Am I Being Taking Advantage Of?

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Well-Known Member
I am going to enter this with the attitude that I will never see the money again. If they pay me back, great. If not, I will live with my decision and write it off my taxes.
I think within 30 days I will be able to work enough to make the money to get my jewelry back, I am not going to count on them for that.

Why not ask them to produce the bills and you pay the bill directly instead of putting the CASH in their hands


Well-Known Member
in this day and age the kind of honor and accountability that would encourage the honest repayment of a loan is laughed about. Remeber this. Get a contract.:)


Well-Known Member
do they have any jewelry?
funny you asked that. I did look at what they were wearing last night, no they don't. I also took an observation of their home. It is nice, but, you can tell it was 'bargain' bought stuff, so I don't think they are living out of their means. I think they are like me, they saw a situation that was bad and wanted to help that bird in any way they could. I don't think it was a smart thing to do, but, they did it.
This will all be okay, no matter how it goes...I am prepared for the worse case scenario and the best. It will be okay, I feel it.


stays relevant.
Obviously you are passionate about helping them, and obviously have the birds best interests in mind... I think if you're able to accept the possibility of losing the money, then go for it- but if its going to haunt you, don't.

Some people are definitely shady, and care very little about the feelings of others, so this COULD backfire on you. What do your kids think of you doing this? Couldn't you perhaps keep your belongings, and refer them to an organization that will help them out?

I understand the desire to give, and help- it's an affliction, and I deal with it too. Sometimes (for no reason at all) you just have to say no... It's what keeps the world moving along


Well-Known Member
Obviously you are passionate about helping them, and obviously have the birds best interests in mind... I think if you're able to accept the possibility of losing the money, then go for it- but if its going to haunt you, don't.

Some people are definitely shady, and care very little about the feelings of others, so this COULD backfire on you. What do your kids think of you doing this? Couldn't you perhaps keep your belongings, and refer them to an organization that will help them out?

I understand the desire to give, and help- it's an affliction, and I deal with it too. Sometimes (for no reason at all) you just have to say no... It's what keeps the world moving along
Good advice. I am able to accept the possibility of losing the money and I did go for it.
I think half my battle was just making the decision to do what I knew all along had to be done...

No, my boys don't know whats going on. Their plates are full, so to speak. The last thing I want is for them to worry about me. The only thing I want them to worry about is doing well in school. They have the rest of their lives to see the way the world is....they don't need to be worried about their momma....I do enough worrying for all of us.


Active Member
dude, no. It honestly doesnt sound like you are in the position to loan these people $1000. And who's to say that you will ever see this money back? One thing you don't do is mix friends and finances, especially when finances are hard to come by these days.

Realistically, what the hell will $1000 do? How far do you think people that are truly struggling can take that money? This isnt something i would do. I am sorry, just don't do it.

If you were in a financially better place, then maybe. You have your own self to worry about as well as a child in college. Don't you think you could use that $1000 more?


Active Member
ok, i see im too late. I really hope you made some sort of signed agreement about the re-payment process


stays relevant.
Sometimes good karma and a good conscience is payment enough for the money that you probably had to do something you didn't enjoy to receive. Whether repaid monetarily or through knowing that Sunny helped people who appeared to need it- I think Sunny will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Thats nice to help someone out and I love people like you but, when the times are hard, its hard to play people back. Thats how things got as bad as they did. Along with other things of coarse. Idk ive learned from my family if you lend money, never expect to see it again. Just a trust issue i guess.


Well-Known Member
Just figured I would update this thread to tell you guys what happened.
My older brother lurks out here all the time. He read what was going on and called me to see what was going on down here. He asked why I didn't have the money in savings, I told him I did but that money is for my kids and their emergencies. He told me to take the money out of there and he would pay my kids rent next month so it wouldn't effect my savings account. He then told me not to stress, that if these guys don't pay me back he would not pressure me for the money. He helped me. I love him.
Steve when you read this....I love you. More than you will ever know.

Phily Kelly

Active Member
Seriously sounds like you have the best brother in the world.
My own is the same isn't it great to know you have your family when you need them and not just in bad times.
I'm glad you sorted this out without having to sell your mothers jewellery.
+rep to Steve!!!:D


Well-Known Member
Seriously sounds like you have the best brother in the world.
My own is the same isn't it great to know you have your family when you need them and not just in bad times.
I'm glad you sorted this out without having to sell your mothers jewellery.
+rep to Steve!!!:D
Agreed, family is the best...I know I could not survive without them:)

Im an Only Child .............................Pout
I'll be your sis....I would get on your last nerve within a week:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
maybe if you could afford to give them the cash and not need to sell any of YOUR property, and were guaranteed to get your money back then yes. i do not think they are taking advantage, just thread carefully. these can be very sensitive issues.


Well-Known Member
Cool .. I do have family In Fla In the Jacksonville area and Ft lauderdale area
Now you have family in Boca:mrgreen:

maybe if you could afford to give them the cash and not need to sell any of YOUR property, and were guaranteed to get your money back then yes. i do not think they are taking advantage, just thread carefully. these can be very sensitive issues.
It ended up that I did not need to sell anything, thank goodness. I was able to give/lend them the money and hopefully it will all work out...time will tell.
I am happy to read you don't think they are taking advantage of me:) I don't think they are either...
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