It isn't enough.


Well-Known Member
Things can't change systemically, unless the system is changed.

Policing policies aren't enough to curb it.

We have to stop the electoral college.
We need term limits imposed on government entities, so policy changes have a more organic path to real change; sooner.

(Edit: take this as a vent)
Things can't change systemically, unless the system is changed.

Policing policies aren't enough to curb it.

We have to stop the electoral college.
We need term limits imposed on government entities, so policy changes have a more organic path to real change; sooner.

(Edit: take this as a vent)
I agree that the electoral college should be eliminated, but I have no hope that the little states with the power they have will ever give that up.
I agree that the electoral college should be eliminated, but I have no hope that the little states with the power they have will ever give that up.
Actually, they don't have to agree or give up their measly electoral votes. Its not necessary.

The National Popular Vote bill would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Explanation. It has been enacted into law in 16 jurisdictions with 196 electoral votes (CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, HI, IL, MA, MD, NJ, NM, NY, OR, RI, VT, WA). The bill will go into effect when enacted by states with an additional 74 electoral votes.

We don't have to enact an amendment to the Constitution. All we need is a few more states to agree to allocate their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote in the Presidential election. Oregon approved this bill last year. The west coast is already in. A few more states and it's in the bag. Not going to happen this year, of course.

There is plenty of support for this across the country. Even deep red states like GA and AL have had enough interest to hold hearings on the matter in at least one of their legislative body. Enough votes exist to end the EC if states in orange and yellow on the map shown below -- ones that have passed the bill through one or both legislative bodies -- succeed in a future attempt.
I think that's not a real solution. we need a better educated society who can see and understand Trump for what he is, that would solve a lot.
I'm educated and I've concluded that Trump is an unfit sociopathic moron, furthermore I can back this claim up with facts, if I could stick his head into a brain scanner I could back it up with data and expert opinion too. What ya got Cletus? Clorox.
How many crooks do you think there has been? I think there
I'm educated and I've concluded that Trump is an unfit sociopathic moron, furthermore I can back this claim up with facts, if I could stick his head into a brain scanner I could back it up with data and expert opinion too. What ya got Cletus? Clorox.
And yet almost 50% of the country voted for him, what does that tell you about their education?
How many crooks do you think there has been? I think there

And yet almost 50% of the country voted for him, what does that tell you about their education?
It's partly education, but it's mostly fear and hate making people like you stupid and blind to the reality that keeps bitch slapping you in the face everyday. By supporting Trump and the republicans you are fucking yourself and your country and yet you are too stupid to realise this, why? What could be getting in the way of clear vision?
How many crooks do you think there has been? I think there

And yet almost 50% of the country voted for him, what does that tell you about their education?
First we must deal with motives and intentions, along with issues of personal integrity and honesty, before we can discuss issues of substance honestly and with honor. You have no honor, racism is a character flaw that turns people into suckers for con men. Good people never argue over the facts, just their interpretation and that reflects their biases, or lack of them.
Things can't change systemically, unless the system is changed.

You can't do that if you "change the system" but don't address the involuntary nature of the system as well and change that.

Attempting to hold a system which arises from involuntary capture accountable, is like improving prison conditions for victimless criminals, rather than ceasing to incarcerate them in the first place.
I'm educated and I've concluded that Trump is an unfit sociopathic moron, furthermore I can back this claim up with facts, if I could stick his head into a brain scanner I could back it up with data and expert opinion too. What ya got Cletus? Clorox.
Syphilis is a hell of a disease.