Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
More morons should listen to this good ole boy.
Let's talk about rights and responsibilities....


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Frontline Releases New Documentary 'Coronavirus Pandemic' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

PBS NewsHour's Miles O'Brien discusses the new Frontline documentary 'Coronavirus Pandemic'. Dr. Leana Wen also joins the discussion. Aired on 4/20/2020.


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Frontline Releases New Documentary 'Coronavirus Pandemic' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

PBS NewsHour's Miles O'Brien discusses the new Frontline documentary 'Coronavirus Pandemic'. Dr. Leana Wen also joins the discussion. Aired on 4/20/2020.
This made me kind of sad. It was the first time I saw the date and realized that this is a 4/20...20..20 And it really is just moot.


Well-Known Member
Well, that's a conundrum!

If morons could listen, they wouldn't be morons. :lol:

But he looks and sounds like so many of them, they can emphasize more easily and their empathic ability is somewhat retarded to begin with. That's why many will vote for Joe, for Joe is white as snow and that's all that matters to some, might as well use it against them.


Well-Known Member
This made me kind of sad. It was the first time I saw the date and realized that this is a 4/20...20..20 And it really is just moot.
He says the intersection between science and politics is a pretty ugly place these days and we see evidence of it here among those who discuss science. Science is science and politics is politics, like mixing oil and water, integrity and bullshit. Science seeks answers from nature by asking questions, politics has a different purpose and like debate, it's about winning, not truth seeking. Debate is only useful in science when it's objective is find the truth and for that to happen it has to be conducted with integrity.


Well-Known Member
This made me kind of sad. It was the first time I saw the date and realized that this is a 4/20...20..20 And it really is just moot.
Pot is legal here, but I quit, trouble is I just harvested some kickass, or so I've been told...:sad: 420, just made it harder to resist, thanks for pointing that out! Now if I succumb to temptation I can say ya made me do it, or the Devil...:D:weed: Not to worry, I'm quit for a spell and won't be blaming you for awhile at least. When I do smoke this shit at some future date, a crumb should more than do the job.


Well-Known Member
Governor Kemp is going to reopen Georgia this Friday, the same day he said last week was going to be our peak.

God help us.
Yep, he's governor and stole the election to get the job, character counts, for those who have it themselves. Now you are seeing the results of electing people who have no character, but hey, as long as they keep the brown folks in their place and trigger the libs, they can do anything they want, just like Trump.


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Trump Losing The Battle Of Public Opinion On Coronavirus: Poll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

More than 60 percent think the president didn't take the threat of the coronavirus seriously enough at the beginning, according to new polling from NBC News and the Wall Street Journal. The panel discusses. Aired on 04/20/2020.


Well-Known Member
Looks like Uncle Sam could be moving to a neighborhood near you, maybe Donald will be your neighbor! They might evacuate Washington, finally they are draining the swamp. Jesus Christ, evacuate the capital, ya can't make this shit up, truth is stranger than fiction. 42% approve of this moron's handling of the coronavirus crises, the latest polling shows Biden at 49% and Trump at 42%, ya can't make that astounding statistic up either. To win again in 2020 all Donald would have to do is stay off of TV, twitter and STFU, his poll numbers will rise like magic by 10 points, they really want to believe.


District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser yesterday ordered a one-month extension of the state of emergency, as cases in the region grow at a rapid pace. Federal officials in the nation's capital expect a New York-like epidemic in the District, Maryland and Virginia, one that could potentially cripple the government.

"No one wants to talk evacuation, especially when there's nowhere to go," says a senior military officer working on continuity of government planning; he requested anonymity because he is not authorized to speak on the record.

But a little-known military task force charged with evacuating Washington has already been activated, a task force charged with the most sensitive government mission of "securing" Washington in the face of attackers, foreign and domestic—and if necessary, moving White House and other key government offices to alternate locations.

Activated on March 16, Joint Task Force National Capital Region (JTF-NCR) is chartered to "defend" Washington on land, in the air, and even on its waterfronts. The special task force, the only one of its kind in the country, demonstrates how there are two sides of government preparedness. The public face, and even the day-to-day work of most men and women assigned to JTF-NCR, is the same as it is everywhere else in the country—medical support, delivering supplies, manning health-check stations.

But behind the scenes, JTF-NCR is responsible for what the military calls "homeland defense": what to do in the face of an armed attack on the United States, everything from guarding Washington's skies to preparing for the civil unrest that could occur if a nuclear weapon were detonated in the capital. But most immediate, JTF-NCR is charged with facilitating continuity of government, particularly moving civil and military leaders to secret locations were the order given to evacuate the city.

Ever since National Guards started to activate countrywide, Pentagon officials have insisted that men and women in uniform are not conducting secret missions and that they will not administer or enforce "stay at home" quarantines. The Pentagon has also rejected reports, including articles in Newsweek, about martial law or other extreme contingency plans, arguing that the Guard remains under strict control of state governors, while federal troops support civil agencies like FEMA.

And yet the activation of Joint Task Force National Capital Region, including almost 10,000 uniformed personnel to carry out its special orders, contradicts those assurances. JTF-NCR is not only real and operating, reporting directly to the Secretary of Defense for some of its mission, but some of its units are already on 24/7 alert, specially sequestered on military bases and kept out of coronavirus support duties to ensure their readiness.


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Kim Jong Un is in grave danger after surgery, seems he has serious health issues, no word of covid-19, they shoot people who catch it, so nobody is likely to admit it, or seek out a test!
Yeah , he was a no show at commie celebration. No white stallion- NADA. So either he ate himself to death or impacted colon ... who cares right ?

But since north korea is like “ china ultra “ on any reliable information , imagination can run wild. Maybe radiation poisoning from his little nuclear hopes .... now that would be hilarious. But in the end , maybe the regime will cart the corpse around ( sunglasses and all ) on a dolly - weekend at bernie’s style .

Happy 420 :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yeah , he was a no show at commie celebration. No white stallion- NADA. So either he ate himself to death or impacted colon ... who cares right ?

But since north korea is like “ china ultra “ on any reliable information , imagination can run wild. Maybe radiation poisoning from his little nuclear hopes .... now that would be hilarious. But in the end , maybe the regime will cart the corpse around ( sunglasses and all ) on a dolly - weekend at bernie’s style .

Happy 420 :bigjoint:
Nobody is gonna miss him and many will feel relief, I wonder what slimeball of a sycophant will claw his way to power, let them sort it out we got bigger fish to fry and Donald ain't the guy to do shit about N. Korea or China. Ya gotta wait for Joe to get anything done and get out of the mess, the view from Canada about your prospects are dim, your national disaster has but a single cause and person, Donald Trump. Since Donald was such a close personal friend of Kim's, I wonder if he sent flowers? Think he will attend the funeral? It might be a good chance to meet with Vlad and get more instructions on how to handle the covid -19 crises... How many covid-19 funerals has he attended?

My heart breaks when I watch the US news, if this shit keeps up you'll have a million dead and a collapsed economy by the end of the year. MAGA


Well-Known Member
The orange Neanderthal will be missing those North Korean love letters I guess ......

Gonna wonder how to become a ” Canadian “ .... you gotta kiss a leaf or something ? Like red and white colors ?
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