Rapid Leaf Death


Active Member

The plant in question is in the lighter pot in the back. I noticed the leaves dropping earlier today and thought it might have been dry. The leaves hadnt lifted after a few hours and i notices the bottom leaves tips had started to wither. It hadnt been watered in 3.5 days. I was going to stop using nutes this week because i feared nitrogen tox, so it was just fresh rainwater ph at 7.7.



This leaf earlier today was wrinkled and looking strange. I lightly touched it and the tip of this leaf crumbled off the plant. ^


the very tip of this leaf is darkening, wrinkling and becoming frail just like the leaf that broke. Ive been killing off fungus gnats recently, would this be the work of their larvae?

I haven't had any issues or worries with this plant, i was more concerned with its younger sibling, which seemed to have more gnats congregating around it. But overnight that plant has caught up to this one and seems much healthier. This change has happened over the course of 2 days. The leaves did not look like this 2 days ago.
I have been battling something very similar.I narrowed it down to fungus knats and my roof had been leaking and I had black mold under the pine on the walls of the open room I was growing in.I discovered it by noticing the fungus knats not around !y plants amywmore but on my wall.I believe they transmitted mold,fungus ,disease to my plants .I may be wrong .but im Damn near positive that was my probblem
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so it was just fresh rainwater ph at 7.7

That's way too high of a pH. At a pH above 7 in soil, the following nutrients will not be able to be up-taken by the plants: Phosphorus, Magnesium, Copper, Iron and Zinc. Other's can be taken up in excess. This will cause all manner of havoc eventually, and adding more nutrients will make the problem even worse.

You absolutely need to fix your pH, and keep it consistent in both water, and your nutrient mix. When pH-ing your feed, measure it after the nutes have been mixed with the water. Don't change anything else for about a week. Just correct the pH, and do everything else how you have been. After a week, you'll at least have a proper baseline to operate from.
That's way too high of a pH. At a pH above 7 in soil, the following nutrients will not be able to be up-taken by the plants: Phosphorus, Magnesium, Copper, Iron and Zinc. Other's can be taken up in excess. This will cause all manner of havoc eventually, and adding more nutrients will make the problem even worse.

You absolutely need to fix your pH, and keep it consistent in both water, and your nutrient mix. When pH-ing your feed, measure it after the nutes have been mixed with the water. Don't change anything else for about a week. Just correct the pH, and do everything else how you have been. After a week, you'll at least have a proper baseline to operate from.

you think it’s only pH? Not gnats? I’ve only watered with that high of a pH once and that was today. I think the last one was 7. I’ll lower it, any recommendations to save the plant? Will it recover soon?
I don't know. I just pointed out that keeping pH in check is critically important. Everything is secondary to that.
I feel like the soil would help buffer it somewhat, but im new to growing so i cant say much. I went a little high since ive been watering super acidic before i got my pH tester.
That looks like the leaf was pinched on the edge of the pot? The kind of tissue wounds in your pics wouldn't be caused by pH or pests.

Do you have a cat?
Yes i have 3.... but it’s in a tent
They can be stealthy and they LOVE tender young cannabis leaves.

Never underestimate a determined cat, lol.

I might have pinched it while moving it
It happens. I rip and tear leaves all time, especially if I'm rushed to get things done.
Your plants look good. Just keep them healthy and try not to over-love or overthink things and you'll be rewarded at harvest. :D:weed:
They can be stealthy and they LOVE tender young cannabis leaves.

Never underestimate a determined cat, lol.

It happens. I rip and tear leaves all time, especially if I'm rushed to get things done.
Your plants look good. Just keep them healthy and try not to over-love or overthink things and you'll be rewarded at harvest. :D:weed:
yeah its just really strange that the leaves are so droopy. And I havent seen many fungus gnats recently i think the treatments are working decently. But the rapid recline of the leaf turgidity is worrying. Could they have gotten too cold? they are in the basement and usually around 72 ˚ and i left the vents open by accident at night and its still cold up north and the basement might have gotten to 57˚. Its the only plant with any issues though
yeah its just really strange that the leaves are so droopy. And I havent seen many fungus gnats recently i think the treatments are working decently. But the rapid recline of the leaf turgidity is worrying. Could they have gotten too cold? they are in the basement and usually around 72 ˚ and i left the vents open by accident at night and its still cold up north and the basement might have gotten to 57˚. Its the only plant with any issues though
Yeah that's a little too cold. With low temps they'll have trouble with P uptake. (dark bluish/green leaves and purplish stems and petioles and eventually leaf necrosis)
I'm in the northeast and still run heat at night.

its my own mix. coast of maine, compost, worm casting, perlite, bone meal
That mix is probably fine with just water. I'd get the temps and RH in range and you'll likely see them perk up soon. I'd spray them with some rain water too. Most rain water has a little sulfur.

you can see the discoloration and death better here. Why are the stems so intensely purple?What can I do for her. Slurry test came out at 7-7.1 I used distilled water and a 2:1 ratio of water to dirt
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