New to forum- extreme anxiety after years of smoking

From my personal experience, anxiety caused by the onset of the high. This is why I stopped doing bong rips, dabs because it's too much too quickly and my brain goes into fight or flight mode. Now no matter what strains I smoke, I stop experiencing anxiety after switching over to flower vaping where the onset is more a creeper. I highly recommend giving flower vaping a try if you're experiencing anxiety.
Just wanted to chime in on this. I've been smoking for about 20 years and maybe 3 years ago I started getting anxiety and panic attacks from smoking. I legit went to the hospital the first time cause I thought I was having a heart attack. They gave me an EKG and all the usual checkups and turned out I was fine. Didn't feel like it though. I didn't associate it with the weed that first time, didn't even think to mention it, I saw no connection.

Maybe a week later I had another episode, and I tried to smoke to reduce the anxiety (that's how it always worked for me prior to this) and ended up sending myself into another full-blown panic attack. Back to the hospital I went, and this time they asked if I had smoked weed. I told them yes and almost laughed it off when they told me it was probably the cause of the panic attacks.

Anyway, here we are 3 years later and I still get them. I was a pretty heavy smoker/dabber before this all happened. Maybe a few grams of flower and a half a gram of good concentrates on a regular day realistically smoked 3-4 joints a day plus dabs. Out of nowhere, I couldn't take a few puffs without having a major reaction.

I was sent to a cardiologist by referral, the guy turns out to be a Phish fan. Tells me I can smoke weed, eat LSD or shrooms, but not coke and no dope. "If you get anxiety or have a panic attack, it's your fault. It's not going to kill you though." That's basically what he said. lol. I got a good kick out of that. He told me my anxiety was the result of losing my pops, my dog died and I my daughter was born all within a 6 month period. It was a grueling part of my life, so much was going on.. apparently "big life changes" can cause this anxiety to creep up inside of you. Still not sure what I believe. There were a few months where I couldn't smoke at all, just 2-3 puffs sent me into a downward spiral, especially if I choked. Needless to say, I went for almost 3 months with no smoking at all.

I've also been in the worst physical shape of my life, 40 lbs heavier than my heavest before I turned 30. I weigh 220, always used to be 170-180. Once I hurt my back I put on a bunch of weight, didn't leave the couch for like 2-3 months, it was bad. So half of me believes that has something to do with it as well. Currently working on better dieting and exercise, but it ain't easy! Gotta get my bp down a cpl and lose this belly haha.

So, now I smoke a little here and there. I am trying to get into growing now as well, I just love the plant. Whenever I smoke I just take a few puffs and give it a minute... you can usually feel the anxiety come on pretty early, it's pretty physical for me, not so much mental. If I feel anything of the sort I will tap out, but some days I can smoke a few joints and I am fine.

Some people say to smoke through it... that feels impossible because I have this whole new idea of mortality since having a child. When I get those panic attacks I feel like I'm gonna drop dead. I know I'm not, but it sure as hell feels like it. lol. That's a hard thing to smoke through.

There is one plus side to all this... the amount of money saved. lol.

Sidenote: It isn't strain-dependent, it seems to be totally random. Indica, sativa, hybrid, you name it. I've even tried strains that people say are meant for anxiety. Still happens. Sometimes I can smoke one strain one day, and not the next. CBD does nothing to help. Sometimes I can do dabs and it gives me LESS anxiety than when I smoke flower. There was a period when I could dab but not burn a j. Shit's so weird and random. I really wish I could be part of some sort of study. Hopefully, they research things like this with legalization being a thing in so many states. From our own research, a friend of mine and myself have come to the conclusion that I either broke my cannabinoid system from long term overuse, or your system works kind of like your tastebuds, and after so many years it redirects THC to different receptors in the brain/body.
Smoking can cause a sudden drop in blood sugar. The initial onset of effects can cause physical sensations which can trigger emotional responses, which then become a feedback loop and cause a panic attack.

Eating an entire meal, and or a quick source of sugar: honey or chocolate for example, can mitigate these issues tremendously.

Often times we are short of breath, become dizzy, breathe less out of panic, then become even more dizzy, brain is deprived of oxygen, thoughts get bad real fast... when the whole time you just needed to breathe fully :) it's easy to spiral because one sensation feeds the other. Take multiple deep slow long breaths. Get hydrated and be well-fed... it's the plants way of reminding you to eat and drink, too. If getting high made us forgetful, feel good, and NOT thirsty, or hungry ever, people would smoke weed and forget to nourish their bodies, melting into infinite bliss... hah!
Often times we are short of breath, become dizzy, breathe less out of panic, then become even more dizzy, brain is deprived of oxygen, thoughts get bad real fast... when the whole time you just needed to breathe fully :) it's easy to spiral because one sensation feeds the other. Take multiple deep slow long breaths. Get hydrated and be well-fed... it's the plants way of reminding you to eat and drink, too. If getting high made us forgetful, feel good, and NOT thirsty, or hungry ever, people would smoke weed and forget to nourish their bodies, melting into infinite bliss... hah!

Totally backing this up. I been smoking joints on and off for about 10 years. Never had anxiety or any other type of issues as id never overuse DAILY. But in the past year since my first grow i had so much i was bound to overuse it daily, i could just see it coming with an excuse to myself 'i never done it before'.

After a couple of months of 1-2gr joints per day i couldnt yawn properly which means brain not oxygenating properly. I was trying and trying but just wouldnt happen. I was gutted big time. Had to ease up for a few days before i had a proper yawn. Cant describe you the gratitude and relief.

My guess is that blocking full oxygen in the brain for long periods could shut down various brain operations and if you combine this without proper feeding shit get proper messy slowly but surely.
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I had to take an SSRI to be able to smoke again; at least with no crippling anxiety. I take zoloft and its like the old days again.

I definitely had underlying issues very early on in life that I never took care of though.

I love being able to smoke again. Im very grateful for this.
I’m looking for help in deciding if years of smoking could create anxiety. I have all of a sudden developed anxiety after 25 years of smoking. Looking for advise on if this could happen. I have no other known issue to cause this all of a sudden. Or a group that might could offer help. Thanks
In 2013 all of a sudden i started having extreme anxiety after smoking all my life regularly. To the point where Id break out into hives. I tried for years to even sneak a hit and have the same thing happen. All of a sudden in 2018 I was able
to get high again but only with certain strains. I have to be very careful when trying new weed.
I had to give up smoking for about 4 months after almost 10 years of daily blazing. When i was finally okay to smoke again i had terrible anxiety, high heart rate, sweaty palms, etc. My friends would come by almost daily and i would take a toke from the bowl as it went around and then the panic would set in. As crazy as it sounds i felt like it was a tolerance thing so i powered through the panic and continued smoking for 5-6 days anyway until being high was pleasurable again.
This is how it is for me. I've quit for months and started again the last 10yrs and everytime I start I get major anxiety until I get a tolerance again.