The idea of this journal was to show how to go from seed to perpetual weed. Heres a trip around the room, starting with the clone/ mother side, you can also see some new strains we are working with on the rolling table I put together, I'll post that in a new thread, its a simple diy. This is what the plants look like two weeks into flowering, the were clones cut on 10/17, so not quite a month, a lot of shorter widowcindys among them. I had saved 10 widow cindys to work with as mothers, three of those I didn't get good results so I moved them on into flowering, all of them ended up female, had one more that wasn't developing good as a mother, took two clones anyway and moved it on, it is female. So I am thinking, that is 4 out of 10 female, must be 4 of these remaining trainees are male, 50/50 right? So far I have 4 identified female and one that I am not quite sure about, only 1 of those 10 males. Of course this leaves me with some extra clones, I took enough so if half of the widow cindys turned out male I would still have my production line running.
This next group is the original, 5 weeks in flowering, identify as you go, widow cindys, tallest ones are right at 3'.
These next two table, the one on the left is almost all being harvested over the next week and the one on the right is 4 weeks in flowering, clones taken on 9/29.
The clones on the right were just cut Saturday, the ones on the left are the leftovers from the cut on 10/18, and yes they are the ones that didn't do as well, point is, if you take the time to develope the mothers as the pros tell us we should, you start with big clones, you get bigger plants faster.
The best looking widow cindy cola, its a little over 7 inches right now and should be a foot or so by harvest time, I think its a winner Earl. This one is one of the WC's I had cut the growing tips on and didn't like for a mother. It will be interesting to see how the harvests from these two plants compare.
That little tray of clones you see in picture is just the opposite, I have two new strains I am working with, GrapePurpleCindy and Big Gurl. I don't have the room for mothers of these strains right now, so we took small clones from them and moved the originals into flowering. It does take longer to develope mother plants this way which is exactly what I want in this case. VV