Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
Sweden has a low testing rate, so comparing cases creates a false narrative with flawed statistical data.
yes - and the different testing rates of various nations simply create a huge distortion in the way these statistics can be compared to one another.
Even the data of a single state gets skewed if one changes the testing rate.
The more you test - the more infectious people will be uncovered. Thats why some of the numbers go up and down, R0 or Letality Rate etc...


Well-Known Member
No they're a terrible stat for several reasons.
First off, they're the goal, not the guage. The whole point of the "flatten the curve" strategy was to reduce the death rate by keeping the curve below the apex. That means number of NEW CASES PER DAY has to be below the threashold of what a healthcare system can handle. That threshhold can be augmented by increasing healthcare capacity. The apex going above the threshhold means a higher death rate.

Secondly, People are dropping like flies and they're being labeled probable covid cases. Literally no respectable scientist is measuring the curve based on death rates and saying that's the standard. Almost every country has had to go back and revise the number of dead.

Thirdly, it's wild on a graph. You might be able to go with deaths per week and see an intelligible trend, but not per day. It's up and down.

The most reliable stat is and always has been cases per day and that's why testing is essential.
So no testing, no stats, no stats, no data, no data no mathematical analysis. Testing, testing, testing and it has been grossly inadequate both PCR tests and serological ones in both Sweden and America, yet you are quoting this deeply flawed data as if it were factual and drawing premature conclusions about it. There's not much point in carrying on here for now, we are seeing NPI's breaking down in those places that cannot support it, a large uncontrolled experiment is about to begin, in fact, coming to a neighborhood near you.

I'm in the middle of a snow storm right now, the great white north is white today and the wind is blowing, a power loss just wiped me out, so another time. Going down in the middle of this kinda discussion is a pain and so is living in Nova Scotia, at times.


Well-Known Member
I included The Netherlands ...... well you know lol. View attachment 4538813
This is like a theology discussion, for every graph and metric one person can show another can counter it or rationalise it away. The lockdowns will end where they can't be supported with a recovery plan. I'm hoping things will be different in Canada, I'm tracking the ratio of American to Canadian deaths, right now it's 3 to 1. Watch it over the next month as the lock down breaks down south of the border.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
This is like a theology discussion, for every graph and metric one person can show another can counter it or rationalise it away. The lockdowns will end where they can't be supported with a recovery plan. I'm hoping things will be different in Canada, I'm tracking the ratio of American to Canadian deaths, right now it's 3 to 1. Watch it over the next month as the lock down breaks down south of the border.
Yup that’s what I’ve been saying all along. It is not a complete data set at this point. I will admit I haven’t spent hours and hours researching though, shit to do lol.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
How could this graph be true? Sweden had no lockdowns, (lockdowns dont' work after all) they should have the lowest deaths of any Scandinavian country ('we'll leave out Holland for this instance). Our own Dr Fonzi, care to explain??? LOL.
I’m glad they didn’t lockdown........ phew they sure dodged that bullet....... lockdowns kill. Also I’ve been watching the protests and the call to arms by your president ....... they all look so sciencey and interesting.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
How could this graph be true? Sweden had no lockdowns, (lockdowns dont' work after all) they should have the lowest deaths of any Scandinavian country ('we'll leave out Holland for this instance). Our own Dr Fonzi, care to explain??? LOL.
.I’ll answer that, then it’s off to the beach..... woohoo. Death is not a true representative of death. Do more research dofus


Well-Known Member
.I’ll answer that, then it’s off to the beach..... woohoo. Death is not a true representative of death. Do more research dofus
Its good enough for me to keep my ass personally distant! Why even bother getting into the weeds on NPIs, but I like it when ya do, it's kinda like a sporting event. Now what will AC say in his defense, the scale is linear and he was complaining about logarithmic charts...

Searching for the truth is easier than defending absolute statements, as we have witnessed.


Well-Known Member
How could this graph be true? Sweden had no lockdowns, (lockdowns dont' work after all) they should have the lowest deaths of any Scandinavian country ('we'll leave out Holland for this instance). Our own Dr Fonzi, care to explain??? LOL.
You should compare Sweden with countries that had confirmed human to human transmission around the same time like Spain and Italy.
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Well-Known Member
I just checked and lockdowns are still working.

U.S. confirmed new cases by day from J. Hopkins data site

View attachment 4539087
The growth and apparent plateau correlates with testing. The fact is, it took a national effort to produce enough beds in New York and people are still dying at home there. What about when the next city spirals out just like New York? The doubling rate in the country is above the 6.4 days estimated by the WHO at 6 days. Even if you only count the confirmed cases in the country with the current doubling rate, everyone in the country will have the virus in less than two months. What I am saying, and you also know this, is that the current strategy is not working and if we continue trying to do it, we're going to still have far more sick people than we can deal with AND a famine. That will drive up the death rate far higher than letting people decide. People with antibodies need to get back to work and produce the world's food.

Nobody is going to make you go outside.


