OSHA on our ass for not having enough PPE.

I've been PMing with this person and I believe him to be a good man trying to do the right thing in difficult circumstances and bearing an awesome responsibility. He cares about those he serves. He's not a Trumper but a victim like everybody else, he is also making heroic efforts to save the lives of his charges. I've sent him some links for Chinese PPE, but that takes awhile to arrive.
He's a liar.

Look at his earlier posts. When a person first tells you who they are one should listen.

He voted for Trump and came here to tell us that we were all wrong because the virus was as Trump said, just a hoax. Ooops right wing propagandists can't gaslight a virus so they are exposed. Now he's telling us he's a healthcare worker.

Nah, liars lie.
He's a liar.

Look at his earlier posts. When a person first tells you who they are one should listen.

He voted for Trump and came here to tell us that we were all wrong because the virus was as Trump said, just a hoax. Ooops right wing propagandists can't gaslight a virus so they are exposed. Now he's telling us he's a healthcare worker.

Nah, liars lie.
People can evolve and change their views, a lot of people voted for Trump and have since seen the light, welcome back to the fold. He was not alone in being skeptical about the epidemic, even though we all saw it coming here before most of the general public, thanks to the efforts of abandon, it took everybody here by surprise with its speed of spread, we were like our governments in that regard.

Everybody makes mistakes, it's if we learn from them that counts the most, Donald does not make mistakes and Donald in incapable of learning, growth or change. To err is human, to forgive divine, but forgiveness comes only after contrition, he's paying for those sins everyday right now.
Your a real specimen Dog. 30,000 posts in five years or 15 posts per day just demonstrates that you have absolutley nothing of substance to say and have a shallow and empty life. Cut your daily post count to say 4 or 5 and use all that extra time to educate yourself although once a moron always a moron. Why don't you tell the first line responders that they should buy their own 95's the cheapskates. All they are doing is putting their lives on the line. Tell me you dolt are you going to ask the political affiliation of the people trying to save your life if COVID 2019 gets you. Its selfish bastards like you who know what should be done but have you ever thought of volunteering? I didnt think so.
I didn't vote for Trump but if i did why would I feel the need to defend myself from you. It's not like i care what you think or value what you say. It's just bullshit to get your post count up. You UncleBuck it seems the best you can do is point to my first post and ignore everything since. You don't know anything about long term health care or me but a
you wanting your illegitimate daughter to get to know your elderly mother is moronic. What's your daughter going to learn? How to be a slutty whore who shit out a slug like you? Tell me Buck... when your sexually assaulting your daughter do you tell her how much you love her? I bet you do you sick bastard. Jesus i feel dirty just talking to you clowns whose only focus is their post count.
No Rocky we don't have an autoclave but washing the masks in disinfectant and then microwaving them is whats recommended now and the print shop at the local hospital is providing face shields.
DIY.. N95 masks are available from China if your willing to wait six weeks to get them and the chemicals i can't get from Ecolab or Diversy who are our venders i can get and have been getting at five times the cost of what they were 6 weeks ago. Lord of the flies at its best. Gnight

You seem overwrought
You seem overwrought

People can evolve and change their views, a lot of people voted for Trump and have since seen the light, welcome back to the fold. He was not alone in being skeptical about the epidemic, even though we all saw it coming here before most of the general public, thanks to the efforts of abandon, it took everybody here by surprise with its speed of spread, we were like our governments in that regard.

Everybody makes mistakes, it's if we learn from them that counts the most, Donald does not make mistakes and Donald in incapable of learning, growth or change. To err is human, to forgive divine, but forgiveness comes only after contrition, he's paying for those sins everyday right now.
Nah, @Rottedroots is aptly named. Liars lie.

He showed up, told us who he was and started lying thereafter. It's not a matter of forgiving him, he's just another Trumpkin who wants to brag about how he "owned the libtards" by lying to us.

Nah, @Rottedroots is aptly named. Liars lie.

