New to forum- extreme anxiety after years of smoking


New Member
I’m looking for help in deciding if years of smoking could create anxiety. I have all of a sudden developed anxiety after 25 years of smoking. Looking for advise on if this could happen. I have no other known issue to cause this all of a sudden. Or a group that might could offer help. Thanks
People’s reactions to weed can change over time due to many different factors (stress being one of them). I have been dealing with pretty severe anxiety since I was in the military, and weed used to help a lot, but about a year ago I also started getting really bad anxiety when I smoke. The best thing you can do is cut back on it and get some CBD hemp flower to smoke and/or to mix in with the weed you smoke. I smoke CBD hemp flower during the work day and then, at night, I will mix a little in with my home grown and have that. The CBD helps mellow the high out and helps me relax. If you grow your own then let it go longer before you harvest so it has more or a relaxing couch lock type of high. That helps me, too.

I’m sorry to hear you have to deal with this, because I know what it’s like, and it sucks when you enjoy weed. I haven’t had alcohol in almost 15 years, too, so it’s my only way to let go and chill.
Been smoking it for decades and had only one real bad period were I swore I would never touch the stuff again.

An absolute nightmare at the time which resulted to me being on Betablockers for a year or so. This was after decades or smoking and one joint on a Saturday morning has me on serious meds for a fair while.

Then after the meds and no smoking and still swearing I would not smoke..... I did at fucking love it to this very day here I am sat with a J.

I don't know what happens that time but my heart was constantly at 185bpm for a week before I went to docs and I was shaking from head to foot for weeks even with the meds. Doc said I was heart attack waiting to happen with the meds and no other explanation other that something was triggered and I kinda get that because after decades of being stoned this period felt like it triggered something, I felt it and experienced it for a long time. Terrible time.
Been smoking it for decades and had only one real bad period were I swore I would never touch the stuff again.

An absolute nightmare at the time which resulted to me being on Betablockers for a year or so. This was after decades or smoking and one joint on a Saturday morning has me on serious meds for a fair while.

Then after the meds and no smoking and still swearing I would not smoke..... I did at fucking love it to this very day here I am sat with a J.

I don't know what happens that time but my heart was constantly at 185bpm for a week before I went to docs and I was shaking from head to foot for weeks even with the meds. Doc said I was heart attack waiting to happen with the meds and no other explanation other that something was triggered and I kinda get that because after decades of being stoned this period felt like it triggered something, I felt it and experienced it for a long time. Terrible time.
I miss being able to puff on a joint on the back deck. I had to switch over to dry herb vaping, and I love the flavor and high I get from it, but I would still love to be able to enjoy a joint without having to roll a pinner.
I miss being able to puff on a joint on the back deck. I had to switch over to dry herb vaping, and I love the flavor and high I get from it, but I would still love to be able to enjoy a joint without having to roll a pinner.
I'm old school..I love joints.. concentrates I enjoy in edibles
anxiety breeds anxiety.

if you have a panic attack while smoking your brain associates the smoking with "fear" reaction, therefore anytime you smoke your amygdala says " turn on the flight response because this is bad danger danger"

it only takes one attack to create the response to continually come out

there is a rightway to respond to this and a wrong way to respond to it.
essentially if you respond wrongfully youll continue to have anxiety, if you learn to respond correctly you can "retrain" the amygdala tostop creating the fear response.

this is all in theory though as anxiety disorders are notoriously tricky and they will do anything to keep you anxious.

best to seek a profressional imho
I’m looking for help in deciding if years of smoking could create anxiety. I have all of a sudden developed anxiety after 25 years of smoking. Looking for advise on if this could happen. I have no other known issue to cause this all of a sudden. Or a group that might could offer help. Thanks

You aren’t alone. I started smoking when I was 13yrs old, quit at 25. Started having fast heartbeats, and anxiety like you wouldn’t believe. I thought I was taking a joint with me to the grave. Apparently my body thought otherwise. I tried again a few years later, still the same feeling, that’s when I knew it was time to call it quits. Now I just cultivate for my wife. Might as well take what I learned in 12 yrs and put it to use.
I’m looking for help in deciding if years of smoking could create anxiety. I have all of a sudden developed anxiety after 25 years of smoking. Looking for advise on if this could happen. I have no other known issue to cause this all of a sudden. Or a group that might could offer help. Thanks
What exactly happens & how often? This kind of thing could actually be life threatening or just anxiety, so i would try to be as detailed as you can.

If you are fainting or going numb, you might want to go get yourself checked, cannabis can trigger underlying conditions as you age.
Been smoking it for decades and had only one real bad period were I swore I would never touch the stuff again.

An absolute nightmare at the time which resulted to me being on Betablockers for a year or so. This was after decades or smoking and one joint on a Saturday morning has me on serious meds for a fair while.

Then after the meds and no smoking and still swearing I would not smoke..... I did at fucking love it to this very day here I am sat with a J.

I don't know what happens that time but my heart was constantly at 185bpm for a week before I went to docs and I was shaking from head to foot for weeks even with the meds. Doc said I was heart attack waiting to happen with the meds and no other explanation other that something was triggered and I kinda get that because after decades of being stoned this period felt like it triggered something, I felt it and experienced it for a long time. Terrible time.
This might point you in a similar direction.

Fwiw I was told by a doctor that a really low tech way to help instantly fight off that anxiety is lemon essential oil. Can be from scratching a lemon peel and smelling it or a dab of essential oil on your hand. Try it. Ymmv but it has helped me at times.
Also your cammabinoid profile will change over time so the same strain might not always work.