Well-Known Member
Some interesting evidence about how many people are asymptomatic in Holland, based on blood donations of 10,000 people, it was found that 3% had antibodies, that means about 15 times the reported cases were asymptomatic, based on this data, covid-19 has an estimated mortality rate of of about .66% in developed countries according to these figures. There are some issues concerning the percentage of people who serum converted and this has to be factored into the data.
Dutch study suggests 3% of population may have coronavirus antibodies

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A study of Dutch blood donors has found that around 3% have developed antibodies against the new coronavirus, health authorities said on Thursday, an indication of what percentage of the Dutch population may have already had the disease.

The head of the National Institute for Health (RIVM), Jaap van Dissel, disclosed the results during a debate with parliament.

“This study shows that about 3% of Dutch people have developed antibodies against the coronavirus,” Van Dissel said. “You can calculate from that, it’s several hundred thousand people” in a country of 17 million.

There are 28,158 confirmed coronavirus cases in the Netherlands, but only the very ill and healthcare workers are currently being tested.

The blood donation service Sanquin announced it would begin testing on 10,000 samples weekly on March 19, but later said it would only disclose results to the RIVM.


Well-Known Member
Some interesting evidence about how many people are asymptomatic in Holland, based on blood donations of 10,000 people, it was found that 3% had antibodies, that means about 15 times the reported cases were asymptomatic, based on this data, covid-19 has estimated mortality rate of of about .66% in developed countries according to these figures. There are some issues concerning the percentage of people who serum converted and this has to be factored into the data.
Dutch study suggests 3% of population may have coronavirus antibodies

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A study of Dutch blood donors has found that around 3% have developed antibodies against the new coronavirus, health authorities said on Thursday, an indication of what percentage of the Dutch population may have already had the disease.

The head of the National Institute for Health (RIVM), Jaap van Dissel, disclosed the results during a debate with parliament.

“This study shows that about 3% of Dutch people have developed antibodies against the coronavirus,” Van Dissel said. “You can calculate from that, it’s several hundred thousand people” in a country of 17 million.

There are 28,158 confirmed coronavirus cases in the Netherlands, but only the very ill and healthcare workers are currently being tested.

The blood donation service Sanquin announced it would begin testing on 10,000 samples weekly on March 19, but later said it would only disclose results to the RIVM.
If 3% have it or have had it already, the entire country will have been infected in a month.


Well-Known Member
If 3% have it or have had it already, the entire country will have been infected in a month.
Not arguing, saw your post and the data is starting to support your "evolved" argument, so I posted it, this appears to be a much better study than the one that said 50 to 85 times, there appear to be concerns with the selection methodology. These assumptions are made on the asymptomatic rate of contagion and as can be seen there is quite a spread between 15 x and 50x. There are links on my public health thread to an interesting Boston homeless shelter study with 37% showing asymptomatic, one participant has been since hospitalised.

I don't disagree about the emerging picture, but I don't agree that that NPIs are not useful in preventing the rate of contagion. My bone was making a declarative without supporting evidence. The American government should have waited for the early results on Remdesivir and convalescent plasma treatments, without testing, contact tracing and isolation it will be a disaster.

I'm coming around abandon, but I want to see more data and viable effective treatments to protect the most vulnerable. Each country will be different in their response, Canada will end up being a lot different than America. BTW our rate of increase if huge and it's one of the things I've been mulling over, we are locked down for awhile longer so we will see what shakes out of the data. It's not winning arguments that is important to me, its seeking the truth and that is what science is about. You have a larger point that I find interesting, but one size won't fit all in this pandemic.


Well-Known Member
your "evolved" argument
My argument has not changed. Everyone's just offended by one minor premise, a furthermore. Most of the world's governments are starting to get their economies reopened. Italy did more than a week ago. It's necessary.

We've been at this for days and I have not wavered an inch. I still have people switching over to sock accounts to make personal attacks. I'm sure that within a week, I'll be ahead of the curve on another issue and people will debate with me for days while I'm slowly proven correct, again. I'm not here for the likes. I'm here for the debate and I'm enjoying it for the most part. I'm annoyed at some of the tactics, but it is necessary to draw people in so we can have a lively and open debate.

That's why I used that thread title. I will admit, at first I was a little overwhelmed by the volume of knee-jerks. My arguments have stayed the same and I continue to defend even my minor premise that caused the acrimony.


Well-Known Member
My argument has not changed. Everyone's just offended by one minor premise, a furthermore. Most of the world's governments are starting to get their economies reopened. Italy did more than a week ago. It's necessary.

We've been at this for days and I have not wavered an inch. I still have people switching over to sock accounts to make personal attacks. I'm sure that within a week, I'll be ahead of the curve on another issue and people will debate with me for days while I'm slowly proven correct, again. I'm not here for the likes. I'm here for the debate and I'm enjoying it for the most part. I'm annoyed at some of the tactics, but it is necessary to draw people in so we can have a lively and open debate.

That's why I used that thread title. I will admit, at first I was a little overwhelmed by the volume of knee-jerks. My arguments have stayed the same and I continue to defend even my minor premise that caused the acrimony.
It's the Trumper flies you attracted with the title that bothered me most, NPI's work for a purpose, but are not a solution, they are a means to attain one though, if the government does not squander the time. This of course only applies to wealthy countries and IMHO are to be used to buy time to deploy effective treatments. That appears to be the emerging picture, but my POV is not yet supported by the data from studies, gimme a week! :D