Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Virus infects hundreds of Tyson workers and they refuse to close infected plants. They are literally sacrificing the lives of there workers for me money.

So called Prolife Republican governors refuse to force them to close. These Repugs are ready to kill older citizens for the Party. Evangelicals have no problems with the killings at all.

This is the shit we are really dealing with.
Don't forget Jesus is coming to kill everyone anyways, if people die now it is gods will.


Well-Known Member
If Trump in incapable of doing the job, then others will step up to the plate and do his job for him. Add in a couple of effective treatments and ya got a plan.
Rockefeller Foundation Plan To Test 30M People A Week To Reopen Country | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

The Rockefeller Foundation releases an ambitious new proposal to test 30 million people a week, employ up to 300,000 contact tracers, and establish a digital data sharing platform. Rajiv Shah, President and CEO of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Kavita Patel, former health policy director in the Obama White House, join Andrea Mitchell to discuss this and other plans to reopen the country. Aired on 4/22/2020.


Well-Known Member
If Trump in incapable of doing the job, then others will step up to the plate and do his job for him. Add in a couple of effective treatments and ya got a plan.
Rockefeller Foundation Plan To Test 30M People A Week To Reopen Country | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

The Rockefeller Foundation releases an ambitious new proposal to test 30 million people a week, employ up to 300,000 contact tracers, and establish a digital data sharing platform. Rajiv Shah, President and CEO of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Kavita Patel, former health policy director in the Obama White House, join Andrea Mitchell to discuss this and other plans to reopen the country. Aired on 4/22/2020.
I listened to the first couple of minutes but it was just another overhyped video. The plan is for Trump to sign off on paying $100 Billion. Do you think he and the Republican Senate will go for it?

It's pretty much just a hypothetical example to give us an idea of the scope of the job. IMO, Trump isn't going to sign off on it. The job is left to the states and that $100 billion will come from state-budgets. Some states will be able to afford it. Some won't and some of those are already opening up without testing and contact tracing in place. I'm sorry to break the news but hope doesn't change reality.

edit: same goes with the "effective treatments" you keep touting. They won't be ready for a while, assuming they are scale-able and effective, which is doubtful.


Well-Known Member
I listened to the first couple of minutes but it was just another overhyped video. The plan is for Trump to sign off on paying $100 Billion. Do you think he and the Republican Senate will go for it?

It's pretty much just a hypothetical example to give us an idea of the scope of the job. IMO, Trump isn't going to sign off on it. The job is left to the states and that $100 billion will come from state-budgets. Some states will be able to afford it. Some won't and some of those are already opening up without testing and contact tracing in place. I'm sorry to break the news but hope doesn't change reality.
Considering how much this is costing America and Americans, $100 billion is a bargain, a steal, that is orders of magnitude less expensive than the alternative. I think they are almost through the bullshit phase now and will be ready to solve the problem, for their own benefit in november, not yours or the country's. The GOP don't wanna go into the election with this fiasco still going on and a second wave of infection devastating the country.

Senior citizen support has dropped off a cliff for Trump and the GOP, last time Trump won with seniors by 7%, he's down -20% with them in the past month and heading lower, much lower. Notice they stopped with the throw mamma under the bus talk and now it's all about "freedom"? The oversight hearings are gonna start this summer if not sooner and they will expose Trump's mismanagement and dereliction of duty. Joe is gonna latch onto this plan, or have one of his own that will be very similar, put together by his own experts, Trump will need to compete with Joe. Joe has not even begun yet, why should he, when your enemy is digging his own grave, get out of his way. Donald's coronavirus briefings are doing Joe's work for him at taxpayer expense every evening at 5:30 PM eastern time.


Well-Known Member
Considering how much this is costing America and Americans, $100 billion is a bargain, a steal, that is orders of magnitude less expensive than the alternative. I think they are almost through the bullshit phase now and will be ready to solve the problem, for their own benefit in november, not yours or the country's. The GOP don't wanna go into the election with this fiasco still going on and a second wave of infection devastating the country.

Senior citizen support has dropped off a cliff for Trump and the GOP, last time Trump won with seniors by 7%, he's down -20% with them in the past month and heading lower, much lower. Notice they stopped with the throw mamma under the bus talk and now it's all about "freedom"? The oversight hearings are gonna start this summer if not sooner and they will expose Trump's mismanagement and dereliction of duty. Joe is gonna latch onto this plan, or have one of his own that will be very similar, put together by his own experts, Trump will need to compete with Joe. Joe has not even begun yet, why should he, when your enemy is digging his own grave, get out of his way. Donald's coronavirus briefings are doing Joe's work for him at taxpayer expense every evening at 5:30 PM eastern time.
Republicans don't care about lives or cost and Trump won't pay for testing because that would mean he's taking ownership. He already said he accepts no responsibility. If that hundy $B were targeted for his hotel chain then it would shoot through the Senate and get to his desk like shit goes through a goose.

