How does destroying the property of innocent people fix systemic problems of governmental abuse ?

Did you vote for the idiot ? I didn't. Why do you feel compelled to obey an idiot ? When he grabs somebody by their pussy, are you responsible ?

You use the term "we" reflexively, almost like you underwent years of indoctrination or something.

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It must be nice to not have any accountability, and try to put other people who do have a sense of it in whatever box makes you feel best.

He was just another rich asshole back then. We are responsible for putting the rapist in charge through.
We are responsible for putting the rapist in charge through.

No, we are not, other people might be, but we are not. Stop abusing the meanings of words and escape from your mental captivity.

If you didn't vote for him and I didn't vote for him, and neither of us wants him to be in charge over us, we (you and I) are not responsible. I realize you want a different master and I want no master, but "we" (you and I ) at least agree we don't want Trump to be our master.

Did you know feeling responsible for the actions of your master is a slave trait ?

You default to the idea that you are a "subject" in a collective rather than an individual free person. I kind of feel bad for you. Does it hurt to be so indoctrinated that you feel an obligation to bear responsibility for the actions of other people ?
No, we are not, other people might be, but we are not. Stop abusing the meanings of words and escape from your mental captivity.

If you didn't vote for him and I didn't vote for him, and neither of us wants him to be in charge over us, we (you and I) are not responsible. I realize you want a different master and I want no master, but "we" (you and I ) at least agree we don't want Trump to be our master.

Did you know feeling responsible for the actions of your master is a slave trait ?

You default to the idea that you are a "subject" in a collective rather than an individual free person. I kind of feel bad for you. Does it hurt to be so indoctrinated that you feel an obligation to bear responsibility for the actions of other people ?
I don't have a master.


I should have done more to try to make sure that 10k people knew enough about what Trump and the Republicans were doing than I did. I am responsible for not pushing back on the bullshit propaganda that the militarized trolls were pushing about Clinton for years, and my state would have went to a far better candidate who I voted for.

You could have done the same, but chose to believe that the people we hire to do a job is meaningless and are also responsible. If you are an American, which I choose to believe you are. If you are not an American, then yes it is not your fault unless you are attacking our democracy with disinformation that your countries leaders requested.
I find it interesting that America's police forces have been turned into military institutions that police themselves, use their unions to pool resources for protection, legal representation, and to exert great influence in the direction of policy, normalizing the level of violence and disrespect used in today's policing... and we address only one symptom of a much larger problem expecting something to change.

I'm not saying that racism does not exist in policing, quite the contrary. I believe that because the direction policing has chosen to follow allows racism to hide in plain sight, attracting people that allow their biases to guide their actions, whatever they may be. I think the problem is that we, as a society, have been desensitized to how police treat people they consider to be criminals. Unfortunately, many people, disproportionately black, indigenous, other minorities and the mentally ill get treated like this every day, the only difference is that this guy died and it was caught on camera.

Perhaps it was racism, perhaps it was just a piece of shit cop being a piece of shit cop. Either way, far too much of this shit goes unexposed and unpunished.
I don't have a master.


I should have done more to try to make sure that 10k people knew enough about what Trump and the Republicans were doing than I did. I am responsible for not pushing back on the bullshit propaganda that the militarized trolls were pushing about Clinton for years, and my state would have went to a far better candidate who I voted for.

You could have done the same, but chose to believe that the people we hire to do a job is meaningless and are also responsible. If you are an American, which I choose to believe you are. If you are not an American, then yes it is not your fault unless you are attacking our democracy with disinformation that your countries leaders requested.

I don't identify with any governmental "nationality" . I am a self owning free person. sometimes forced to be caught up in others distorted delusions without my consent.
Been a long time coming if you ask me. I'm from the UK by the way.

Viva la revolution!

The whole world is fed up of the USA being stuffed down our throats as they are the only country in world!

Fuck Trump, his lame lap dog team and his deluded supporters.

Let them do what they need to do to create change.

why is everything trumps fault? oh, because you watch liberal media. Only you can break the bonds that bind your mind
How can Trump (or any other douche bag politician) "give" ground half way across the world which isn't theirs to give ?

Can't Syrians figure out how they want to live and Uncle Sam can just stay home and fuck with his own serfs?

Democracy is to gang rape, as solo rape is to dictator...careful what you wish for.

see Libya where HRC laughingly said (essentially) "We came.. we saw... we conquered"
It must be nice to not have any accountability, and try to put other people who do have a sense of it in whatever box makes you feel best.

He was just another rich asshole back then. We are responsible for putting the rapist in charge through.

Dude, where is the proof that DJT is a rapist? I saw the document where both he and Epstein were charged (and believed it), but then tried to track it down: it appears to be a liberal psyop
why is everything trumps fault? oh, because you watch liberal media. Only you can break the bonds that bind your mind

Liberal media has nothing to do with it...

