Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?

munch box

Well-Known Member
I'm voting yes on 8. Gay people say they are not going to teach young kids in schools about gay marriage, but i have seen different. Gay people have a song and dance and make a commercial about being queer everywhere they go. don't be nieve. if this prop doesn't pass kids WILL be tought about gay marriage in schools with the rainbow coalition spending millions of dollars to create gay literature for schools and pass it around the classroom.


Well-Known Member
i'm dumb, little words please. thank you. :mrgreen::blsmoke:
You understand 'em all except maybe one. Malleable = "workable"... I always think of clay or Jell-O when I think of malleable. Hold on, lemme get a thesaurus. brb.

Edit to add thesaurus entries:5 thesaurus results for: malleable
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition
Main Entry: malleable Part of Speech: adjective Definition: pliable Synonyms: adaptable, compliant, ductile, flexible, governable, go-with-the-flow, impressionable, manageable, moldable, plastic, pliant, putty in hands, rolls with punches, soft, submissive, supple, tractable, tractile, transformable, workable, yielding Antonyms: firm, rigid, stiff


Well-Known Member
i lived with a gay man whose lover, which my girlfriend at the time setup with my roommate in the first place, died of AIDS. you have NO idea where i stand. i keep telling you that. this is the internet. it's all make believe. stop trying to pin my comments to my actual life. you won't win. it's all bullsh*t. :)

i'm playing you like a fish. i thought you would have figured it out by now. all in good fun, no?


i always get the big ones. seems to be in my blood, ......... lil fdd big fish.jpg


Well-Known Member
(Psst! Post more'n that same pic. ;) )
i lived with a gay man whose lover, which my girlfriend at the time setup with my roommate in the first place, died of AIDS. you have NO idea where i stand. i keep telling you that. this is the internet. it's all make believe. stop trying to pin my comments to my actual life. you won't win. it's all bullsh*t. :)

i'm playing you like a fish. i thought you would have figured it out be now. all in good fun, no?
As I've been saying all along, I, we, can only go by your words. If your words don't match your actions, why would you blame us for noticing? If you offer up "information", comments and someone such as I happens to note what it sounds like, why would you become angry with that person for making the observation? That is what happened between us.

And, if you've only been playing, and you really felt it was all in good fun, then you wouldn't have gotten your feelings hurt, would you? For me, most of these things are in good fun, but I also know that our words reach more people than just you and I. And this type of issue is one that, as I shared with you yesterday, speaks to me on a very deep level. I appreciate the impact that you, and maybe even I, have upon others, but I wonder if you really appreciate that impact when you say some of the things you do, publicly and all.

Are you now saying that you don't think that marriage should only be between a man and a woman? Because that was one of your first statements, along with Yes on 8. Along with waxing somewhat poetic about the sanctity of marriage and implying that you are traditional, if you recollect.

If it's a word dance you're trying to play, I'm a good one for those. If it's a dance between fact and fiction, I can only go by your words. If I learn that you will lie openly, then I'm sure that you would understand why I might not take everything you say for truth, how do I know what's truth and not?


Well-Known Member
I'm voting yes on 8. Gay people say they are not going to teach young kids in schools about gay marriage, but i have seen different. Gay people have a song and dance and make a commercial about being queer everywhere they go. don't be nieve. if this prop doesn't pass kids WILL be tought about gay marriage in schools with the rainbow coalition spending millions of dollars to create gay literature for schools and pass it around the classroom.
How, exactly, is that going to happen?
Who will determine each school district's curriculum?
Which school districts have no say on the matter?
What about each parent's right to have their kids "opt out", of almost everything except the basics of education (including physical education unless they have a physician's note)?

Show us exactly how this will be done according to those who are pushing Prop. 8 and how that would be implemented in the real world. I'd like to know, as a parent, and as a parent who dedicated a hell of a lot of her time to her kids and their schools and schooling here in California.


Well-Known Member
I'm voting yes on 8. Gay people say they are not going to teach young kids in schools about gay marriage, but i have seen different. Gay people have a song and dance and make a commercial about being queer everywhere they go. don't be nieve. if this prop doesn't pass kids WILL be tought about gay marriage in schools with the rainbow coalition spending millions of dollars to create gay literature for schools and pass it around the classroom.

YOU'RE IGNORANT....all "gays" dont do this shit...just like all ur priest's dont molest little boys!!!