He showed up, told us who he was and started lying thereafter. It's not a matter of forgiving him, he's just another Trumpkin who wants to brag about how he "owned the libtards" by lying to us.
I'll judge him by his future posts, I'm hoping his recent experiences have taught him some lessons. From his PM posts (private) he is paying an awful price, this thread is a small reflection of that. I haven't been following this thread much though and if he posts shit I won't be in his corner. Just bear in mind there are millions of former Trump voters who are now doing a double take, not just on Trump, but why they voted for him. Giving them the "space" to evolve might not be a bad idea, if they have hearts there is hope, no heart, no hope.
I'll judge him by his future posts, I'm hoping his recent experiences have taught him some lessons. From his PM posts (private) he is paying an awful price, this thread is a small reflection of that. I haven't been following this thread much though and if he posts shit I won't be in his corner. Just bear in mind there are millions of former Trump voters who are now doing a double take, not just on Trump, but why they voted for him. Giving them the "space" to evolve might not be a bad idea, if they have hearts there is hope, no heart, no hope.
I'm fine with you being his chump.
I'm fine with you being his chump.
No loss to me if he lies, only to him. He is helping the elderly and nursing homes are now a slaugherground in America, I'll support him in that effort and try my best to help him do his best, perhaps even become his best possible version of himself. By helping him, I help those he is desperately trying to keep alive, dead clients don't rent rooms and if you end up with a lot, nobody is gonna replace them anytime soon. That's besides how you would feel when some of them are friends too and you actually care.
No loss to me if he lies, only to him. He is helping the elderly and nursing homes are now a slaugherground in America, I'll support him in that effort and try my best to help him do his best, perhaps even become his best possible version of himself. By helping him, I help those he is desperately trying to keep alive, dead clients don't rent rooms and if you end up with a lot, nobody is gonna replace them anytime soon. That's besides how you would feel when some of them are friends too and you actually care.
He's a lying shit and lied about working in a care facility began only AFTER he proclaimed he voted for Trump and we were just being sissies about fearing that "new type of flue". Once his supervisor twigged to how ineffective he was with that line, he changed it. I don't believe a word he says.

I'm fine with you being his chump, though. Its not as if anything I say can get through your bunker-buster-proof skull. so,

carry on
He's a lying shit and lied about working in a care facility began only AFTER he proclaimed he voted for Trump and we were just being sissies about fearing that "new type of flue". Once his supervisor twigged to how ineffective he was with that line, he changed it. I don't believe a word he says.

I'm fine with you being his chump, though. Its not as if anything I say can get through your bunker-buster-proof skull. so,

carry on
Like I said, if he lies, he suffers not me. I'm not gonna defend a thing he says here either and will jump on myself if he carries republican water, I'm in no particular hurry to judge, there's no pressing need just yet. I've got a simple rule, carry Trump's water and I'll chop your fucking head off.
Like I said, if he lies, he suffers not me. I'm not gonna defend a thing he says here either and will jump on myself if he carries republican water, I'm in no particular hurry to judge, there's no pressing need just yet. I've got a simple rule, carry Trump's water and I'll chop your fucking head off.
I don't believe liars, why should I?

I'm OK with you being his chump.

carry on.
I don't believe liars, why should I?

I'm OK with you being his chump.

carry on.
I'm not asking you to believe him, just that I do. I'm ok with you being afraid to trust. I figure he's gonna vote against Trump, that's all that really concerns me here, I can tolerate a wide variety of viewpoints, except those that promote hate and the suffering of the innocent. My interest is in supporting those he cares for, by supporting him privately with help and wise counsel.
I'm not asking you to believe him, just that I do. I'm ok with you being afraid to trust. I figure he's gonna vote against Trump, that's all that really concerns me here, I can tolerate a wide variety of viewpoints, except those that promote hate and the suffering of the innocent. My interest is in supporting those he cares for, by supporting him privately with help and wise counsel.
Nah, liars lie. @Rottedroots isn't a care giver, he's just another welfare cheating right wing Trump asshole sucking redneck who gets off telling his confederate butt buddies how he's owning the libs by lying to us on RIU. I shudder at the thought of one of those pig farmers ever having a helpless old lady under their power.
"What's the big deal. It doesn't appear to be particularly virulent. Not many people are dying and the ones that do already have compromised respiratory issues and are in their late 60s and 70s. Most people struck down by it don't even know they were sick. Oregon had to go to a nursing home to highlight the dangers of COVID-19. Why the overreaction and panic? It ain't no big thing.
If you ever wanted to go on a cruise or travel to an exotic location now is the time. It's not gonna kill you and the prices are so good you'll never see anything like it again.
Note: The human race will probably go extinct as a result of a virus, plague or pox but it's sure as shit not this one."

