I GOTTA LOSE THE AIR PUMPS! HOW?! Plus my awesome mini DWC :)

A question I've always had is if your using something like a halo to water your coco. Then when the jets of water hit the top of coco(breaking surface tension and adding DO), wouldn't that add all the Dissolved Oxygen one would ever need?
Breaking the surface tension does not automatically add DO to the water.
If that would be the case, one could also add a drop of detergent to the water.
DO gets in the water because of air pressure (the column of water above the surface)
By mixing/agitating your reservoir you re-new the upper layer of the water constantly. Replacing the upper layer which has lots of DO, with the water underneath, that has no DO. This constant replacing of layers will make sure that your whole reservoir contains DO rich water (hopefully)

And also as stated above: DO is only important for DWC and RDWC when roots are submerged all the time.
Otherwise oxygen in gaseous state is way more effective.
My air pump made a fair bit of noise and vibration in the Res until I bought different air stones. Now I have the flat disks the noise is not as bad because the airstones are not touching the bottom of the bucket,there on suckers that keep them from touching.
Where did you add the Venturi? Pics if possible , where did you get the Venturi? Thanks
so im running 2 5 gal buckets with 2" return to 27 gal tote reservoir, im gonna pump my water from my 27 gal tote using a pump with 1/2 id hose to each bucket then waterfall in. my question is do i want to put a air venturi on each bucket where the water is gonna waterfall into each site, or do i want a venturi adding air somewhere on the reservoir. i guess im kinda confused on how this is supposed to work or where to put my air venturi. would i need two pumps?
one to circulate the reservoir and one to run waterfall system?
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so im running 2 5 gal buckets with 2" return to 27 gal tote reservoir, im gonna pump my water from my 27 gal tote using a pump with 1/2 id hose to each bucket then waterfall in. my question is do i want to put a air venturi on each bucket where the water is gonna waterfall into each site, or do i want a venturi adding air somewhere on the reservoir. i guess im kinda confused on how this is supposed to work or where to put my air venturi. would i need two pumps?
one to circulate the reservoir and one to run waterfall system?
You don't need a venturi. Your waterfalls will do the trick just fine.
Well after yesterday, I went and dropped 100 on pipe and fittings, taking one side down at a time tonight and installing 4 waterfalls.
Hey, very Cool! Let's see some pics of the progress and finished product!
For sure man, I have 4 of 8 plants on one side right now so once I start I have to finish. Going to turn the pump around and pull off the res rather then dump in. Just trying to figure out if more small holes or stronger bigger holes to penetrate deeper. I know more holes will cove more surface and equal more DO. If penetration isn’t a huge deal then will try and find a happy medium. But the edge of the tub will have a full length 3/4” spray bar in each. I have to tame 1800gph. I will probably end up doing everything but the water connections tonight, 2 night project maybe. Thanks for all the info as well. Here’s a pic of when I installed the pipes, I put elbows on to help stir the pots, older pic..CBBC6FF4-EA6F-4E41-9FFC-AE7B1EF56532.jpeg
Oh very interesting. I've only ever had just a simple 1/2" black barbed elbow through a grommet from the inside of the bucket for waterfalls. No need to get crazy. As long as it breaks the surface tension and the waters always moving, it's good to go. Happy healthy girls.
Oh very interesting. I've only ever had just a simple 1/2" black barbed elbow through a grommet from the inside of the bucket for waterfalls. No need to get crazy. As long as it breaks the surface tension and the waters always moving, it's good to go. Happy healthy girls.
I’m usually on the verge of getting crazy haha. Ok well I think regardless of what I end up doing it should move plenty of water, if I half and half my ro water tonight I can start and finish this eve, I kinda wanted to do full ro and wipe everything down, start overish. Will update..
Im looking for some black 1” vinyl tubing for the pump line but only finding 100’ rolls for $$$. Any suggestions?
Im looking for some black 1” vinyl tubing for the pump line but only finding 100’ rolls for $$$. Any suggestions?
Good luck, might find a 50 footer. My local grow store used to cut it by the foot and they quit so you gotta buy the whole roll.

With businesses offering lesser / poor service now due to COVID-19 I doubt you will find any help.
Im looking for some black 1” vinyl tubing for the pump line but only finding 100’ rolls for $$$. Any suggestions?
Its not cheap!
1" tubing is nearly $3 a foot from even the cheapest places.
There's a seller on ebay called hydrofarm that has the best prices available on it and they sell it in different lengths and by the foot.
Just found some 1” black vinyl with 1/8” walls for $14 per 10ft at 123ponds. From what you all have said, seems like the best deal im gonna get.
What sucks is when you buy a whole roll and it's stiff and not pliable and you have to use a heat gun to get it on the barbed fittings.
Im looking for some black 1” vinyl tubing for the pump line but only finding 100’ rolls for $$$. Any suggestions?
Any business that installs irrigation, farm water systems, underground sprinkler systems has all that stuff bulk around here, I just go ask for it. I don’t know where you live but I’m sure there’s places worth a call if you don’t want to wait for covid mail.