He's inept, and incompetent. He's grossly unqualified for the position he currently holds. He possesses a debilitating reading disorder that renders him devoid of the reading comprehension skills necessary for informed decision making. He "hires the best people" to do his reading for him. His cabinet is full of "yes men". All advisors have been systematically fired, forced to resign, or quit.

If you had done your own homework prior to the election, instead of letting Fux Snooz and the like frame your opinion for you, you would know Dotard Trump for his true self. A conman, and a cheat, a man who has been bending, breaking, and subverting the law for decades. A successful white collar criminal. He's nothing more than a two bit hustler born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Nothing that has happened during this shit show of a presidency would be a surprise to you. You would know why everything is Trump's fault...
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Dude, where is the proof that DJT is a rapist? I saw the document where both he and Epstein were charged (and believed it), but then tried to track it down: it appears to be a liberal psyop
It is interesting how scrubbed everything is on it now that Trump is President. I even noticed watching the Epstein series on Netflix that they scrubbed everything about Trump and his relationship from it, and they didn't bring up that it was Bill Barr's dad who hired Epstein right out of his couple years of college to teach underage girls.

Anyways, I was concerned that I was posting incorrect info so I looked at it again, and you are right, if you were not inclined to believe it I would see your point. All that was coming up with basic google search was the one document that I had used from the factcheck site. And the Doe V Trump wiki page gives nothing really either. But it did have a case number.

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So I googled that, pay dirt.
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So here you go man, sorry about that, but it does look like Trump has been trying to get this buried.

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why is everything trumps fault? oh, because you watch liberal media. Only you can break the bonds that bind your mind
What is liberal 'media'?

You do know that media can mean damn near everything, and some of the stuff like you will find in 'the Hill' are bad actors in this, designed to catfish as actual journalistic news, but are really just blog posts aimed at dividing people up. Also a lot of the information that is incorrect in the news media comes from people like Trump's minions showing up and lying to the American people.

And news companies like MSNBC being highly factual outside of the 'opinion of political pundits, should help to explain how Trump likes to plant lies on air because as president, everything he says (lies about) is forced to be covered. And because of that, he is technically correct when he appears on those stations claiming them to be 'fake news', because he is using them to lie to us.
Screen Shot 2020-06-04 at 10.46.40 AM.png

see Libya where HRC laughingly said (essentially) "We came.. we saw... we conquered"
Did you ever watch the entire video or just edited clips pushed by Trump's trolls (foreign and domestic)?

Because all I could find was this:
And this

Not exactly gassing American citizens, but I get it, her emails.
It is interesting how scrubbed everything is on it now that Trump is President. I even noticed watching the Epstein series on Netflix that they scrubbed everything about Trump and his relationship from it, and they didn't bring up that it was Bill Barr's dad who hired Epstein right out of his couple years of college to teach underage girls.

Anyways, I was concerned that I was posting incorrect info so I looked at it again, and you are right, if you were not inclined to believe it I would see your point. All that was coming up with basic google search was the one document that I had used from the factcheck site. And the Doe V Trump wiki page gives nothing really either. But it did have a case number.

View attachment 4585151

So I googled that, pay dirt.
View attachment 4585152

So here you go man, sorry about that, but it does look like Trump has been trying to get this buried.

View attachment 4585154

What is liberal 'media'?

You do know that media can mean damn near everything, and some of the stuff like you will find in 'the Hill' are bad actors in this, designed to catfish as actual journalistic news, but are really just blog posts aimed at dividing people up. Also a lot of the information that is incorrect in the news media comes from people like Trump's minions showing up and lying to the American people.

And news companies like MSNBC being highly factual outside of the 'opinion of political pundits, should help to explain how Trump likes to plant lies on air because as president, everything he says (lies about) is forced to be covered. And because of that, he is technically correct when he appears on those stations claiming them to be 'fake news', because he is using them to lie to us.
View attachment 4585157

Did you ever watch the entire video or just edited clips pushed by Trump's trolls (foreign and domestic)?

Because all I could find was this:
And this

Not exactly gassing American citizens, but I get it, her emails.

Well put.

Objective reasoning > confirmation bias...

People have forgotten how to implement the former, in lieu of the later.

In this day and age, folks need to weigh information for content and delivery, and then measure it for credibility. Unfortunately, affirmation of bias is much faster, convenient, and doesn't cause rise to pesky psychological discomfort by way of cognitive dissonance.
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So lots of angry people, protesting government brutality, have taken the brutal death of a black man as some kind of license to destroy the property of uninvolved people. Ironically many of the protesters, still obediently wear "virus fear masks".

Obedient fear mask wearers practicing or condoning random acts of violence, while protesting intentional acts of violence by cops. How does that accomplish anything on the grand scale?

Are these people insane or just ignorant of the greater scam that they continue to enable ?

it doesn't..those are rightie agitators trying to make it look like________________ are doing it.