UFO sighting, youtube link good quality

When you see something fly, dont assume its a technology that doesn't exist.
I bet if a breeze knocked over something in your house, it would be proof to you that you have ghosts.
LOGIC FIRST, or something like that. Ockham's razor.
The earth is in a enclosed system dominated by electromagnetic fields. There is nothing out there but water above and below earth. Check out some stars on you tube that are shot with a Nikon P900 and you will see they are close not trillions of miles away. All the stars move as one mass that is concentric with Polaris as does the moon and sun. The cosmos are within the earths atmosphere. You are absolutely correct there are many stupid know it all cunts with more than one account here at rollitup. :peace:
wrong thats a crazy conspiercy theory
So you don’t have a phone to record it when it moved slowly overhead?
and i fucking did record u fuck wit years ago like 2 years ago on a samsung s6+ camera and it was shit quality all i could see were the flashing lights but in real life i could actually see the dark shadow look that was the mass of the vehicle, and more detail, but i was actually going to toke with my friend in town and as i was driving to his house, in the middle of the west side of town i could see this light in the sky that looked like harry potters car hovering across town, this thing was 15 - 20 meters above the ground and didnt look much higher above then the telepphone lines and street lights it was passing over.

my friends mum was outside it was around 6pm just on dark, but enough light to walk around in without tripping over stuff. street lights everywhere, shops and hundred of houses

my friends mother heard it as she was hanging out the fucking washing mate over 1km away, she listened to my recording and it was the same noise,

her son is a auto elec and we talked about it and we both have seen alot of drones even 20grand drones, and this thing was something else, what drones can u hear from 1km away in the suburbs, fucking none, even stranger, it doesnt sound loud, its a high frequency ringing and unless you listen for it it sort of blends in unlike a police siren, its sort of a relaxed sound and if u were drinking beers in your back yard u wouldnt look up thinking what is that? unlike a plane or chopper passing over head.

what drone is the size of a large car or small truck and makes such a small out of this world noise, and hovers a weighlessly defys gravity as it passes over head, then when i chase the cunt thats only going a snails pace it disapears and turns invisible. twice this happened.

my fucking phone got that on video and the next one a month later, i could see a star in the sky in broad daylight around just over 10 kilometers away on the other side of town, i drove all the way through town and out to the other side, and recorded it it is nothing spectacular, no plane shines that bright and behaves that way and is visible strikinglyover 10kms away, neither is any drone.

im telling u not asking for opions, that the military or some intelligence has super technology beyond what we can comprehend at this time.

thats the fucking point, and i dont give a shit what u think. unlike me, u never saw the shit. if u did which deep down u wish u fucking had, u will never know how it feels to be me.
I mean, I’m sure aliens care about safety as well, but why would they put earth lighting on their ufo? You don’t even begin to understand how stupid that is? I believe one thing, I’ll never know how it feels to be like you, tfg
I've seen a lot of weird shit in my time. Ufo are pretty common round here. Got lots of military, nukes, power plants etc round about me though.
Its not something I obsess over, they might be aliens but given the local amenities theyre most likely military.
I've seen stuff that looked like that in the video. Seen the typical flying saucer type things that many times it's normal.
I like to think they're aliens visiting us from another planet or dimension but I'd say in reality the truth is a lot closer to home.
If they weren't local military they'd be shot out the sky. Would be jets here in literally 2 minutes after take off.
Do I believe aliens exist and that were not alone in the universe. Absolutely.
Do I believe the things we see are aliens...
That all manage to avoid being shot down by the countless masses of military all over the planet...
Id love to. I really would but nah. There's never any jets fly past in any of the videos.
Never a military presence of any sort.
If I were to believe they were aliens I'd also have to believe that iether, every military faction on earth knows about them and don't say anything.
Or that every military on earth is genuinely that incompetent they can't see these things.
The earth is in a enclosed system dominated by electromagnetic fields. There is nothing out there but water above and below earth. Check out some stars on you tube that are shot with a Nikon P900 and you will see they are close not trillions of miles away. All the stars move as one mass that is concentric with Polaris as does the moon and sun. The cosmos are within the earths atmosphere. You are absolutely correct there are many stupid know it all cunts with more than one account here at rollitup. :peace:
Sorry if I'm slow here, but that's a bunch of sarcasm, yes?
Listen, I have to interject and correct all the bullshit here. Stargate, we go through it, and right now we are struggling with the goa'uld..they just don't want you to know. They put out propaganda to make you think we defeated them.