Yesterday a black racer between 4-5’ was about that close to my front door when the wife went out and she never saw it but she saw me and asked, so I told her the truth. “ it won’t hurt you honey but it will make you hurt yourself “ I don’t like to kill them I said ,,, I don’t mind she said,,,,,, run you bastard run for your life. Ne’s usually in the back but look like he was chasing a chipmunk who was probably trying to get inside to get away.
At aero know.... do you have an arthritic conditions , my finger nails look just like yours and my rumotalijest said I had psycho some kinda bs arthritis that gives me fits with my feet and elbows ...... I’m in a shit load of pain now ,,,, if you have had it checked great if not than get it checked but ask Annie frist,