Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Not only that, but why do some places only experience tidal ranges of 1-2ft and some experience up to 52 ft? Why does the atlantic ocean have an oscillation period of 12 hours with amplified tides twice a day and the pacific have a 25 hours oscillation period and have only one amplified tide a day?

I hope flat earthers have begun re-writing physics books based on all their new "research" because once they've been indoctrinated by youtube they spiral down the rabbit hole of having to come up with a new explanation for every facet of reality.
The Great Lakes don't have tides nor do landlocked seas. It's not the moons gravity it's something else. Tesla believed the sun caused the tides and that he could use the sun to move water to irrigate the desert for farming. It could have something to do with fathomless depths of the ocean. Only 10% of the ocean floor has been mapped out yet claims are made that Mariana's Trench is the deepest part. :roll::roll:
Great lakes do have tides but only ranges 5cm on its largest day and its often masked by other more significant phenomena like wind and rain, so it is considered non-tidal. Non-tidal is used in areas with tides less than 1ft, but it does not mean they do not experience tides. Great lakes has a semi-diurnal tide pattern.

The reasons you may not notice a 5cm tide are similar to the reasons that a ~6ft person is not able see the horizon curve on a planet with a circumference of over 24,000 miles.
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bongsmilieThe sun, moon and stars are locked into a cycle of precise repetitive motion. All cosmic events are easily predicted because of this. Going from the idiotic big bang THEORY to predictable cosmic events is akin to setting off a bomb in a junk yard and building a Mercedes Benz. The education of the Globetards continues. :dunce:
The face of truth is open
The eyes of truth are bright
The lips of truth are ever closed
The head of truth is upright
The breast of truth stands forward
The gaze of truth is straight
Truth has neither fear nor doubt
Truth has patience to wait
The words of truth are touching
The voice of truth is deep
The law of truth is censored
All that you sow you reap
The soul of truth is flaming
The heart of truth is warring
The mind of truth is clear and firm through rain and storm
Truth stands above all sin
Great be the battle of life truth in the end shall win
Truth has the power to endure
The life of truth is immortal
The face of truth is open
The eyes of truth are bright
The lips of truth are ever closed
The head of truth is upright
The breast of truth stands forward
The gaze of truth is straight
Truth has neither fear nor doubt
Truth has patience to wait
The words of truth are touching
The voice of truth is deep
The law of truth is censored
All that you sow you reap
The soul of truth is flaming
The heart of truth is warring
The mind of truth is clear and firm through rain and storm
Truth stands above all sin
Great be the battle of life truth in the end shall win
Truth has the power to endure
The life of truth is immortal
Bow to leper mesiah !
I had never heard of the "The Gleason map of 1892" so I googled it. This is what Gleason said, "“The extorsion of the map from that of a globe consists, mainly in the straightening out of the meridian lines allowing each to retain their original value from Greenwich, the equator to the two poles.” —US Patent No. 497,917 by Alexander Gleason" So apparently flat earthers are also too stupid to google.
Oh you're one of those guys... Surface Tension does Not prove that large bodies of water curve around a ball. But nice try buddy
You gotta learn new debating points my friend if you are gonna multi. Your other account says the same thing buddy ;-).
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