
Only the drive in windows are open. They don't believe you when you say give me all your money at the drive in.

Worked at a bank years ago & a dude drove up to the window, placed a box in the drawer - teller pulls it in & he says "it's a bomb, fill the drawer with cash". She tells him the she can't get anything else in the drawer, shoves it back outside & says "take it out so I can fill the drawer".

Dumb ass does so, she yanks the drawer back in, drops below the bullet proof glass & hit's the "red button".

He didn't get rich that day. :wink:
Got a letter from the IRS with the header saying White House. It told me I was sent my stimulus check because of the person who signed the legislation sent to him. He even graced the letter with his sharpie chicken scrawl. I'm trying hard to keep this non political.

I didn't even read it. I heard a letter was going out. Once I saw it, i got nauseous ripped it up and tossed it... should've burnt the mother fucker
