Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Shit like that keeps US leading the world in Covid deaths, and a president that sweats incompetence and lives in a world of just him. This country is about to be hit square in the face with the reality of exponential growth in rural areas and smaller cities. Two weeks ago Florida was adding 2500 cases a day, now up to 9500 new cases in a day.
9500 x3..minimally.


Well-Known Member
While Trump fiddles and sings a song about too much testing is causing "the numbers" to go up,

Houston Hospitals Seeing Surge In Coronavirus Admissions

"The time is now for everybody to dramatically change their behaviors to get this virus under control so that our hospitals for the weeks to come are there and able to handle this, and we feel confident we can as long as people act now and help bring the curve down over the next couple, three weeks," Boom said.

Houston is facing the very real likelihood that people with non-covid heath emergencies will be turned away due an overwhelmed health care system. It was a horror show in NY and NOLA. This is just the first domino to fall. Alabama is experiencing shortages in ICU beds too. As said in the NPR story, once ICUs fill up, the Covid overflow ends up at the ER. Once the ER is tied up with Covid, there is no ER for anybody else. Don't have a heart attack in Houston. Tell your heart to put it off until a vaccine is available.

Not just Texas, either. Although we are just in the beginning, already Oregon's contact tracing system is losing ground. We can't safely open up without that key component working properly. People are not going to go out and spend if they don't feel safe. This economy is on a crash course.


Well-Known Member
Well, the Virus has finally emerged in those states that flouted safe-distancing, wearing face masks & generally said I don't give a fuck about COVID-19, go fuck ya'll, grow some balls & deal with it, I'm staying open.
Ha Ha Ha!!!
You reap what you sow, motherfuckers, & you sowed death & disaster upon your citizens by ignoring the consequences of inaction, just like Trump did.
No pity here.


Well-Known Member
Well, the Virus has finally emerged in those states that flouted safe-distancing, wearing face masks & generally said I don't give a fuck about COVID-19, go fuck ya'll, grow some balls & deal with it, I'm staying open.
Ha Ha Ha!!!
You reap what you sow, motherfuckers, & you sowed death & disaster upon your citizens by ignoring the consequences of inaction, just like Trump did.
No pity here.
Not for the republican politicians and the stupid racist cunts who put them there, but many innocent will die too, along with those who deserve the law of causality. You have to help them nonetheless, it's one of the important things that's different, they are misguided Americans to you and there are innocent among them. To the base you are the enemy, deserving death and to be mocked for the unforgivable sin of being "race traitors" or just not white enough or of the "right religion", shit for some of them just dressing differently is enough to get you killed.

The Trumpers will show up at the ER along with the innocent and many have praised Trump and "triggered the libs" while they were shoving a foot long tube down their throats and putting them on a ventilator for the "Kung flu". The rally sure was fun though and I'm sure worth it. By november these assholes should be broken, Trump is trapped now, he would like to resign or say he's not gonna run again to avoid the humiliation of being a landslide loser, but can't, prison awaits. The GOP senate is getting a mite nervous now that the folks back home are dying like flies or soon will be, having to support Trump over the US troop bounty business might be the straw that breaks the elephant's back. The election is almost 4 months away and treason is on the table, again.


Well-Known Member
Trump is going to lose in November, that's a given, but he will never admit that will happen due to his own failures as a human being.
It will always be the "Kung flu", voter fraud, the Media or the Deep State that finished him, never his ineptitude.
He was a contender, but now he's simply a has been, a bum & that will give him nightmares for the rest of his miserable life :)



Well-Known Member
I think trump would rather resign than face a humiliating loss in November. Deep State plots or other “reasons” will be concocted, everything is so unfair, whatever!
Alternatively, he could launch an attack on Iran in hopes of cementing some sort of patriotic response and support to win

Also, Putiin could give trump sanctuary and riches inRussia.