Trump is deliberately muddying the data and blocking aid for the states in order to create the catastrophe that he'll blame Democrats for. It's going to be a hot summer when those assholes with guns start firing them at counter protesters.


Well-Known Member
Republicans don't care about lives or cost and Trump won't pay for testing because that would mean he's taking ownership. He already said he accepts no responsibility. If that hundy $B were targeted for his hotel chain then it would shoot through the Senate and get to his desk like shit goes through a goose.

Trump is deliberately muddying the data and blocking aid for the states in order to create the catastrophe that he'll blame Democrats for. It's going to be a hot summer when those assholes with guns start firing them at counter protesters.
Why confront them when you can just mingle with them if you are infected, they are unprotected, vulnerable and easy prey, they also want civil war. Someone is going to give them one and covid -19 too, or give them a juicy rumor to scare the shit out of the ones with a brain. Most of them show up armed with body armour on, but no masks. There most likely wouldn't be a need for malicious action by anybody though, nature does a pretty good job of infection all on its own, but the thought of being stalked by libertards will drive them up the fucking wall! :D


Well-Known Member
Trump ain't just losing support among seniors, he's getting creamed and it's just begun, it's not just their health though, it's missing their kids and grandkids too. I'm a senior myself and understand what they are thinking, fearing and missing, they are paying close attention to this issue and are having a good close look at Donald every evening.
Trump Hurting Himself With Key Groups Ahead Of Election | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president appears to be losing support among senior citizens, a key demographic necessary for him to win reelection in November. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 04/22/2020.
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Well-Known Member
Why confront them when you can just mingle with them if you are infected, they are unprotected, vulnerable and easy prey, they also want civil war. Someone is going to give them one and covid -19 too, or give them a juicy rumor to scare the shit out of the ones with a brain. Most of them show up armed with body armour on, but no masks. There most likely wouldn't be a need for malicious action by anybody though, nature does a pretty good job of infection all on its own, but the thought of being stalked by libertards will drive them up the fucking wall! :D
I don't know what your point is here.

I'm saying that Trump doesn't care about this epidemic other than how it affects him politically. He'll never sign off on a bill that would pay for all the testing called for in that plan. We have at least 90% of the population that are not immune and 40,000 are dead with 10% exposed. Not to mention that hospitals in the hot zones are wrecked.

It's going to be a hot summer. If we try to maintain a lockdown, the hillbillies will start shooting. If we open up without adequate testing even in a few states, the virus just starts eating its way through the 90%, with 40,000 dead each and every 10%. I vote to shoot the hillbillies when they get violent. Fewer dead that way. Also the guilty would be dying. Win-win.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what your point is here.

I'm saying that Trump doesn't care about this epidemic other than how it affects him politically. He'll never sign off on a bill that would pay for all the testing called for in that plan. We have at least 90% of the population that are not immune and 40,000 are dead with 10% exposed. Not to mention that hospitals in the hot zones are wrecked.

It's going to be a hot summer. If we try to maintain a lockdown, the hillbillies will start shooting. If we open up without adequate testing even in a few states, the virus just starts eating its way through the 90%, with 40,000 dead each and every 10%. I vote to shoot the hillbillies when they get violent. Fewer dead that way. Also the guilty would be dying. Win-win.
Trump only cares about himself and will only act in his own self interest, so will Moscow Mitch. Mitch knows the price they will pay at the polls for this and many of them will pay in the courts after.

I sometimes wonder if the protesters were black in this situation, say protesting the high mortality rate, if they would immediately be met with a riot squad and ordered to disperse, many would end up in jail. These people should have been arrested and charged in the blue states, $10,000 fines should do the job and videotape provide the evidence. They make up a small fraction of the populace and interning them or even shooting them should be no problem, in the blue states at least. People aren't gonna give up that easy roll over and die, they will be looking for a way through this.

I'm not bipolar, just optimistic, optimists win, pessimist lose, that's the way the world works, why bother even trying if you are already defeated in your own mind. As King David said, "as a man thinketh in his heart so shall he be". You'll need a plan to get out of this shit and all the good plans look a lot like the one in the video I posted. Joe will have a plan and Donald and the republicans had better have one working soon or suffer the consequences, that's a good enough point for now.


Well-Known Member
Ex-vaccine chief says he was removed after questioning drug Trump praised

Dr. Rick Bright, director of the office involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine, says he was abruptly dismissed from his post in part because he resisted efforts to widen the availability of a coronavirus treatment pushed by President Donald Trump.


