Pandemic 2020

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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
47k of those deaths have happened since march 23rd.

1 month

That's interesting, but aren't you concerned about how many people were murdered in just ONE DAY ? "Aren't we all in this together" ?

Even if we choose not to include post-1946 deaths in the total, the 140,000 figure is far from universally accepted. Other surveys have the 1946 Hiroshima death toll at around 90,000.

There are numerous reasons for such confusion, not least the administrative chaos that prevailed in the aftermath of the bombing. Other factors that have complicated the process of arriving at a reliable estimate include uncertainty around the city’s population before the bombing and the fact that many bodies were completely vanished by the eviscerating power of the blast.

Such complexities are no less applicable to Nagasaki. Indeed, the estimated number of people killed by the “Fat Man” bomb at the end of 1945 ranges from 39,000 to 80,000. Source - Henry Atkins article


Well-Known Member
That's interesting, but aren't you concerned about how many people were murdered in just ONE DAY ? "Aren't we all in this together" ?

Even if we choose not to include post-1946 deaths in the total, the 140,000 figure is far from universally accepted. Other surveys have the 1946 Hiroshima death toll at around 90,000.

There are numerous reasons for such confusion, not least the administrative chaos that prevailed in the aftermath of the bombing. Other factors that have complicated the process of arriving at a reliable estimate include uncertainty around the city’s population before the bombing and the fact that many bodies were completely vanished by the eviscerating power of the blast.

Such complexities are no less applicable to Nagasaki. Indeed, the estimated number of people killed by the “Fat Man” bomb at the end of 1945 ranges from 39,000 to 80,000. Source - Henry Atkins article
ha ha ha

glad you've finally come to your senses and started to realize how big a problem this all is..

i mean if the only thing in scale left to compare it to, is fucking nuclear warfare.



Well-Known Member
Very well aware of total war casualties not only in Vietnam but the pseudo War On Terror, Korea and WW2. Subject is American deaths in a pandemic, different shit.

trump and Repugs are directly responsible for most US deaths and must be held accountable even if it hurts. trump is nothing but a spoiled bully with an extremely twisted and sadistic personality. Reminds me of the redhead bully in “A Christmas Story “. Got his justice.

Read the book “Hiroshima”. Changed my life, 1967
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
ha ha ha

glad you've finally come to your senses and started to realize how big a problem this all is..

i mean if the only thing in scale left to compare it to, is fucking nuclear warfare.

Except that's a bad example. Nuclear war was manmade and highly preventable. The idiotic reasoning behind incinerating tens of thousands of innocent civilians was to "protect muh freedumb" .

The modus operandi of this virus, is to "control muh freedumb" .

Both are sponsored by your overlords. Will be glad when you come to your senses and realize how persistent a problem that is.


Well-Known Member

Stevens Johnson Syndrome, skin boils off the body is a possible side effect of the drug these fuckers were pimping. A couple cases popped up in Michigan recently.

Not to mention all the linking to it adds 'credibility' to those sources and increases the visibility on Youtube and search results. It is bullshit.
Here is who was pushing HCQ, I was discussing it and it's use by doctors. It is a commonly prescribed medication for the prevention of malaria and its treatment. Stop conflating me with this bullshit, you lost that discussion. You accuse others of using disinformation and here you are using it yourself, against an ally, trying to tar me with this dispicable bullshit. More guilt by association, like you tried with the medcram site, slagging American heroes like doctors.

AC is claiming that shut downs don't work and is giving support to those who are protesting against them, he has a right to do that though, we can debate him on it and disagree. Do you intend to lay covid-19 deaths at his doorstep? He is disagreeing with the majority after all and is a "dupe" of the right wing propaganda machine too. I guess you had better start dropping pictures of the corpses on his threads now. Do you intend to slag him with photos like the one you posted to try and slag me, as if I caused this injury? I can see why you are so focused on Russian disinformation and distortions, because you use them yourself and think like these people, you must, because you are behaving like them too.

Here's a little history as a reminder of who is actually responsible, note the dates on the opening video clips.
Use Of Drug Boosted By Trump, Fox News Not Borne Out By Science | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Very well aware of total war casualties not only in Vietnam but the pseudo War On Terror, Korea and WW2. Subject is American deaths in a pandemic, different shit.

trump and Repugs are directly responsible for most US deaths and must be held accountable even if it hurts. trump is nothing but a spoiled bully with an extremely twisted and sadistic personality. Reminds me of the redhead bully in “A Christmas Story “. Got his justice.

Read the book “Hiroshima”. Change my life.
You may be correct that Trump isn't a very nice person. I've never met him, but don't hold him in high regard, he's a politician which makes him a thug by default.

You were lied to about the reasons for the USA invading Iraq. That caused the deaths of 500,000 children (estimated children killed as a result of USA invasion of Iraq)

Are you saying it's not possible you're being lied to about things having to do with this virus?

How comfortable would you be if a person told you he had murdered 500,000 children, but that's all in the past and you can trust me now ? Would you trust that person ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you're the genius that thought of it
Yes, I' m a genius, and clearly you are not, glad you thought of that.