That was my first post in the politics forum and i just dont see how that makes me a Trumptard and a liar. So my opinions and yours differ in some way, so what? I still don't believe we are facing the Spanish Influenza and that C2019 will kill the 50 million the 1918 epidemic was responsible for. I'm not hoping that 50 million perish just to prove I'm right.
Both Dog and Buck have repeatedly called me a liar and say that I support Trump and that i voted for him is bizarre and runs counter to every political position I've ever held. From abandoning the Kurds to opening up the Actic reserve to oil exploration and to many other illustrations of demagoguery.
What's troubling is that when you truly find a Trump supporter you won't sway their opinions you'll reinforce them. Polarity and tribalism won't affect any changes or change any minds.
Well off i go to our fictional Nursing Home to spend the better part of the day cleaning toilets and bathrooms and then ill go back again in the evening to feed residents, clean them up and put them to bed. I don't know what their political affiliations are because it doesn't matter and most of them couldn't tell you who the names of their children or who the president is but they still need care and compassion and their dentures brushed and put into a cup. I've always thought the Republicans were the party of haters but you so called Democrats carry just as much hate with you as any nationalist.
Good luck with the post count contest.
"What's the big deal. It doesn't appear to be particularly virulent. Not many people are dying and the ones that do already have compromised respiratory issues and are in their late 60s and 70s. Most people struck down by it don't even know they were sick. Oregon had to go to a nursing home to highlight the dangers of COVID-19. Why the overreaction and panic? It ain't no big thing.
If you ever wanted to go on a cruise or travel to an exotic location now is the time. It's not gonna kill you and the prices are so good you'll never see anything like it again.
Note: The human race will probably go extinct as a result of a virus, plague or pox but it's sure as shit not this one."

That was my first post in the politics forum and i just dont see how that makes me a Trumptard and a liar. So my opinions and yours differ in some way, so what? I still don't believe we are facing the Spanish Influenza and that C2019 will kill the 50 million the 1918 epidemic was responsible for. I'm not hoping that 50 million perish just to prove I'm right.
Both Dog and Buck have repeatedly called me a liar and say that I support Trump and that i voted for him is bizarre and runs counter to every political position I've ever held. From abandoning the Kurds to opening up the Actic reserve to oil exploration and to many other illustrations of demagoguery.
What's troubling is that when you truly find a Trump supporter you won't sway their opinions you'll reinforce them. Polarity and tribalism won't affect any changes or change any minds.
Well off i go to our fictional Nursing Home to spend the better part of the day cleaning toilets and bathrooms and then ill go back again in the evening to feed residents, clean them up and put them to bed. I don't know what their political affiliations are because it doesn't matter and most of them couldn't tell you who the names of their children or who the president is but they still need care and compassion and their dentures brushed and put into a cup. I've always thought the Republicans were the party of haters but you so called Democrats carry just as much hate with you as any nationalist.
Good luck with the post count contest.

PPE is tax deductible.

Or at least show your colors, be creative!

