Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Why not, Donald is going after the kids now, pushing school reopening in the midst of a fucking public health catastrophe, trust that psychopathic asshole with your children's health and safety? Jesus Christ there is no bottom for him or the GOP.
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in passing i heard something on school opening from a FOX pundit..'you know, life means having to take chances, and the sooner children realize, the better'.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I'll know who to hit up for delta T calculations on my water cooled grow lights, except capacity is orders of magnitude above load! :D Besides I made them from junk anyway.
If your out this way stop in and I’ll give you my window shaker I made into a 10,000 btu chiller, shut down the indoor grow a couple of years ago so it’s just taking up space .


Well-Known Member
If your out this way stop in and I’ll give you my window shaker I made into a 10,000 btu chiller, shut down the indoor grow a couple of years ago so it’s just taking up space .
Don't need a chiller I run ambient and the water just moves the heat around and recovers it in winter, instead of blowing a ton of air through the carbon filter and out the vent. A car radiator can dissipate many kilowatts of power, if the delta T is high enough, I'm only looking to dump about a kilowatt of heat through the cooling system (1900 watts total) Keeps the grow cool as I want and quiet too except for the circulating fan. Lamps are protected with a 50 C thermal cutoff switch mounted on the cooling bars and in series with the hot, WELL GROUNDED TOO! I don't grow in july and august, but have 4 beauties in the backyard for a summer experiment with a new strain.


Well-Known Member
shut down the indoor grow a couple of years ago so it’s just taking up space .
I'm so lazy I have a gardener come in and do the day to day heavy lifting, a sharecropper if you will, but a very well rewarded one! Yes we social distance, he comes in the basement door and does his thing, I insisted on it when this shit started.


Well-Known Member
I'm so lazy I have a gardener come in and do the day to day heavy lifting, a sharecropper if you will, but a very well rewarded one! Yes we social distance, he comes in the basement door and does his thing, I insisted on it when this shit started.
make sure you clean the air in the room that he works, if he's in one breathing for more than a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
make sure you clean the air in the room that he works, if he's in one breathing for more than a few minutes.
He comes in in the morning and I'm often in bed, I don't go down too much and usually hours after, the basement windows are open a bit too and there is always air drawing through the flower room and out the filter. He also knows not to show up sick and we do a lot of our communications by text and phone. Life is so much easier when you can trust people and I trust him, he is also a meditation student.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Why not, Donald is going after the kids now, pushing school reopening in the midst of a fucking public health catastrophe, trust that psychopathic asshole with your children's health and safety? Jesus Christ there is no bottom for him or the GOP.
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That’s so funny. It’s so true. This is going to get interesting. The poor children. He is a real sick 0.
oh I meant to tell you , I feel like 110% better now after taken my 50,000Vit d pill every week for the past 8 weeks . I have so much more energy and don’t get exhausted anymore. I am never tired during the day. It’s really revitalized my life. I wish I had done this about 5 years ago. I see the doc tomorrow and will get my blood tested for my current V D level and see how much it’s changed and see what the doc wants me take to keep my levels up. I feel like a new person . I also started taking an anti anxiety medicine and it’s really helping me as well.


Well-Known Member
The first thing I do when they get to the ER is fit them with a mask and make sure they are comfortable in the mask . Sometimes I go through 3 different styles of mask until I find the one that they feel most comfortable with. They are severely struggling with breathing so I try to get them as comfortable with their mask so they don’t feel like pulling it off. It’s very sad to watch them struggle . I am doing my best to keep everyone as safe as possible while providing as much comfort as possible.
It is good they have someone like you helping them. Please stay safe yourself.


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Well-Known Member
Like magic....
If this keeps up Donald is gonna rack up more dead Americans than Hitler, how many died in the european theater anyway? He might have got there already! It will be a milestone that should be noted and it will probably happen well before the election. Might make a tragic meme, drive home the point with a pickaxe.


Well-Known Member
There's even a term for it, magical thinking, or good old fashioned denial is the one I prefer.
Shit, if this keeps up he will exceed the body count for the entire second world war before inauguration day. Joe will inherit a bankrupt graveyard and he will be pissed, I can practically guarantee it, there will be no transition meetings or briefings, then they would have to explain things to someone and that is impossible for them. Joe will have to start to pick up the pieces from day one and will rush the inauguration, there will be too much to do, too many lives to try and save, I fear the work will end up killing the poor old fucker. This is Joe's time to shine and he will, brightly, even if he burns out doing it.


Well-Known Member
This will be endemic, another common cold, eventually that is, the second round won't be as bad as the first, or so I've read, there is some residual immunity in most. This is nothing to be fucked with though, the first time around might be the last and if not, you might be fucked for life.
Or the body weakened by the first go round is overwhelmed the second time, there are too many unknowns at this point.


Well-Known Member
Or the body weakened by the first go round is overwhelmed the second time, there are too many unknowns at this point.
Not to be trifled with for sure, but it will most likely be with us forever, like the common cold, apparently we've been here before with coronavirus, like they say, there is no cure for the common cold, or a vaccine and there is no guarantee of one either. Getting an annual artificial antibody booster shot might become part of life one day.
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