Trump will win 2020

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I understand but the relax attitude of this being a sure thing scares me.

How about this, if Biden wins ill never post in the Politics section in this forum again?
I don't think anybody who votes against Trump is gonna relax until he is out of office, pissed off people showed up in the streets in the middle of a pandemic (with masks), if Donald makes them show up at the polls and suppresses mail in voting, it will be a slaughter of the republicans either way. People are too frightened and angry for it to be any other way, any attempt to steal or cancel the election would end in civil war as a last resort, no way would Donald be re elected unless he won a genuine election and no way would most Americans would live under his rule, it would end in bloodshed and national dissolution. Many are now torn between their racism and survival, their emotional issues or their lives, that's their choice in november. I would look for a slaughter of the GOP in many state governments with elections too and next year is redistricting time for many gerrymandered districts.
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I appreciate that the OP was a important story to see, I just am looking at it from a little different perspective of what happened to us in 2016 when nobody was paying attention. We got caught off-gaurd with a very sophisticated attack from at least one hostile military and it wound up being so effective that they were able to get Trump elected as POTUS.

Now when I see titles or posts that share the message that Russia/Trump would like to get pushed flashing in the forum, I try to be hyper-vigilant about not continuously help it to get pushed up into the top of the forum feeds.

the best thing you can do for us is, encourage all you know, to vote..some need the help in understanding but afraid to ask.

my roommate asked about Biden and if I think she should vote for him..i asked her who would be her choice other than, because there's only trumpy*.

she didn't know that there are only two choices..'are you kidding?'

you would be doing us a big favor- i used to do 7-11 Coffee Caucus in Florida for won't change minds but those who never vote? you'll be adding to the number.

the number will be a landside- 'too huge to be real' Trumpy* will say, which will open another Pandora's Box unless Barr is taken out of the equation.
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Voter fraud is one of the frauds that Trump and his tool trolls love to use as a voter suppression tactic. Millons spent investigating it with plenty of incentives by Republicans to find it and all that was proven is it's practially nonexistant.

Anyone who pushes that fake conspiracy theory including a certain fake "Canadian" is just a tool of Republicans and Putin.

was the story fake or did the postal worker change any ballots?
was the story fake or did the postal worker change any ballots?
You mean the story where fraud was detected and is being used to assert the argument that undetected fraud is taking place?

lulz :dunce:

It's all contained in that top secret you-tube video that everybody can see.
Agnew resigned before Nixon did.

has anyone seen Pence lately? i love that Trumpy* made him head of the task force- it's his ultimate at throwing someone under the bus because at the end of the day when there are pretty as you please..Trumpy* is going to turn to Pence and say 'yeah, about it?'

he already tried throwing Ivanka (daddy's favorite, fantasy sex girl) under the bus for the church photo op.
You mean the story where fraud was detected and is being used to assert the argument that undetected fraud is taking place?

lulz :dunce:

It's all contained in that top secret you-tube video that everybody can see.

fraud by a trumper..therefore, the story is not fraudulent..what difference does it make how the Youtubographer marketed the story?

this has nothing to do with poster.
Apparently, you Yanks don’t get too concerned about tyranny unless they tax your tea, eh?
It's worse than that.

If white people break out windows, sack stores, set fires and throw the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars of merchandise into the harbor it's called being patriotic.

If whites and blacks tear down monuments to slavery, statues of treasonous leaders of the confederacy, sack a police station for killing unarmed innocent civilians, it's called an unruly mob.
fraud by a trumper..therefore, the story is not fraudulent..what difference does it make how the Youtubographer marketed the story?

this has nothing to do with poster.
What that fake "Canadian" is saying: The case in North Carolina, where a politician hired a worker to commit voting fraud, was caught and caused an election to be overturned is proof of undetected voter fraud.

I don't believe that case proves there is rampant voter fraud, I think it proves the opposite. We had a case in Oregon where a poll worker "corrected" some votes while she was counting them. She was caught out and prosecuted. Is that proof of undetected voter fraud too?

You seem to be siding with the fake "Canadian"'s story. It that true.
I understand but the relax attitude of this being a sure thing scares me.

How about this, if Biden wins ill never post in the Politics section in this forum again?

standing in line for 2016, folks of color noticeably absent- Hillary was too polarizing for the backbone of black community which are female.
What that fake "Canadian" is saying: The case in North Carolina, where a politician hired a worker to commit voting fraud, was caught and caused an election to be overturned is proof of undetected voter fraud.

I don't believe that case proves there is rampant voter fraud, I think it proves the opposite. We had a case in Oregon where a poll worker "corrected" some votes while she was counting them. She was caught out and prosecuted. Is that proof of undetected voter fraud too?

You seem to be siding with the fake "Canadian"'s story. It that true.
Is it really hard to believe Canadians would join a pot growing forum? Really?? I believe every Canadian who posts here is who they say they are.

We all have maple syrup flowing through our veins and wished there was fucking hockey on TV!

So this “Canadian” is going to smoke a bowl and hope one day, you can remove the stick that’s up your ass.
What that fake "Canadian" is saying: The case in North Carolina, where a politician hired a worker to commit voting fraud, was caught and caused an election to be overturned is proof of undetected voter fraud.

I don't believe that case proves there is rampant voter fraud, I think it proves the opposite. We had a case in Oregon where a poll worker "corrected" some votes while she was counting them. She was caught out and prosecuted. Is that proof of undetected voter fraud too?

You seem to be siding with the fake "Canadian"'s story. It that true.

i don't take sides.
i don't take sides.
Well, you brought it up. I simply mocked the idea that a case of voter fraud that was found, prosecuted and overturned an election was proof of rampant undetected voter fraud. The analogy I compared that silly idea to was the "top secret" you-tube videos that everybody can see if they want.

Why are you supporting the Republican propaganda false conspiracy theory about voter fraud being "rampant" in this country? Specifically the one the fake "Canadian" posted in the OP?
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