At a Wayne Farms chicken processing plant in Alabama, workers recently had to pay the company 10 cents a day to buy masks to protect themselves from the new coronavirus, according to a meat inspector.
Taxes are not the issue Grandpapy and neither is money. It's sourcing them. We finally got a case of N95s from Massachusetts Department of Senior Care and are waiting for a case of the KNG95s from Direct Supply. We were also able to get some face shields from the local hospital print shop and a stack of masks made with some sort of fabric used in clean rooms which probably come in at 60% rather than 95% the "real" N95s are rated at. We have only had one individual test as positive and two subsequent tests were negative. Right now we're holding off on issuing 95s until we have another positive case which we do expect. No one accept staff is being let into the building and they get their temps taken prior to and at the end of shift. We have a contracted cleaning company who have employees who also work in facilities with multiple confirmed cases as well as multiple deaths and they are not even allowed on the grounds. No cleaning people means that I'm doing housekeeping and keeping the washers and dryers running 24/7. Our census was at max prior to this thing blowing up in MA but because we don't have to answer to corporate we don't have to take any new admissions. We were able to get a few dozen Doctor/Lab jackets for ALL the staff that they drop in a barrel on their way out the door so they get washed and sterilized before they return. It does look sorta funny having 60 employees walking around all looking like doctors. We did have a chink in our armour in that family members were sneaking up to windows and having their family members open the windows so they could talk. I do understand the ainxst of not talking with mom but that's a possible way to introduce the virus into the facility. It did result in a difficult situation where a family member was disregarding the policy and was told we would have the police charge him with criminal tresspass.
Considering the number of nursing home deaths here we are doing great. The problem with the way the state and feds attribute deaths to the virus is out of synch with reality. If a resident is dying from congested heart failure and whose life expectancy could be measured in hours dies and test show the virus in the system post mortem the death is attributed to the virus. The "Life Care" facility in Oregon is part of a chain of 100s and some of the ones in this state are getting crushed as well because the corporate atmosphere encourages a full capacity census.
The biggest problem we seem to be facing now is getting the proper EPA approved chemicals from our vender Ecolab which manufactures the peroxyl we need but it's back ordered for at least three weeks. If i can get a a couple 5 gallon buckets of "Diversy virex ll" we'll have a new distributer. DPH does not allow bleach to be used as a cleanig agent and it's still one of the most effective disinfectants out there so being the scofflaw i am I've been mopping floors using it at night.
I don't know if there is a national emblem to show support for care givers but is Massachusetts its a big heart on a pallet. What started as a couple on our front lawn has turned into at least 50 and are being put up by family.
Good lord willing and the creek dont rise and i dont pray cause im not a believer but I'll take any that come our way.
My hostility aside i do wish all of you the best including those who are apparently my arch enemies who seem to think I spend my time defending Trump and lying. I've said "PEACE" B4 but I've already been branded a Trumptard and I'll never be let on the hook which is a shame. I've hurled and recieved more insults than i can count so im expecting more to come my way. My wifes 88yo aunt who is on deaths door and on a ventilator and my wife believes as i do that the ventilator should go to someone younger with a better chance of pulling through. Again i am the farthest thing from a Trump supporter you could find anywhere and that won't change regardless of how poorly you think of me
I'm not okay with your saying someone is "afraid" because you've been duped and they haven't
Risk is implicit with trust, I'm prepared to take the risk. On one side my "duped" ego, on the other, the potential to help others. Every man makes mistakes and I hope to continue myself, for only dead men make no mistakes, or those like Trump, who might as well be.
Taxes are not the issue Grandpapy and neither is money. It's sourcing them. We finally got a case of N95s from Massachusetts Department of Senior Care and are waiting for a case of the KNG95s from Direct Supply. We were also able to get some face shields from the local hospital print shop and a stack of masks made with some sort of fabric used in clean rooms which probably come in at 60% rather than 95% the "real" N95s are rated at. We have only had one individual test as positive and two subsequent tests were negative. Right now we're holding off on issuing 95s until we have another positive case which we do expect. No one accept staff is being let into the building and they get their temps taken prior to and at the end of shift. We have a contracted cleaning company who have employees who also work in facilities with multiple confirmed cases as well as multiple deaths and they are not even allowed on the grounds. No cleaning people means that I'm doing housekeeping and keeping the washers and dryers running 24/7. Our census was at max prior to this thing blowing up in MA but because we don't have to answer to corporate we don't have to take any new admissions. We were able to get a few dozen Doctor/Lab jackets for ALL the staff that they drop in a barrel on their way out the door so they get washed and sterilized before they return. It does look sorta funny having 60 employees walking around all looking like doctors. We did have a chink in our armour in that family members were sneaking up to windows and having their family members open the windows so they could talk. I do understand the ainxst of not talking with mom but that's a possible way to introduce the virus into the facility. It did result in a difficult situation where a family member was disregarding the policy and was told we would have the police charge him with criminal tresspass.
Considering the number of nursing home deaths here we are doing great. The problem with the way the state and feds attribute deaths to the virus is out of synch with reality. If a resident is dying from congested heart failure and whose life expectancy could be measured in hours dies and test show the virus in the system post mortem the death is attributed to the virus. The "Life Care" facility in Oregon is part of a chain of 100s and some of the ones in this state are getting crushed as well because the corporate atmosphere encourages a full capacity census.
The biggest problem we seem to be facing now is getting the proper EPA approved chemicals from our vender Ecolab which manufactures the peroxyl we need but it's back ordered for at least three weeks. If i can get a a couple 5 gallon buckets of "Diversy virex ll" we'll have a new distributer. DPH does not allow bleach to be used as a cleanig agent and it's still one of the most effective disinfectants out there so being the scofflaw i am I've been mopping floors using it at night.
I don't know if there is a national emblem to show support for care givers but is Massachusetts its a big heart on a pallet. What started as a couple on our front lawn has turned into at least 50 and are being put up by family.
Good lord willing and the creek dont rise and i dont pray cause im not a believer but I'll take any that come our way.
My hostility aside i do wish all of you the best including those who are apparently my arch enemies who seem to think I spend my time defending Trump and lying. I've said "PEACE" B4 but I've already been branded a Trumptard and I'll never be let on the hook which is a shame. I've hurled and recieved more insults than i can count so im expecting more to come my way. My wifes 88yo aunt who is on deaths door and on a ventilator and my wife believes as i do that the ventilator should go to someone younger with a better chance of pulling through. Again i am the farthest thing from a Trump supporter you could find anywhere and that won't change regardless of how poorly you think of me

