What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
I believe this is just a foretaste of what is to come for the GOP senate, as Donald leads them charging over the cliff and into the abyss, screaming on fire all the way down to the cobbs of Hell. Covid has just started in on the red states in a big way, most of the 50,000 cases a day are in red southern states and projections are a 100,000 a day soon. The democrats in congress have yet to put any real heat on these cocksuckers for this, the rope they are going to hang themselves with is reeling out at high speed. If Nancy hits the brakes, their heads will pop off and the whole fucking scaffold might come crashing down around them. Oversight is coming and perhaps impeachment too, it is too good an opportunity to lash the fuckers to the mast of the Trumptanic as it goes down, if the rats jump ship the base will eat them like sharks. Nancy wants as many of those GOP senate seats as she can get, get enough and you can get your agenda through. You don't need many to come up with 66 either, not after the new year, those left and facing election in 2022, might evolve a new attitude.
Democrats Lead Republicans In Three Key Senate Races | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Democratic candidates are currently leading Republican candidates in three Senate races, according to polling.
some will return with attempted saving grace of 'he threatened to withhold funding for my state', once he's gone and can't be asked.

i wonder if Mary Trump's book is going to be the 3rd (and final) shoe to drop? it's out on the 28th- can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Doesn't make it ok to slap someone when you could simply walk away or if they are a cop arrest them.
if you're really going to be that stupid..

on the vid at airport, she was verbally abusive, stepped into his personal space and touched the cop in an aggressive manner: TOTALLY JUSTIFIED


Well-Known Member
if you're really going to be that stupid..

on the vid at airport, she was verbally abusive, stepped into his personal space and touched the cop in an aggressive manner: TOTALLY JUSTIFIED
Just because you can get away with something doesn't make it right. Sure you might get that 'justified' feeling when your adrenaline is kicking and you lay a hurt on someone, but it doesn't make it fair, nor right. People should understand that aggressing on another human being is wrong.

Sure sometimes you are forced into a situation where you must fight back, but that is only because someone else is endangering you.

Pride is a mother fucker. But not a reason to hurt someone.

radiant Rudy

Well-Known Member
Marcy Wheeler with some Independence day reflections


Some Americans will have to spend the coming Fourth of July holiday in a place we thought we’d have left by now, watching out for deadly attacks we thought were going to diminish.

Some Americans will have to “celebrate” knowing the commander-in-chief simply doesn’t give a rat’s butt about them. Certainly not enough to deal with pushing back at threats against them. They will have to spend the holiday doubling down on security because the president is going to do nothing except his usual nonsensical bullshit talking about himself.
Which is why some of the rest of us Americans can’t let them be forgotten. We need to continue to hold our elected officials’ feet to the fire no matter whether a holiday lies ahead. We need to insist the GOP senators who have majority control whether they are going to simply roll over and do nothing like Trump, or if they are going to uphold their oaths, do their damned jobs, and remember our service members in Afghanistan and elsewhere who have likewise sworn an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and protect our nation.
~ ~ ~


Well-Known Member

In Canada she'd be charged with a gun crime and a hate crime, she would be barred from owning firearms for either crime and have her house searched and all weapons confiscated. She might do as much as 2 years in prison too, but she would do jail time for pointing a firearm. After conviction she could also be sued in civil court, it would just be a matter of settling the amount though.


Well-Known Member
In Canada she'd be charged with a gun crime and a hate crime, she would be barred from owning firearms for either crime and have her house searched and all weapons confiscated. She might do as much as 2 years in prison too, but she would do jail time for pointing a firearm. After conviction she could also be sued in civil court, it would just be a matter of settling the amount though.
isn't michigan open carry?:lol:

1. you should always post the whole video.
2. the white girl was about 6-7 months pregnant; navigating an ever growing belly? you bump into things- including people.
3. the white girl did apologize while sitting in the van, it seemed heartfelt but i'm not sure how much is required here.
4. the black family i felt wanted a problem because after the apology, it didn't end.
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Well-Known Member
isn't michigan open carry?
Is it open point and open threaten? What she did constituted assault at the least, I don't know anywhere someone can legally draw a gun on another unarmed person in such circumstances. The cellphone was a more powerful weapon here, unless she wanted to murder her and destroy the evidence.


Well-Known Member
Its unwatchable. I wish they would have just played the video without the commentary.
in what way?

i couldn't find the whole video and this was the only version..but in a way i'm glad he commented, people jump to conclusions easily.

i couldn't understand what the kid was saying re: black people in the neighborhood..'just let them wail..wailing'?


Well-Known Member
in what way?
Like the start to finish of the video, then maybe do a pause commentary. The pausing to talk about what was just played was annoying. That lady looked like her adrenaline dumped hard too, her face started looking slack towards the end (@7:20-ish) and she started breathing really heavily, that's when I think she realized how fucked up she was being.


Well-Known Member
if someone else can find the video in it's entirety without the commentary..?

i think it's pretty fvcked up to edit in order to cast yourself in a better light if you want community to comment..not posting all the facts is a lie.


Well-Known Member
Is it open point and open threaten? What she did constituted assault at the least, I don't know anywhere someone can legally draw a gun on another unarmed person in such circumstances. The cellphone was a more powerful weapon here, unless she wanted to murder her and destroy the evidence.
well i don't know now, the pregnant white girl apologized and seemed to be having a panic attack. the black family didn't accept the apology.

what did the black family wish to have (before the gun came out)?