Well-Known Member
Ex-vaccine chief says he was removed after questioning drug Trump praised

Dr. Rick Bright, director of the office involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine, says he was abruptly dismissed from his post in part because he resisted efforts to widen the availability of a coronavirus treatment pushed by President Donald Trump.
This is why I was disgusted with you when you started regurgitating Trump's propaganda about Hydroxychloroquine and simply plowed through my objections. Of course, Trump would use his authority to quash real science on the subject. Yet you kept on repeating the bullshit pseudo-science from that hack site you love.

It still kind of pisses me off, what you did.


Well-Known Member
Trump only cares about himself and will only act in his own self interest, so will Moscow Mitch. Mitch knows the price they will pay at the polls for this and many of them will pay in the courts after.

I sometimes wonder if the protesters were black in this situation, say protesting the high mortality rate, if they would immediately be met with a riot squad and ordered to disperse, many would end up in jail. These people should have been arrested and charged in the blue states, $10,000 fines should do the job and videotape provide the evidence. They make up a small fraction of the populace and interning them or even shooting them should be no problem, in the blue states at least. People aren't gonna give up that easy roll over and die, they will be looking for a way through this.

I'm not bipolar, just optimistic, optimists win, pessimist lose, that's the way the world works, why bother even trying if you are already defeated in your own mind. As King David said, "as a man thinketh in his heart so shall he be". You'll need a plan to get out of this shit and all the good plans look a lot like the one in the video I posted. Joe will have a plan and Donald and the republicans had better have one working soon or suffer the consequences, that's a good enough point for now.
Hope is a placebo and unreliable treatment for an illness.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Don't forget Jesus is coming to kill everyone anyways, if people die now it is gods will.
So far the virus death toll has a long way to go to even equal the Viet Nam war deaths.

Why confront them when you can just mingle with them if you are infected, they are unprotected, vulnerable and easy prey, they also want civil war.
If a strange man on a television set ordered you to wear a mask or hide under your bed for a few months would you obey him, if he said you should do it to avoid getting into a car accident and dying ?


Well-Known Member
This is why I was disgusted with you when you started regurgitating Trump's propaganda about Hydroxychloroquine and simply plowed through my objections. Of course, Trump would use his authority to quash real science on the subject. Yet you kept on repeating the bullshit pseudo-science from that hack site you love.

It still kind of pisses me off, what you did.
I was discussing HCQ before Trump or any of his minions like Elon Musk could pronounce the word, I was discussing it for the same reason many, and I mean, many doctors around the world were using it and talking about it, because doctors in China, Korea and Europe were using it. My posts mostly explained why they were using it, because it is a zinc ionophore. I was optimistic about it, but it never had that much efficacy, just availability, particularly in developing nations where it is as common as aspirin. As soon as Trump mentioned it and it became politicized, I stopped discussing it and came down hard on the side of wait and see. We waited and IMHO have seen enough, please don't conflate my discussion of a scientific and medical topic with what Trump did.

Likewise with the two leading contenders for treatment, there is a Helluva lot more cause for optimism based an available evidence for both of these treatments, we await the clinical trials. However, while we wait we should prepare, the drug companies are, just in case, likewise planning by the American red cross and preparation for convalescent plasma therapy, planning and organization are required to hit the ground running if the clinical trials indicate efficacy, lives are at stake. These are current public policy matters that concern the laity like us as well as the professionals, it is useful for citizens to have an understanding of the problems and issues.

People are working around Trump and I can understand your deep anger and frustration at the situation, if I were an American I'd be climbing the fucking walls. I hate suffering caused by stupid like sin, just like you, and I've had my moments of anger and frustration here too over this bullshit.


Well-Known Member
I assume you are talking to DIY. i had to ignore him for a bit. it seemed like every post was bus station medicine or a link to a CNN article.
His heart is in the right place but his mind goes every which way. Imagine what it would be like if he were piloting the flight you were on.

For some reason, the only crap he posts that gets under my skin is the medical sciency bullshit stuff he's into. He's wide open to the right wing propaganda bullshit they drum up to distract the masses from Trump's bungling on the epidemic.

There are no treatments anywhere near ready for wide scale implementation. We might even have a vaccine before that kind of stuff is ready for prime time. Yet, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that he's going to show up with another one of Dr. Hack's (aka Trump's) elixers not long after I post this reply.


Well-Known Member
I assume you are talking to DIY. i had to ignore him for a bit. it seemed like every post was bus station medicine or a link to a CNN article.
Have a look at my Public health thread lately, I'm posting papers there that you can use to beat up AC, I'm done there! I've been improving myself! :D
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