Too bad you didn't get the part where you swept aside some death data so you could recharge your echo chamber. Are you willing to let the same organization responsible for murdering millions be in control of your destiny over a virus, that is being used as an excuse to curtail dissent ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Study shows if Social Distancing were started in the US 2 weeks earlier, when trumpfuck was calling it a hoax, approximately 90% of deaths would have been prevented.

“I don’t take responsibility at all.” trump

“Everything donald trump touches dies”


Studies have been done if the USA had never invaded the middle east, billions $ (trillions?) would not have been spent, so no need to further inflate the fiat currency today. (Which is part of the useful emergency distraction being used to today....look over there....a scary no attention to that helicopter throwing bread into the crowd to buy sheep loyalty)

Studies have been done allowing the lying liars from an organization that has killed millions to control things, will result in millions more dying.

"Everything Uncle Sam touches suffers, before it dies"

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
America has not fought for it’s fre3dom since August 9 1945
If that is true, then would it be reasonable to extrapolate the death and destruction the USA has engaged in since then, has been done for "other reasons" than what the USA has stated? Yes it is.

Since that's true, what would prevent the USA from using more lies to advance a bad agenda of domination
over it's "own people" (owned people ?) now ? The answer is.....nothing.


Well-Known Member
This is splitting the republicans a lot more than the democrats, many of the republican senior citizens are peeling off from Trump and the GOP, this is an indicator of that and why Trump has been confused and spinning in place lately. America is not divided on this issue.

Nearly 70 Percent of Voters Back Limits to Public Activities Amid Protests
Over a fifth say people should be able to move freely, even if the activities are nonessential, as pandemic continues

  • Democrats are mostly likely (85%) to support restrictions on nonessential public activities.
  • 56% of Republicans support limiting public activities, while about a third (32%) support allowing nonessential activities.
Over the weekend, protesters gathered at several state capitals to voice their opposition to stay-at-home orders and the continued closure of nonessential businesses in response to the coronavirus pandemic.
The protests received a lot of attention in the news and on social media, but a new survey indicates almostmost voters are not on board with lifting social and economic restrictions just yet.

Nearly 7 in 10 (69 percent) registered voters said people should be prohibited from moving freely outside for social, recreational or work-related activities unless they are essential, according to the Morning Consult survey, while 21 percent said people should be permitted to engage in these activities regardless of whether they are essential.
The poll was conducted April 17-19, 2020, among 1,995 registered voters and has a margin of error of 2 percentage points.

The protests against stay-at-home orders and business closures come as states and the federal government continue to consider options to reopen the economy. Last week, President Donald Trump laid out a plan that provides governors with guidance on how to reopen certain businesses, recreational venues and other institutions in three phases. While most states have enforced stay-at-home orders and other restrictions on nonessential businesses, the dates vary for when these guidelines expire. In most cases, governors are still debating whether to extend the deadlines.

The coronavirus-related restrictions on socialization and businesses have bipartisan support, with 85 percent of Democrats, as well as 56 percent of GOP voters and 63 percent of independents, saying people’s movements should be limited. Republicans were more likely to say people should be allowed to move freely outside — at 32 percent — compared to Democrats (9 percent) and independents (21 percent).
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Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
We defeated fascist thugs in 1945, here we go again.
So in order to help "defeat fascist thugs" will you be rejecting any kind of stimulus check you might receive ? You know a lot of that multi trillion dollar stimulus will go to "fascist thug corporations" right?

Are you at all concerned about any rights violations by government during this "pandemic" which has caused FAR fewer deaths than the wars of aggression caused by the same organization taking your rights from you now ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Nearly 7 in 10 (69 percent) registered voters said people should be prohibited from moving freely outside for social, recreational or work-related activities unless they are essential,
"Nearly 100% of raping slave holders, said raping slaves was an acceptable form of recreation" according to the Thomas Jefferson fucked my mama news agency


Well-Known Member
Who is most likely to get sick and die from covid -19 before the election, republicans or democrats?

COVID-19’s Economic Impact Starts to Take Center Stage for GOP Voters
Republicans are 30 points more likely than Democrats to say they’re more worried about economic fallout

Hundreds gather at the Washington state capitol in Olympia on April 19 to protest Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee's stay-at-home order. Morning Consult polling shows that a plurality of GOP voters now say they are more concerned by the economic impact of coronavirus than its harm to public health. (Karen Ducey/Getty Images)

BY ELI YOKLEYApril 22, 2020 at 12:01 am ET
  • 50% of Republicans said they’re more concerned about how coronavirus is affecting the economy, while 44% were more worried about public health.
  • 25% of GOP voters said coronavirus is a “severe threat” to their own community, compared with 45% of Democrats who said the same.
  • 48% of voters approve of Trump’s plan for state-level reopenings, but half say his primary concern is how the pandemic is impacting his re-election chances.
Over the past month, the majority of Republican voters have been more concerned about the public health impact of the coronavirus pandemic than its toll on the U.S. economy, but that’s begun to change.