There are definitely certain hazes that are like a anxiety roller coaster for me. Also some heavy couchlock indicas will sometimes get me so red that I will panic from my inability to function normally if I smoke it during daytime.

It has taken me a long time but I've found a few strains that are magic for anti anxiety for me. A tiny bit of CBD like 1% and high THC seems to do it. Specifically orange/citrus terps like in Tangie and its crosses, and anything with Sour Dubble in it work wonders. I have a feeling its the SourBubble in there doing its thing so I am growing a few crosses of that now.
What exactly happens & how often? This kind of thing could actually be life threatening or just anxiety, so i would try to be as detailed as you can.

If you are fainting or going numb, you might want to go get yourself checked, cannabis can trigger underlying conditions as you age.
Really? How would I look more into this? I'm not really insured at the moment.
I’m looking for help in deciding if years of smoking could create anxiety. I have all of a sudden developed anxiety after 25 years of smoking. Looking for advise on if this could happen. I have no other known issue to cause this all of a sudden. Or a group that might could offer help. Thanks
This is more common than you think, as you can see from replies to your thread. I think it's more an ageing brain thing personally, from 25 years of living adult life!

I had it happen a few years ago, and the turning point for me was about a year ago, I went on a vacation for the first time in like a decade...a very relaxing cruise with several friends, and I am happy to report I can smoke again and enjoy it....although these days I mostly vape flower.

When I was having bad anxiety, I found some strains really exasperated the issue. I also was prescribed a real low dose of xanax, just 0.25 mg., and for me just knowing I have it helped a lot, and I take it sparingly.

Good luck....keep trying new things. Exercise is really important. Go for a long walk either before of after you smoke, or just go for the walk and skip the toking.
What exactly happens & how often? This kind of thing could actually be life threatening or just anxiety, so i would try to be as detailed as you can.

If you are fainting or going numb, you might want to go get yourself checked, cannabis can trigger underlying conditions as you age.
Honestly though its usually "just" anxiety.
anxiety can literally mimick heart attacks.
and than telling someone who has an anxiety disorder that they have a life threatening disorder brought on by cannabis actually can cause people to become worse, because than they get into what they diagnose as "health anxiety" or as we mostly know it as hypochondria which is a terrible anxiety disorder that causes someone to constantly seek medical reassurance and go to the doctor over and over again and get numerous amounts of tests that are intrusive and costly and once they get the all clear than they never believe the doctors and than they seek more and more.

terrible disorder. I do think youre just being cautious and caring, but its probably just anxiety/.
Honestly though its usually "just" anxiety.
anxiety can literally mimick heart attacks.
and than telling someone who has an anxiety disorder that they have a life threatening disorder brought on by cannabis actually can cause people to become worse, because than they get into what they diagnose as "health anxiety" or as we mostly know it as hypochondria which is a terrible anxiety disorder that causes someone to constantly seek medical reassurance and go to the doctor over and over again and get numerous amounts of tests that are intrusive and costly and once they get the all clear than they never believe the doctors and than they seek more and more.

terrible disorder. I do think youre just being cautious and caring, but its probably just anxiety/.
A friend and I went through this years ago, we both had very similar symptoms that would only happen with high doses of THC, I was diagnosed with anxiety but he was having light partial strokes that only happens while stoned, he ended up with a pacemaker at just 32 years old.

Fwiw, after the hospital trip, it actually eased my mind knowing its all in my head, i would have a hard time blowing off any heavy symptom as anxiety after watching what happened to a good friend of mine, the fucker still smokes but doesn't have any of the same issues no more.

Hopefully it is just anxiety, this is why i asked for details.
I very rarely experienced anxiety, except back when I was younger but more social anxiety... I loved smoking from the minute I tried it, including by myself as I would self medicate from the first time when it took my migraine away. Since about 13 yrs old Ive only ever stopped smoking twice for an extended period of time... Both times the first time smoking since returning I would roll a fatty to the face probably not the best idea but you want to celebrate and I love joints/blunts... But either way, I feel like the tolerance break induced a small bit of panic those first times coming back to smoking and one time started to spiral out like a bad trip, I was able to stop it real quick... But I could easily see how something happens to someone, they attribute it to smoking, then stop for a bit, try it again and have a lower tolerance, then retriggers that panic attack, reconfirms their belief that its the weed causing it... I can easily see how it can spiral out from there. I have a really good friend through out high school we would meet every day and smoke at least 3-5grams between us every night after work for years and years... He got a panic attack one time at my house, got through it I didnt think it was big deal... he was convinced it was the weed... quit weed, started drinking.. he tried smoking a few months later and got super high, had another panic attack.. Although hes the hypochondriac type so I can see how it happened, but he was also someone I considered a heavy smoker, and someone I could hang out with and they would be able to keep up with being passed joints and blunts all night no problem, then out of no where thinks they're having a heart attack..

I've experienced it that little bit and it can be scary... My suggestion would be to practice snapping out of it any time a smaller panic attack comes up... and if you do smoke... take it very slow... like one or two hits and wait a while slow. Once your tolerance builds back up you can enjoy joints again.
I had to give up smoking for about 4 months after almost 10 years of daily blazing. When i was finally okay to smoke again i had terrible anxiety, high heart rate, sweaty palms, etc. My friends would come by almost daily and i would take a toke from the bowl as it went around and then the panic would set in. As crazy as it sounds i felt like it was a tolerance thing so i powered through the panic and continued smoking for 5-6 days anyway until being high was pleasurable again.