Well-Known Member
I think trump would rather resign than face a humiliating loss in November. Deep State plots or other “reasons” will be concocted, everything is so unfair, whatever!
Alternatively, he could launch an attack on Iran in hopes of cementing some sort of patriotic response and support to win

Also, Putiin could give trump sanctuary and riches inRussia.
Vlad will use him like toilet paper and flush Donald when he's done, besides Joe is gonna fuck him silly as it is, so forget sanctuary. Vlad will send him back and say he's a lying lunatic, and who can argue? Donald can't resign, he's trapped, as soon as he's out of office he will be charged, Barr will go out the door with him too and he has thousands of legal eagles who want his fucking head, many will be in the new DOJ.

The military will not support a politically motivated war from Trump, not with what they said about using troops against citizens and the latest betrayal of the troops by Trump. Fuck, if you ever got into a shooting war with Iran, all they would have to do is offer some dirt on Joe and a few bucks and Donald would throw American forces under the bus instantly. Donald can fight a pandemic, WTF is gonna trust him with a war and the lives of troops? You can't trust him with the lives of American citizens FFS, any politically motivated attack on Iran would result in instant massive sanctions on America by the international community, Canada too.


Well-Known Member
That may not be a particularly strong argument
After 2021 the prosecutor will deal with that argument in about 1 minute, before proceeding to nail his ass to the wall. America has to be in a declared shooting war for legal treason to take effect, the, facts, news and trump's own words speak to literal treason, not even metaphorical treason. It might not fit the tight legal definition, but it fits the dictionary and the vernacular. There are more than enough things to put Donald away forever, besides treason, the list is long and easily proved.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what old Rupert Murdoch, Donald's psycho partner in crime is doing to avoid covid? He probably paid ten or 20 grand for a couple of pints of primo convalescent plasma and has it on ice. Ditto for Donald, which is why he seems so unconcerned about getting infected, that and the hoarded antiviral drugs he and his friends would have on hand. I'm sure there are private hospitals in America who are buying plasma now for elite covid patients, the billionaires won't have to compete for a ventilator, they probably won't need one anyway. There's money to be made and there is a segment of the medical community who does this "business" regularly, special treatment for big bucks.


Well-Known Member
Not for the republican politicians and the stupid racist cunts who put them there, but many innocent will die too, along with those who deserve the law of causality. You have to help them nonetheless, it's one of the important things that's different, they are misguided Americans to you and there are innocent among them. To the base you are the enemy, deserving death and to be mocked for the unforgivable sin of being "race traitors" or just not white enough or of the "right religion", shit for some of them just dressing differently is enough to get you killed.

The Trumpers will show up at the ER along with the innocent and many have praised Trump and "triggered the libs" while they were shoving a foot long tube down their throats and putting them on a ventilator for the "Kung flu". The rally sure was fun though and I'm sure worth it. By november these assholes should be broken, Trump is trapped now, he would like to resign or say he's not gonna run again to avoid the humiliation of being a landslide loser, but can't, prison awaits. The GOP senate is getting a mite nervous now that the folks back home are dying like flies or soon will be, having to support Trump over the US troop bounty business might be the straw that breaks the elephant's back. The election is almost 4 months away and treason is on the table, again.
and they'll be sent home to die- the ER's are locked are on lock down and have been since this may not be aware because most folk only go when they're sick or to visit someone..and if some here are older and have existing conditions, you may just wish to give your local hospital a call and ask if you have an emergency how will the ER be accepting patients to be on the safe side.

to be can no longer walk into any hospital for treatment as all the doors are locked.


Well-Known Member
Swine flu pandemic possibly next, what the fuck.

while the old virus reemerges.

there's been a slight mutation with Covid19 having more 'spikes' and more flexibility to the spikes.


Well-Known Member
I think trump would rather resign than face a humiliating loss in November. Deep State plots or other “reasons” will be concocted, everything is so unfair, whatever!
Alternatively, he could launch an attack on Iran in hopes of cementing some sort of patriotic response and support to win

Also, Putiin could give trump sanctuary and riches inRussia.
i agree. it would be on his terms; he would have more control.
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