miracle gro sucks? lol


Well-Known Member
before i transplant, i want to buy some other soil...
because, people keep saying that miracle gro is, a bad choice
(if possible... can someone tell me why, it's bad to use?)
& that's what i'm using... does anyone know, what's good?
i was thinking about using those pink balls? lol
sorry, i don't know what it's called, but anyone, suggest a soil?

for flowering, i was thinking something, like this

50% miracle grow or similar potting soil
20% jamaican bat guano
10% organic seafood fertilizer
10% perlite
05% sand
05% organic mix


Well-Known Member
Please don't use Miracle Grow soil Rasta... it would break my heart :-D The main problem with MG soil is the shitty nutrients they conveniently pack into all their products. They are 100% chemical-based and end up burning most of the plants subjected to it. The NPK ratio of MG is not quite right for growing marijuana, and it lacks a lot of the secondary nutes your plants need to live a healthy, productive life. And if you try to correct a deficiency by increasing the strength of your concentration, you'll end up giving it too much of another nutrient that it is not deficient in and burn your plants. Go get yourself some FoxFarm Ocean Forest. It is perfect right out of the bag and won't need any supplementation for the first 3 weeks of use. Some people like adding a 20% cut of perlite to improve drainage, but I haven't found that to be necessary and use it straight out of the bag.


Well-Known Member
alright, i'll definitely exclude miracle gro rolla :D
i think that's why, my plants older leaves tips are brown/burnt looking?
but, you don't know, anything, similar to miracle gro?
any other potting soil? that's not that expensive? lol
i would use fox farm items, i just don't wish to buy things online
i much rather go off to the stores in my area, for ferts & soil

thanks, for letting me know about, miracle gro

i was thinking of doing something like this...

50% miracle grow or similar potting soil
20% jamaican bat guano
10% organic seafood fertilizer
10% perlite
05% sand
05% organic mix

damn fdd, those buds are looking nice :)
that's from miracle gro..? wow, i don't know...
it's hard to choose, because, people choose different things
& pictures show both work, but, i don't know............


Well-Known Member
Please don't use Miracle Grow soil Rasta... it would break my heart :-D The main problem with MG soil is the shitty nutrients they conveniently pack into all their products. They are 100% chemical-based and end up burning most of the plants subjected to it. The NPK ratio of MG is not quite right for growing marijuana, and it lacks a lot of the secondary nutes your plants need to live a healthy, productive life. And if you try to correct a deficiency by increasing the strength of your concentration, you'll end up giving it too much of another nutrient that it is not deficient in and burn your plants. Go get yourself some FoxFarm Ocean Forest. It is perfect right out of the bag and won't need any supplementation for the first 3 weeks of use. Some people like adding a 20% cut of perlite to improve drainage, but I haven't found that to be necessary and use it straight out of the bag.
i just fnished my first bag of MG and i have mixed feelings, def. not the best choice(huges rocks and big sticks) not going to use it again. the soil doesn't seem to breathe


Well-Known Member
i use miracle grow
There's exceptions to every rule. I'm not saying that you CAN'T pull off a good crop using Miracle Grow. But for most growers, especially new growers who usually have other obstacles and problems to overcome, Miracle Grow is a poor choice of nutrients when there is a whole other world of better products available.


Well-Known Member
can someone suggest something similar, but, better than miracle gro

50% miracle grow or similar potting soil
20% jamaican bat guano
10% organic seafood fertilizer
10% perlite
05% sand
05% organic Mix

but, if i change the soil... it will definitely give my plant shock, right?


Well-Known Member
Rather than using a soil as your base, maybe you want to look into a soil-free substrate like peat moss, or coir. If you're going to be adding all those other components, peat moss or coir would be an excellent medium to provide aeration and structure.


Well-Known Member
can i find peat moss, at home depot? or something..?
i don't want anything online... i bought that guano online, takes forever...
i just want something, i can get tomorrow, because i need to transplant ASAP!
the roots are soon to be, coming out from the bottom, of my drainage hole...


Well-Known Member
if it isn't straight miracle gro it'll be fine (like 50%) also miracle gro makes an organic which is fine as well (MG Organic Choice). I'm using MG organic and it is quality soil. (it's not FoxFarms of course) i started off with the regular MG soil and my seedlings kept burning leaves up until i switched.


Well-Known Member
Ya, you can get peat moss at Home Depot. If you're lucky, you might find some Pro-Mix there as well. If they have it, you could use that as your base also. Pro-Mix is a pretty good soil and is used my many growers in their mixes.


Well-Known Member
Ya, you can get peat moss at Home Depot. If you're lucky, you might find some Pro-Mix there as well. If they have it, you could use that as your base also. Pro-Mix is a pretty good soil and is used my many growers in their mixes.
that's the shit i just finished


Well-Known Member
thanks, for the suggestions guys

which one would you prefer i use, for my mix, rolla?

50% peat moss or pro-mix?
20% jamaican bat guano
10% organic seafood fertilizer
10% perlite
05% sand
05% organic Mix


Well-Known Member
If you can get the Pro-Mix, I say use it. Otherwise, peat moss will be just fine. You should also pick up some lime to add to your mix. This will help buffer the pH.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHA... no, not the fruit! Limestone... it's a white powder sold by the bag in the garden department. Yeah, go get a bag of limes and add them to your dirt :-D


Well-Known Member
LMFAO!!! sorry, my mind thought limes
alright, i'm going to do this then

50% pro-mix, if not, peat moss
30% jamaican bat guano
10% limestone
10% perlite

^ sounds good? or what? lol