
Wow how many people were there. I was reading that some cities in the US dropped the mask requirement because employees at stores were being threatened.

This morning I saw that Pegasus bar is likely going to close because of covid. My friends and I would often meet there before hitting up the clubs. The emergency benefits for landlords isn't working here. The rent benefit covers up to 75% of a stores rent while they're shutdown. Land owners don't seem very motivated to sign up and are instead going after lease holders for the entire amount owing. We're not going to have any night clubs by the time this is over. :(
500 people at the Paso Robles protest, population (2018) of 32100. Paso also has highest Covid rate in the county of San Luis Obispo, likely from the wine tourists
Boris Johnson was a good example of that. He was bragging about shaking hands with everyone prior to his infection. Now that the air has been let out of his braggadocio he's behaving with a bit more seriousness.

So what we need is for dear leader to get it? Maybe Pence got it when he went to the mayo clinic... doubt it considering it's all a hoax.

500 people at the Paso Robles protest, population (2018) of 32100. Paso also has highest Covid rate in the county of San Luis Obispo, likely from the wine tourists

That's nuts, it's like they're trying to get infected. We only had 100 and they were social distancing for the most part... despite their signs.

For the most part, these "events" are staged by astro-turf political organizers from way out of state. They push it hard on every social media outlet they can post to. Even so, they attract very few people.

What they are designed to attract are the media, who like to interview the dumbest rocks they can find (not hard really). The media ends up covering every even like it is a massive wave, when really it's just a handful of dead enders keeping socially distant. Many wear masks.

This "opposition" is big nothing burger. Don't waste your cycles on it, except to tell politicians it is a very loud micro-minority that should be ignored.