Lockdowns don't work.

lessons from Hong Kong on avoiding a coronavirus lockdown

Governments in Europe and the US can learn from Hong Kong, which has kept infections and deaths from Covid-19 low without resorting to the socially and economically damaging lockdown that the UK and other countries have imposed, scientists say.
"In a survey in March, 85% of respondents reported avoiding crowded places, and 99% reported wearing face masks when leaving home, which the authors say is an indication of their concern."......this ain't the U.S.Of A......asshats here are too self centered to be inconvenienced to by a self lockdown...
Besides we don't have enough tests to do what Hongkong did. they are only 7million, we are 330million......math
A month old. The lockdowns are already ending, because they failed.

Your logic (for lack of a better word) is flawed. You are making the false assumption that the lockdown failed. The purpose of the lockdown was not to eradicate the disease but slow down its spread. That is exactly what it did!

Therefore it didn't fail at all.

I've enjoyed reading your posts on the topic. I particularly admire your willingness to not allow science or common sense sway you from your opinion.
Your logic (for lack of a better word) is flawed. You are making the false assumption that the lockdown failed. The purpose of the lockdown was not to eradicate the disease but slow down its spread. That is exactly what it did!

Therefore it didn't fail at all.

I've enjoyed reading your posts on the topic. I particularly admire your willingness to not allow science or common sense sway you from your opinion.
What we learned in this thread is the only people who believe lockdowns don't work are adherents to fake conspiracy theories. Some real doozies have been presented. LOL
I'm not implying you are a conspiracy nut, I'm implying you are uninformed
Some people who say they believe that lockdowns don't work also believe that this epidemic is due to a grand Rothschild and Jewish conspiracy.

I don't believe them. If that makes me uninformed then I'll gladly stay that way.
How stupid is this?.......
US endures worst one-day death toll yet as states reopen

The U.S. saw its largest one-day death toll from the coronavirus pandemic to date on Thursday as several states began to reopen parts of their economies.
According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 2,909 people in the U.S. died on Thursday, shattering the previous record of 2,471 deaths reported on April 23, CNBC reported.
How stupid is this?.......
US endures worst one-day death toll yet as states reopen

The U.S. saw its largest one-day death toll from the coronavirus pandemic to date on Thursday as several states began to reopen parts of their economies.
According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 2,909 people in the U.S. died on Thursday, shattering the previous record of 2,471 deaths reported on April 23, CNBC reported.
If this keeps up red states are gonna fuck themselves and require massive support and shit from the national stockpile. They can send ventilators to cornhole somewhere, but what about the doctors and people to operate them? Already many of these places are being overwhelmed and it's gonna be Hell in the hospitals. A big die off of your own supporters has gotta affect the election results in november, even those who recover are gonna be pissed after a shit kicking, especially as treatment options are rolled out over the coming months. These people are being sacrificed on Trump's altar, the GOP slaughter house of herd immunity, MOO!
Some people who say they believe that lockdowns don't work also believe that this epidemic is due to a grand Rothschild and Jewish conspiracy.

I don't believe them. If that makes me uninformed then I'll gladly stay that way.

Nice try. The Ole deflect.

That's not why you are uninformed. You are uninformed because you say lockdowns don't work.