A new Morning Consult/Politico poll found half of Republican voters are now primarily worried about the economic impact of coronavirus, up 11 percentage points from a survey conducted in late March. The numbers, which mark the first time GOP voters have prioritized COVID-19’s effect on the stock market and unemployment figures over its potential to spread and cause more death, reveal an emerging rift between President Donald Trump’s base and the broader electorate as people organize anti-distancing protests and some red-state governors begin taking steps to reopen their economies.
The April 18-19 poll, which surveyed 1,991 registered voters, also found a growing concern for the economy among Democrats and independents, although most of those voters were still prioritizing public health.
That disparity was also evident in views on the government’s priorities during the crisis: Eighty-one percent of Democrats said it’s most important for the government to address the spread of coronavirus, compared with 54 percent of Republican voters. GOP voters were also more than three times as likely as Democrats to say the government should prioritize the economy.


Well-Known Member
Yep, throw American troops under the bus and kill them, it will make no more difference to the republican bigots than treason or criminal dereliction of duty. More consequences from the fiasco in Wisconsin.

Guard members experience symptoms of COVID-19 after working at the polls

MADISON (WKOW) -- Some Wisconsin National Guard members experienced symptoms of COVID-19 after serving as poll workers during the April 7th election, according to the guard’s top commander.
Maj. General Paul Knapp said five guard members experienced symptoms -- one of the five was tested which came back negative. Knapp said the others were not offered a test by their doctor.
Other members have tested positive but Knapp said most of those we’re not exposed while responding to COVID-19 missions.
“The positive cases across the guard have been very low,” said Knapp. “The majority of them were not serving in response to COVID-19 they were either working their civilian jobs or at home.”

Preserving Personal Protective Equipment:
As the Wisconsin National Guard continues to step in to help works on the frontlines of the pandemic, Knapp said there's always a concern about running low on supplies to keep everyone safe.
He said they do have a backup plan in place as personal protective equipment is in high demand. Guard members are trained to use specialized equipment that goes beyond a typical N95 respirator.
“We have in our stockpile to use these for a number of missions that guard members are already trained on,” he said. “Then we can preserve those N95 masks for the frontline healthcare workers.”
The National Guard is staying busy, staffing mobile testing sites, conducting specimen collections, dropping off PPE shipments, and operating self-isolation facilities.
This week they will test all inmates and essential staff at the Dane County jail after four inmates from the same pod tested positive.
Some missions the guard has completed so far include helping a senior care facility in Ozaukee County to cover staff shortages after patients got sick and one man died from the coronavirus.
Last month they safely transported people to their homes after being in quarantine on the Grand Princess Cruise ship, which was docked in California after several passengers became infected.


Well-Known Member

AP poll: Despite nationwide protests, Americans overwhelmingly support coronavirus restrictions

Despite pockets of attention-grabbing protests, a new survey finds Americans remain overwhelmingly in favor of stay-at-home orders and other efforts to slow the spread of the coronavirus. A majority say it won’t be safe to lift such restrictions anytime soon, even as a handful of governors announce plans to ease within days the public health efforts that have upended daily life and roiled the global economy.
The survey from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that more than a month after schoolyards fell silent, restaurant tables and bar stools emptied, and waves from a safe distance replaced hugs and handshakes, the country largely believes restrictions on social interaction to curb the spread of the virus are appropriate.

Only 12% of Americans say the measures where they live go too far. About twice as many people, 26%, believe the limits don’t go far enough. The majority of Americans — 61% — feel the steps taken by government officials to prevent infections of COVID-19 in their area are about right.
About 8 in 10 Americans say they support measures that include requiring Americans to stay in their homes and limiting gatherings to 10 people or fewer — numbers that have largely held steady over the past few weeks.
A new AP-NORC poll shows a majority of Americans say restrictions in their area to prevent the spread of coronavirus are about right, but Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say they go too far.

A new AP-NORC poll shows a majority of Americans say restrictions in their area to prevent the spread of coronavirus are about right, but Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say they go too far.(AP)

“We haven’t begun to flatten the curve yet. We’re still ramping up in the number of cases and the number of deaths,” said Laura McCullough, 47, a college physics professor from Menomonie, Wisconsin. “We’re still learning about what it can do, and if we’re still learning about what it can do, this isn’t going to be the time to let people go out and get back to their life.”
While the poll reveals that the feelings behind the protests that materialized in the past week or so in battleground states such as Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are held by only a small fraction of Americans, it does find signs that Republicans are, like President Donald Trump, becoming more bullish on reopening aspects of public life.

Just 36% of Republicans now say they strongly favor requiring Americans to stay home during the outbreak, compared with 51% who said so in late March. While majorities of Democrats and Republicans think current restrictions where they live are about right, Republicans are roughly four times as likely as Democrats to think restrictions in place go too far — 22% to 5%.

More Democrats than Republicans, meanwhile, think restrictions don’t go far enough, 33% to 19%.
“They’ll be lifted, but there are still going to be sick people running around,” said 66-year-old Lynn Sanchez, a Democrat and retired convenience store manager from Jacksonville, Texas, where Gov. Greg Abbott has reopened state parks and plans to announce further relaxations next week. “And we’re going to have another pandemic.”
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