Lockdowns don't work.


Well-Known Member
Long before the theory of gravity was a glimmer in Newton's imagination, the natural physics of density and buoyancy already perfectly explained why apples fall down. Quite simply, objects fall or rise based on their relative density to the medium surrounding them. Apples fall because they are denser than the air, while helium balloons rise because they are lighter - no 'gravity' necessary. This is why raindrops fall down through the air and air-bubbles rise up through water! Everything seeks its relative density and rises or falls until settling accordingly. This is why a tiny pebble sinks to the bottom of the ocean, but gigantic cruise-ships and aircraft carriers stay afloat on the surface, because even though a pebble is so small, its mass relative to its volume (its density) is more than water, so it sinks, and even though a cruise-ship is so large, its mass relative to its volume is less than water, so it floats. If Newton's apple had landed in a puddle instead of on his head, he would have seen the apple only fell through the air because it was denser than the air, but then floated on top of the water because it was less dense than water. Have you ever noticed how its easier to stay afloat with your lungs full of air than it is when they're empty? Submarines float on the surface when their ballast tanks are filled with air, but when the vents are opened and seawater floods in, they begin to sink as the submarine's density becomes greater than water. Depending what depth they wish to dive sailors simply adjust the ratio of air/water in the tanks, and when ready to re-surface they blow compressed air into the tanks forcing the seawater out, lowering the density, and thus causing them to rise back to the surface. We can also prove this fact of relative density by filling a balloon with approximately half helium and half air. Since helium is lighter than the oxygen, nitrogen and other gases that compose the air around us, filling a balloon with just the right amount of helium to compensate for and balance out the density of the plastic results in a 'gravity-defying' levitating balloon at equilibrium that neither rises nor falls!


Well-Known Member
There is no god, demons the devil/satan. No little man in the sky.

Religion is a way to control people. Way worse than the government.
In this video you shall witness real contact with the Devil and hear him talk back to me. He threatens to kill me again. This is not a joke or a hoax, this is real. I am using a legitimate device called a spirit box to cause this event to happen. The demon IAN who I am friends with - tells me not to worry as the Devil is just trying to cause fear within me so he can access the fear and find a way into me. This is extremely dangerous... Don't try it! Like seriously....don't! I do not worship the devil and there is no devil worshipping going on at all..... ever.....but yes, I do speak to him. I am a right hand path Wizard, I work through God. Satanists who worship the devil are left hand path and work through their god Lucifer. I only remain without conflict because IAN safe guards me. IAN is truly a demon but he is not malevolent. He is benevolent! Yes I know the devil and belial and Lucifer and the demons are liars and a deceiver and masquerade as an angel of light etc etc but, the reality of the situation is just so much more complex that it cannot be so compressed into such a typical stereotype. As seen in this video I act sarcastically to the devil to annoy him. It helps at certain times to prevent him from gaining access to me. He's trying to find a way into me, but I can deflect his entry by doing the opposite of his intentions. If he wants to scare me, I will want it. If he wants to harm me, I will welcome it If he wants to teach me, I will question his questions and answer his answers. If he wants me to join him, I will deny he is real.


Well-Known Member
In this video you shall witness real contact with the Devil and hear him talk back to me. He threatens to kill me again. This is not a joke or a hoax, this is real. I am using a legitimate device called a spirit box to cause this event to happen. The demon IAN who I am friends with - tells me not to worry as the Devil is just trying to cause fear within me so he can access the fear and find a way into me. This is extremely dangerous... Don't try it! Like seriously....don't! I do not worship the devil and there is no devil worshipping going on at all..... ever.....but yes, I do speak to him. I am a right hand path Wizard, I work through God. Satanists who worship the devil are left hand path and work through their god Lucifer. I only remain without conflict because IAN safe guards me. IAN is truly a demon but he is not malevolent. He is benevolent! Yes I know the devil and belial and Lucifer and the demons are liars and a deceiver and masquerade as an angel of light etc etc but, the reality of the situation is just so much more complex that it cannot be so compressed into such a typical stereotype. As seen in this video I act sarcastically to the devil to annoy him. It helps at certain times to prevent him from gaining access to me. He's trying to find a way into me, but I can deflect his entry by doing the opposite of his intentions. If he wants to scare me, I will want it. If he wants to harm me, I will welcome it If he wants to teach me, I will question his questions and answer his answers. If he wants me to join him, I will deny he is real.
you been smokin' moldy weed again huh


Well-Known Member
you been smokin' moldy weed again huh
No, i don't smoke mouldy weed lol. I bought a gram of it 1 time. Probably about 20 years ago when i was a kid lol and it was my fault because i looked at it first and i thought that looks a bit weird and when i had a bit it made me sick hahaha


Well-Known Member
I dont believe in fairy tales

Doesnt mean the devil is real either.

All a bunch of bullshit. Just a simple way to control people, and scare them.

There is no Devil and there is no Hell…. Throughout its history and teachings, religion has preached the merits of good and condemned the temptations of evil. Good and evil are principles conceived by humankind and exist independently of religions and theology.


Well-Known Member
I dont believe in fairy tales

Doesnt mean the devil is real either.

All a bunch of bullshit. Just a simple way to control people, and scare them.
i have personally spoken to the devil with a device called a spirit box. you can buy a spirit box on ebay for your self if you don't believe me. i use a psb7 spirit box. it's a hacked radio that scans the white noise and static and voices start talking to you. pretty spooky stuff once you realise it's real.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Long before the theory of gravity was a glimmer in Newton's imagination, the natural physics of density and buoyancy already perfectly explained why apples fall down. Quite simply, objects fall or rise based on their relative density to the medium surrounding them. Apples fall because they are denser than the air, while helium balloons rise because they are lighter - no 'gravity' necessary. This is why raindrops fall down through the air and air-bubbles rise up through water! Everything seeks its relative density and rises or falls until settling accordingly. This is why a tiny pebble sinks to the bottom of the ocean, but gigantic cruise-ships and aircraft carriers stay afloat on the surface, because even though a pebble is so small, its mass relative to its volume (its density) is more than water, so it sinks, and even though a cruise-ship is so large, its mass relative to its volume is less than water, so it floats. If Newton's apple had landed in a puddle instead of on his head, he would have seen the apple only fell through the air because it was denser than the air, but then floated on top of the water because it was less dense than water. Have you ever noticed how its easier to stay afloat with your lungs full of air than it is when they're empty? Submarines float on the surface when their ballast tanks are filled with air, but when the vents are opened and seawater floods in, they begin to sink as the submarine's density becomes greater than water. Depending what depth they wish to dive sailors simply adjust the ratio of air/water in the tanks, and when ready to re-surface they blow compressed air into the tanks forcing the seawater out, lowering the density, and thus causing them to rise back to the surface. We can also prove this fact of relative density by filling a balloon with approximately half helium and half air. Since helium is lighter than the oxygen, nitrogen and other gases that compose the air around us, filling a balloon with just the right amount of helium to compensate for and balance out the density of the plastic results in a 'gravity-defying' levitating balloon at equilibrium that neither rises nor falls!
Nope, it was the crown and gummies. Have you ever talked after filling your lungs with helium ..... it’s so cool!!!!