Samsung F Strip Build

Finished building the lights during lunch today and they came out great! Does anyone happen to know how hot the drivers are supposed to run? I was able to push mine a little to 250W per light but I want to make sure I don't overdrive the drivers. The hottest I'm seeing on the surface of the drivers is 116F. I can't believe how cool the lights run with those heatsinks, though, they are all reading about 81F.
Finished building the lights during lunch today and they came out great! Does anyone happen to know how hot the drivers are supposed to run? I was able to push mine a little to 250W per light but I want to make sure I don't overdrive the drivers. The hottest I'm seeing on the surface of the drivers is 116F. I can't believe how cool the lights run with those heatsinks, though, they are all reading about 81F.
Looks good. So if the drivers you're using are putting out 5 amps, that's 1250mA per strip, which is perfect.
Ya the drivers are outside the tent too right?
And it's cool to see they came out so well. wmwhat sinks did you use again?
Yes, the drivers are outside of the tent and I made a little stand for them from my scrap extrusion, with rubber feet, to keep them elevated so they get air from all sides. I'm going to check the temp of them throughout the night to make sure they don't get too hot. They are right around 130F now. This is what I got for heatsinks

Thanks for the info! I just looked up the spec sheet for my drivers and it says the max case temp is 90C (194F) so 116F doesn't seem bad at all.
Awesome! Well under heat spec. Your build looks great.

With the HLG series drivers I'm using, you can run the strips at either 830mA or 1100mA, depending on which drivers and how many strips. I think the lower current is good for running scrog in the summertime. The higher current will have better canopy penetration, and will heat the room more in the wintertime. It may be good to have both options. An HLG-320 and an HLG-480 combines to 16.7 amps though, so I'd have to run them on separate timers.
This is from the Samsung H-Influx datasheet. The F series datasheet doesn't have this added excerpt but consider that the LT-F564B Nominal Tc is 65*C and that the intended application for each of these linear strips is identical and I think you get what I'm saying.
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Sorry for the confusion. Because this thread is titled F strip build, I assumed the discussion was about F strips. Just sharing MY experience.
LT-F564B's are F-Series Strips

Thanks for the info! I just looked up the spec sheet for my drivers and it says the max case temp is 90C (194F) so 116F doesn't seem bad at all.

Funny I have an XLG-200-24 rn and it definitely runs hotter than any of the HLG drivers I've used in the past, though like you mentioned, well within range. Still, it kinda bothered me so I keep a small desk fan blowing over it and it brought the temps down a good deal. BTW, congrats on the build, looks great.
LT-F564B's are F-Series Strips

Funny I have an XLG-200-24 rn and it definitely runs hotter than any of the HLG drivers I've used in the past, though like you mentioned, well within range. Still, it kinda bothered me so I keep a small desk fan blowing over it and it brought the temps down a good deal. BTW, congrats on the build, looks great.
Thanks! It’s nice to have a better color temp in there now, too! My COBs weren’t blurples, but they still had a slight pinkish hue to them that made my pictures look like garbage.
Awesome! Well under heat spec. Your build looks great.

With the HLG series drivers I'm using, you can run the strips at either 830mA or 1100mA, depending on which drivers and how many strips. I think the lower current is good for running scrog in the summertime. The higher current will have better canopy penetration, and will heat the room more in the wintertime. It may be good to have both options. An HLG-320 and an HLG-480 combines to 16.7 amps though, so I'd have to run them on separate timers.
16.7 DC amps, yes. Some low voltage drivers output even more DC current than that. This driver has a maximum current output of 22 amps.

With 800 watts on 115VAC you'll be around 7 AC amps. With 800 watts on 230 VAC you'll be around 3.5 AC amps.

Are you using a digital wall timer rated for 15 amps? If that's the current rating you will be well under it using those two drivers, although you may still want to turn on the drivers one after the other rather than concurrently due to their high inrush currents.
16.7 DC amps, yes. Some low voltage drivers output even more DC current than that. This driver has a maximum current output of 22 amps.

With 800 watts on 115VAC you'll be around 7 AC amps. With 800 watts on 230 VAC you'll be around 3.5 AC amps.

Are you using a digital wall timer rated for 15 amps? If that's the current rating you will be well under it using those two drivers, although you may still want to turn on the drivers one after the other rather than concurrently due to their high inrush currents.
You're right, I was looking at the output specs. The combined input of a 320 and 480 is 8.5 amps, so I'll be fine.

I think you're looking at the HLG-320H-12B that has 22 amps output (at 6-12 volts). The 48B has 6.7 amps output, at 24-48V.

Now there's a thread for $5 strip builds. Guess I started that trend, for better or for worse. It's good for people on a tight budget. I hadn't realized there were so many different strips. I'd like to get 15 of the F-series Gen3 for my next build. They're supposed to be in stock next month. Or is there something better now?
You're right, I was looking at the output specs. The combined input of a 320 and 480 is 8.5 amps, so I'll be fine.

I think you're looking at the HLG-320H-12B that has 22 amps output (at 6-12 volts). The 48B has 6.7 amps output, at 24-48V.

Now there's a thread for $5 strip builds. Guess I started that trend, for better or for worse. It's good for people on a tight budget. I hadn't realized there were so many different strips. I'd like to get 15 of the F-series Gen3 for my next build. They're supposed to be in stock next month. Or is there something better now?
Sorry I was just using the HLG-320H-12A as an example of a lower voltage driver that has a current output greater than 16.7 amps.