Politics aside are you doing anything To contribute to the fight.

You have a hard time admitting you are wrong, so you just make up something stupid AF to say don't you?

Im obviously not saying the plumbing/gas industry is new, I am saying the green tech companies using new tech are. There will be winners and losers as the industry matures because some companies will screw up, and patents get moved around, someone eventually will find a greta combination and will become the industry standard.

And I don't know shit about your industry, not claiming that I do, but I do understand how the real world businesses develop over time, and am describing that and applying it to what you are going on about.

How many people does your country graduate every year from High School? How about college? I bet we smoke you.
Well in order to enter just about any post secondary education you need a grade 12 that includes any trade. But I guess we do have a high drop out rate but we also have only the population of California
And they make it easy you can do a high school equivalency exam and that can get you into post secondary
The last stats recorded were when pulling was booming so go figure
Thanks is that your mom?
Health care services, Meals on Wheels, checking on the elderly who are isolating. You don't have to have direct contact so it's not particularly dangerous from an infectious point of view.
Right now this really sucks for me. My family owns a small 100 bed nursing home with 2 confirmed cases of the virus. Staff is bailing from fear alone or because they have family at home that are compromised. Many of our lower earnings employees are working double shifts because they say the if you work in the Health Care industry than you have to face the Consequently. That's coming from people who make $16 an hour.
Well I'm about to feed a resident who has been confirmed and as a result of dementia or alzheimers and actually spits in your face. It's not her fault.
What's most anxiety producing is that we hardly get any of the most basic necessities.
Almost no masks of any kind and we can't even get the plastic disposable covers for thermometers. A couple of face shields would go a long way to protect the staff who are here knowing the danger. Staff temps get taken at the beginning an ends of their shifts which are getting longer and longer.
Why cant we get a big box of decent face masks, thermometer covers, face shields or protective clothing.
If your stuck at home try calling meals on wheels or something to help the general family well being checks on the higher risk population.
Please let's not make this overly political,
Be smart and remember the danger but help if you can.
I'm sick to my stomach and I've got to work again

the chickens have come home to roost, Trumper*.
I didn't call it a hoax. I suggested it was being overdramitized. I reserve the right to change my position as information develops..
Differing opinions on some aspects bn of politics does not make me a Trump supporter. I am a gun owner but I am not a single issue voter. I would not vote for a 2A candidate if they didnt support gay rights, prochoice, immigration, and the rest of my beliefs. tagging as a Trumper is wrong and untrue but it's a tag that is now permanent. I'll never be let off the hook which is ok because being a centrist opens up Pandora box.
Oh well. Cest la vie

wait a minute..you're trying to explain your words in writing?
Because it doesn't.

Do you Trump assholes lie and spin every conceivable facet of life?

Energy efficient, moron.

Go look it up.

They send a rebate card once every couple years when it gets serviced after you turn in the paper work and receipt.

You obviously don't have one and don't know a damn thing about them.
Science bad , orange man jenius MAGA
No. Hes a college educated drunk carpenter, his "own buisness" has one employee and he is house poor although his home in CO which is owned by a lending company in TX has a basement.
Oh hey

the guy who lost every penny he ever put into his house and now lives in a trailer which will depreciate to $0.00 has ideas

I think we will listen to our financial advisors rather than an $18 an hour butcher who works at king soopers and is methposting in the middle of the night