well some of you know that my dumbass wrecked my car and lost my job about a month ago... but we got a call from a friend; she lost her house in the storm and is selling her car for cheap.... so my wife should have a vehicle within the week.... my grandfather is also sticking his neck out for me at his job.... hes been there over 35yrs and is trying his best to get me hired; as long as i quit smoking pot, cause they pop you with random tests fairly frequently.... he's a class A welder at our local shipyard and trying to get me on as a shipfitter or tacker... i dont know anything about it, but i learn quick and have a list of wonderfull references from guys that have worked there for over 20years to the chief of police in the same town..... i go in tomorrow morning... hopefully all goes well; they start you at 13.50hr with plenty of overtime and full medical benefits after 90 days... might not be smoking anymore, but i will have a career to fund our move to cali next year where i plan to get my medical and go all legal.... wish me luck