Well-Known Member
YOU'RE IGNORANT....all "gays" dont do this shit...just like all ur priest's dont molest little boys!!!
It's worse than that. This person does not understand how school districts work or how curricula are determined and implemented. They do not know about the laws that are in place that allow parents to opt their kids out of just about everything, except school itself. I'm sure that any parent in California reading this will tell you that when their kids are entering the grades for sex education (grade 5 here, been that way since I was a girl) they get all kinds of information and permission slips from the schools.

The main point here is that there are many mechanisms by which any parent who does not want their kids taught about certain things, for whatever reason, can require that their child be left out. I did this with my boys for the D.A.R.E. program, for instance.

I suggest folks who are pro-man/woman only marriage read my link to our local paper's op-ed piece against it. Unless you also totally dig anti-Semitism and other prejudices as well. :)

munch box

Well-Known Member
How, exactly, is that going to happen?
Who will determine each school district's curriculum?
Which school districts have no say on the matter?
What about each parent's right to have their kids "opt out", of almost everything except the basics of education (including physical education unless they have a physician's note)?

Show us exactly how this will be done according to those who are pushing Prop. 8 and how that would be implemented in the real world. I'd like to know, as a parent, and as a parent who dedicated a hell of a lot of her time to her kids and their schools and schooling here in California.
its being done right now as we speak . just because you're closing your eyes doesn't mean its not happening. school teachers are having children attend gay weddings as part of a school field trip without parents permission. Parents can't do shit about it except take thier kids out of that school. Fuck your OPT OUT. i don't want my child opting out of shit. children should be learning science math and reading, not sitting in time out .


Well-Known Member
its being done right now as we speak . just because you're closing your eyes doesn't mean its not happening. school teachers are having children attend gay weddings as part of a school field trip without parents permission. Parents can't do shit about it except take thier kids out of that school. Fuck your OPT OUT. i don't want my child opting out of shit. children should be learning science math and reading, not sitting in time out .
Bullshit. If you have a child, I suggest you start learning how that child's schools and schooling work (start with the California education codes). You're making absolutely baseless assertions... ok, maybe based on propaganda created by religious zealots, but their assertions are meant to be propagandistic. :) My kids did their math and English homework during the D.A.R.E. sessions.

Even so, though, even so, if we were to accept all your arguments as absolute truth, what harm comes to you for allowing same-sex marriage? I mean besides that lots of people think it's icky and all that, what direct harm comes to you? Are you afraid that "they're gonna turn our kids gay"? That might help overpopulation you know.

munch box

Well-Known Member
I said gays not ALL gays, obviously what i meant was MOST gays. I could say "people drink milk" it doesn't mean that ALL people do.


Well-Known Member
I said gays not ALL gays, obviously what i meant was MOST gays. I could say "people drink milk" it doesn't mean that ALL people do.
Seriously. Learn how your school district works. Get involved so you understand how these things work. Also, you can have a direct say in implementation of certain curricula or activities, but you must be present for your voice to be heard. Be prepared to run into many obstacles and copious frustration with the process, but in the end it's worth it.

Man, I've never toked up scissor hash before, stuff is strong. :blsmoke:

munch box

Well-Known Member
Bullshit. If you have a child, I suggest you start learning how that child's schools and schooling work (start with the California education codes). quote]

Maybe you should be telling all this to gay school teachers because i don't think they got the memo.


Well-Known Member
Bullshit. If you have a child, I suggest you start learning how that child's schools and schooling work (start with the California education codes).
Maybe you should be telling all this to gay school teachers because i don't think they got the memo.
:| No, they understand how these things actually work.

Just for shits and giggles and because I'm curious, are you speaking from any real life experience of any sort on this subject?


Well-Known Member
(Psst! Post more'n that same pic. ;) )

As I've been saying all along, I, we, can only go by your words. If your words don't match your actions, why would you blame us for noticing? If you offer up "information", comments and someone such as I happens to note what it sounds like, why would you become angry with that person for making the observation? That is what happened between us.

And, if you've only been playing, and you really felt it was all in good fun, then you wouldn't have gotten your feelings hurt, would you? For me, most of these things are in good fun, but I also know that our words reach more people than just you and I. And this type of issue is one that, as I shared with you yesterday, speaks to me on a very deep level. I appreciate the impact that you, and maybe even I, have upon others, but I wonder if you really appreciate that impact when you say some of the things you do, publicly and all.

Are you now saying that you don't think that marriage should only be between a man and a woman? Because that was one of your first statements, along with Yes on 8. Along with waxing somewhat poetic about the sanctity of marriage and implying that you are traditional, if you recollect.

