Trump will win 2020

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Well, you brought it up. I simply mocked the idea that a case of voter fraud that was found, prosecuted and overturned an election was proof of rampant undetected voter fraud. The analogy I compared that silly idea to was the "top secret" you-tube videos that everybody can see if they want.

Why are you supporting the Republican propaganda false conspiracy theory about voter fraud being "rampant" in this country? Specifically the one the fake "Canadian" posted in the OP?

i don't take sides; i debate the facts.
you were able to answer this easily and yet the person to who this was posed- can not..or will not.
Another Karen claims she knows what black people think. When called out for that Karen tries to deflect from her obviously stupid and ignorant post.
Naw, he eats poison mushrooms, from the avatar, so anything is possible, anybody with class does psilocybin mushrooms of various types, they are relatively non toxic, unlike amanita muscaria shown in the Avatar. If he is eating amanita muscaria (fly agaric), I would suspect brain damage from chronic use.
I do come from the land of the fly agaric. Grows everywhere here!
I do come from the land of the fly agaric. Grows everywhere here!
I once heard the natives in Labrador used to tie a guy up to a tree and feed him a shit load of these mushrooms (apparently it was an honor, a spiritual thing) Then they would drink his urine to get high and have spiritual experiences, dunno how the guy ended up, sick as a dog for sure! I dunno if this legend is true, but humans will do extraordinary shit to get high!

Traditional Use in North America of Amanita muscaria for Divinatory Purposes
Yup....he'll win
The liberal tears will flow like liquid gold and I'll be laughing all the way to the bank
You might be right about that. We'll be crying for our country.

You support a guy who sold out his country for a political favor. Not very patriotic. Not at all, actually.

It's a bitch about Mexico not paying for that wall.
Yup....he'll win
The liberal tears will flow like liquid gold and I'll be laughing all the way to the bank
I suppose yer gonna cry racist tears when he loses and takes the entire GOP with him. Your emotional issues are obviously more important to you than your country or even common sense. Triggering the libs and a racist agenda seems to be the only thing you care about, too bad you are just getting shit on here and called out for being the sucker and loser you are. No wonder trump holds you in such utter contempt, as he does for all suckers and losers.
why is trump refusing to release his dna in a rape case?

If he’s not a rapist it would exonerate him.
I doesn't sound like moral issues interest him much Buck, he just sees black and white, people that is, everything else can be ignored or filtered out, assuming he has any moral turpitude at all. I figure he just doesn't give a fuck and has none.
Yup....he'll win
The liberal tears will flow like liquid gold and I'll be laughing all the way to the bank
Oh hey,

I forgot to ask,

Does the fact that Trump promised to release his tax records after he was elected into office as Prez and then reneged on that promise make you feel all dirty and ashamed? If not, then why not?
Naw, he eats poison mushrooms, from the avatar, so anything is possible, anybody with class does psilocybin mushrooms of various types, they are relatively non toxic, unlike amanita muscaria shown in the Avatar. If he is eating amanita muscaria (fly agaric), I would suspect brain damage from chronic use.
I'm curious, but I think this might be some what of a wive's tales. Though not as popular as others, muscaria is used by many, and very iconic in the magic mushroom group. They can also be boiled, removing any toxins, and eaten like any other edible fungus. Myself, I really enjoy their nontoxic cousin the spring amanita, absolutely delicious with a bright white crunchy flesh. Amanitas have gotten such a bad rap from a few poisonings and deaths, it happens. You have to be careful, know your shit, and be 110% sure in your identification, which can get real tricky considering some varieties can cross, like gematas and pantherinas. Needless to say, because of this, there isn't much competition hunting for them, more for me. Here's a pic of a grisette, note the sack, or egg, which the mushroom emerges from.

I'm curious, but I think this might be some what of a wive's tales. Though not as popular as others, muscaria is used by many, and very iconic in the magic mushroom group. They can also be boiled, removing any toxins, and eaten like any other edible fungus. Myself, I really enjoy their nontoxic cousin the spring amanita, absolutely delicious with a bright white crunchy flesh. Amanitas have gotten such a bad rap from a few poisonings and deaths, it happens. You have to be careful, know your shit, and be 110% sure in your identification, which can get real tricky considering some varieties can cross, like gematas and pantherinas. Needless to say, because of this, there isn't much competition hunting for them, more for me. Here's a pic of a grisette, note the sack, or egg, which the mushroom emerges from.

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Your life depends on your expertise, though boiling helps a lot, or so I've read. I would suggest using a a good fungi "key", a type of book that identifies species of mushrooms using a standardized methodology. Most psilocybin species have purple gills and psilocybin cubensis spore prints are available online as is information for easily growing them on sterile grain culture, I used to do it many years ago.
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