousand lives a day.

Sweden has had human to human transmission much longer than the US has and their curve is way flatter. Thanks for giving me the credit though.