I'm curious, but I think this might be some what of a wive's tales. Though not as popular as others, muscaria is used by many, and very iconic in the magic mushroom group. They can also be boiled, removing any toxins, and eaten like any other edible fungus. Myself, I really enjoy their nontoxic cousin the spring amanita, absolutely delicious with a bright white crunchy flesh. Amanitas have gotten such a bad rap from a few poisonings and deaths, it happens. You have to be careful, know your shit, and be 110% sure in your identification, which can get real tricky considering some varieties can cross, like gematas and pantherinas. Needless to say, because of this, there isn't much competition hunting for them, more for me. Here's a pic of a grisette, note the sack, or egg, which the mushroom emerges from.
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