Clone only strains

Pics don't do this one justice. I even pulled it out of my flower room to try to get some shots under the light in my clone room. It makes me want to buy a nicer camera. My phone doesn't take the greatest pics either but I'm not ready to upgrade. (it was my daughters and I cant let go of it yet)
Trop Cherry 1.jpg

Trop Cherry.jpg

From everything I've seen/read I want to say wedding cake is more like 70-77 day range.
I liked her at 70 days but 9-10 weeks is the usual most take her. I like to run all cookies at least 10 weeks. Lot of them look finished before then I find they aren’t.
Cool thanks guys! I'll run her 70 see how she performs. She's a beautiful plant that looks like will yield really well.

Another question or 2 about harvest times. I got a Chem D clone also at 7 weeks that I was wondering when others prefer her to be harvested? She's smelling like bad breath but in a good way. She took alot of work to get her this far considering how bad shape the original clone I recieved was!

Also got a GMO in there(quarantine strainly test tent) with the Chem D and Wedding cake. So far she's got more of a sweet smell then I expected. What's her terps smell like at harvest? I was going to go 77 days with her unless you guys think I should run her longer?
I was wondering what others opinion on the
Phinest Chem D cut is?
Is it legit?
Matt Riot said Phinest use to vend it as Chem 91, but changed the name to the Chem D.
Pbud said it's different
I for one don't think they're the same.
Chem 91 and Chem D are different. I have the Chem 91.
Chem 91 and Chem D are different. I have the Chem 91.