I'm not in the states and only get snippets of the crazy guy. I read an article it's possible even if he loses he could remain in power. That's a scary thought that he could manipulate laws and democratic rights (through corruption or any other illegitimate means) to give him the ability to carry on. I don't know large amount about USA political processes so can't comment on how true this is.
A step-by-step guide to what might happen if he refuses to concede.
Don't get me wrong I'm all for straight talking over politician answers to avoid direct questions. However hes a nutter.
Imagine back in say 2010 someone told you, in 10 years time, Donald Trump will be president, world will go in to lock down over a viral outbreak, trump nearly started WW3 using social media, Russia will be paying bounties on US forces, there will be world wide protests, the UK will leave Europe, north Korea will have ICBM, Iran will be allow to develop a nuclear program, oil will plummet in price after a fall out between the saudis and Russians, further plummeting from a disease you haven't heard of, Elon musk will supply the ISS, bill Gates leaves Microsoft, there will be a potential trade war between two economic superpowers and every ultra rich man will have a new hobby.....space rockets!
I know i'd be asking what are you smoking and where can I buy it.