If it's a word dance you're trying to play, I'm a good one for those. If it's a dance between fact and fiction, I can only go by your words. If I learn that you will lie openly, then I'm sure that you would understand why I might not take everything you say for truth, how do I know what's truth and not?

i'm gonna vote YES just because you won't get off my back. i will take a pic with my cell phone. thanks for helping me decide. :peace:

i enjoy wasting your time. thanks. :mrgreen::blsmoke:

for the record: i have NEVER been angry about anything posted on rollitup. who gets mad at the internet? it's NOT real. lol


Well-Known Member
Fuck yeah gay marriage is a big deal. United States stands as a woman and a man. If something is gay, they are neither male of female. They are a freak of nature. Nothing more unnatural than two guys riding shaft. Our founding fathers would turn over in their graves if they knew two gays were being wedded.


Well-Known Member
Prop 8 and schools?

Maybe schools should teach em how to read, write and the sciences instead of social idealolgy. Just a thought.

Isn't the Cali school system against home schooling? Not enough mind games?

Oh yeah, its about 'diversity', or maybe a recruiting tool for the homosexual community. Start early. Adoption may work as well also. It has to be a little tough to propagate.

Personally I don't care about homosexuals, leave me alone and I'll do the same. Push against me and I will push back. I don't buy into the homosexual 'normality' stance.

Maybe its the tax codes pushing the Homosexual marriage thing.


Well-Known Member
I personaly have no issue with anyone whos gay.
It's as gross as two uglys or fatties displaying their love.:-P

Don't know why some feel they own the patent on marriage?
How can a state enforce such a sexist practice?
(I can get fired from my job for the telling of a gay joke)

Is there not more then one form for christian marriage already?:polygamy?
Marriage is a social, religious,spiritual, or legal union of human individuals.
Marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The reasons givin from the right are sooooo ludicrous.
I herd today a few new reasons, schools will have to rewrite books, churches will get sued for hate speech???
Have to say it's better then the argument of 'why not a man and a animal then.'
Heres a few more reasons, i thought was funny.
12 Reasons | Gator Gay-Straight Alliance
  1. Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester, and birth control are not natural.
  2. Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Infertile couples and old people cannot get legally married because the world needs more children.
  3. Obviously gay parents will raise gay children because straight parents only raise straight children.
  4. Straight marriage will be less meaningful, since Britney Spears's 55-hour just-for-fun marriage was meaningful.
  5. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and it hasn't changed at all: women are property, Blacks can't marry Whites, and divorce is illegal.
  6. Gay marriage should be decided by the people, not the courts, because the majority-elected legislatures, not courts, have historically protected the rights of minorities.
  7. Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are always imposed on the entire country. That's why we only have one religion in America.
  8. Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay, in the same way that hanging around tall people makes you tall.
  9. Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of crazy behavior. People may even wish to marry their pets because a dog has legal standing and can sign a marriage license.
  10. Children can never succeed without both male and female role models at home. That's why single parents are forbidden to raise children.
  11. Gay marriage will change the foundation of society. Heterosexual marriage has been around for a long time, and we could never adapt to new social norms because we haven't adapted to cars or longer lifespans.
  12. Civil unions, providing most of the same benefits as marriage with a different name are better, because a "separate but equal" institution is always constitutional. Separate schools for African-Americans worked just as well as separate marriages will for gays & lesbians

I will quote that. Straight parents do not only raise straight children and gay parents do not only raise gay children. I have a friend with two lesbian mom's and my gay cousin has two happily married parents named Debbie and Lenny.


Well-Known Member
Prop 8 and schools?

Maybe schools should teach em how to read, write and the sciences instead of social idealolgy. Just a thought.

Isn't the Cali school system against home schooling? Not enough mind games?

Oh yeah, its about 'diversity', or maybe a recruiting tool for the homosexual community. Start early. Adoption may work as well also. It has to be a little tough to propagate.

Personally I don't care about homosexuals, leave me alone and I'll do the same. Push against me and I will push back. I don't buy into the homosexual 'normality' stance.

Maybe its the tax codes pushing the Homosexual marriage thing.
yeah damn homos, quit trying to recruit our children :lol:

munch box

Well-Known Member
:| No, they understand how these things actually work.

Just for shits and giggles and because I'm curious, are you speaking from any real life experience of any sort on this subject?
My neighbors child came home with a book titled "king and king". Not only will gay teachers educate children on gay marriage , They preach it as if it is a revalation from god.