UFO sighting, youtube link good quality

UFO's and Aliens are fake. If you knew the earth was flat with a dome above us then you would know that nothing can enter the earth and nothing can escape the earth too. The firmament dome stops anything from entering here. We live in an enclosed system
UFO's and Aliens are fake. If you knew the earth was flat with a dome above us then you would know that nothing can enter the earth and nothing can escape the earth too. The firmament dome stops anything from entering here. We live in an enclosed system
Please explain Aurora borealis if you could. See the rest of us believe that it’s the Earth’s iron core creating an electric field that directs and turns the sun’s radiation into a light show while at the same time protecting all life on Earth. So is it like God’s fart for guys?
UFO's are psy-ops to re-enforce the notion that outer space is real. If you look at a time line of world events 1947-49. Roswell, Israel became a nation, the CIA was formed, Antarctic expedition High jump and Secretary of Defense James Forrestal was thrown out of a window. These are all related.
I've seen two videos recently where your flat earth buddies are trying to prove the earth is flat and somehow it goes sideways on them and they actually prove its round buddy :p:cool:
I've watched a few flat earth things just to see if there was any sort of proof these people were basing their "facts " on.
Only thing I saw that kinda made me question it was that, at the time you couldn't fly directly from Aus - US.
I checked the live plane route site and found out that indeed, if you looked at the global flight paths it did indeed look like the earth was flat as none crossed over a certain area...
But here we are like a year later and there are now planes on that flight path so that's that idea fucked.
The earth is round. Get over it
Please explain Aurora borealis if you could. See the rest of us believe that it’s the Earth’s iron core creating an electric field that directs and turns the sun’s radiation into a light show while at the same time protecting all life on Earth. So is it like God’s fart for guys?
Always wondered what that was. Like a magnetic prysim sort of thing then?
I believe that anyone can become a conspiracy theorist. Even an asshole president can be a famous conspiracy theorist.

so again, that’s bullshit logic
Well rather than post links for us to argue about. I have a suggestion.
Type into Google "ufo footage"
And you'll notice that the first god knows how many hits are the same video.
Footage taken from the US military which has been accepted as genuine by said US military and has been broadcast on just about every major news agency going.
That's the only "official " evidence I've seen that's been acknowledged and confirmed by a currently serving govornment.
I'm not mental mate. I don't sit about with a tin foil hat on dreaming of being abducted but you can't just dismiss everything without question.
Our entire global legal system is based on witness accounts. When witness accounts are confirmed and proven then they must be acknowledge and accepted in a court of law.
This is no different.
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Lemme tell you about personal accounts and witnesses. Meaningless. The human mind isn’t reliable.

google “false memories”. There’s a Ted Talk on this study. People have memories of things that never happened.

How do I know aliens are not among us? Not working with our government? I know because of donnie trump. If we were working with aliens, trump would have been briefed and he CERTAINLY would not continue to act as such an incredibly childish self-serving asshole. That level of galactic awareness would stifle and humble. No evidence of that with trump.