You make it sound like Corporate interests and the 1% have more clout and are more important then your clients.
Taxes are not the issue Grandpapy and neither is money. It's sourcing them. We finally got a case of N95s from Massachusetts Department of Senior Care and are waiting for a case of the KNG95s from Direct Supply. We were also able to get some face shields from the local hospital print shop and a stack of masks made with some sort of fabric used in clean rooms which probably come in at 60% rather than 95% the "real" N95s are rated at. We have only had one individual test as positive and two subsequent tests were negative. Right now we're holding off on issuing 95s until we have another positive case which we do expect. No one accept staff is being let into the building and they get their temps taken prior to and at the end of shift. We have a contracted cleaning company who have employees who also work in facilities with multiple confirmed cases as well as multiple deaths and they are not even allowed on the grounds. No cleaning people means that I'm doing housekeeping and keeping the washers and dryers running 24/7. Our census was at max prior to this thing blowing up in MA but because we don't have to answer to corporate we don't have to take any new admissions. We were able to get a few dozen Doctor/Lab jackets for ALL the staff that they drop in a barrel on their way out the door so they get washed and sterilized before they return. It does look sorta funny having 60 employees walking around all looking like doctors. We did have a chink in our armour in that family members were sneaking up to windows and having their family members open the windows so they could talk. I do understand the ainxst of not talking with mom but that's a possible way to introduce the virus into the facility. It did result in a difficult situation where a family member was disregarding the policy and was told we would have the police charge him with criminal tresspass.
Considering the number of nursing home deaths here we are doing great. The problem with the way the state and feds attribute deaths to the virus is out of synch with reality. If a resident is dying from congested heart failure and whose life expectancy could be measured in hours dies and test show the virus in the system post mortem the death is attributed to the virus. The "Life Care" facility in Oregon is part of a chain of 100s and some of the ones in this state are getting crushed as well because the corporate atmosphere encourages a full capacity census.
The biggest problem we seem to be facing now is getting the proper EPA approved chemicals from our vender Ecolab which manufactures the peroxyl we need but it's back ordered for at least three weeks. If i can get a a couple 5 gallon buckets of "Diversy virex ll" we'll have a new distributer. DPH does not allow bleach to be used as a cleanig agent and it's still one of the most effective disinfectants out there so being the scofflaw i am I've been mopping floors using it at night.
I don't know if there is a national emblem to show support for care givers but is Massachusetts its a big heart on a pallet. What started as a couple on our front lawn has turned into at least 50 and are being put up by family.
Good lord willing and the creek dont rise and i dont pray cause im not a believer but I'll take any that come our way.
My hostility aside i do wish all of you the best including those who are apparently my arch enemies who seem to think I spend my time defending Trump and lying. I've said "PEACE" B4 but I've already been branded a Trumptard and I'll never be let on the hook which is a shame. I've hurled and recieved more insults than i can count so im expecting more to come my way. My wifes 88yo aunt who is on deaths door and on a ventilator and my wife believes as i do that the ventilator should go to someone younger with a better chance of pulling through. Again i am the farthest thing from a Trump supporter you could find anywhere and that won't change regardless of how poorly you think of me
what time is it in Moscow?