UFO sighting, youtube link good quality

I mean, I’m sure aliens care about safety as well, but why would they put earth lighting on their ufo? You don’t even begin to understand how stupid that is? I believe one thing, I’ll never know how it feels to be like you, tfg
it's - they wanna confuse you. So you cannot find out how it feels to be them. So they fly mindlessly around the night with their parking lights on...
they even where so nice to glue some wings on to their UFO and comply with the IAA rules for navigation lights.


theyre so friendly, we dont have to fear them for sure.
Thoughts are always the same, anything is possible.......except them making their ufos look like airplanes with landing lights and flying over cities with airports at low speed.
Here you go Check this out and lets hear what the thoughts are !!

UFO's are psy-ops to re-enforce the notion that outer space is real. If you look at a time line of world events 1947-49. Roswell, Israel became a nation, the CIA was formed, Antarctic expedition High jump and Secretary of Defense James Forrestal was thrown out of a window. These are all related.
Here you go Check this out and lets hear what the thoughts are !!

I googled a few of the folk hes interviewed and they all checked out. It's a lot to swallow but when you've got guys like the ex head of the cia, ex Canadian minister of defence etc telling us these things then we kinda have to believe it.
Also worth noting 're the subject that in the UK you can no longer place bets on aliens being real.
Untill recently you could place the bet that "a world leader will publicly announce the existence of intelligent extras terrestrial life"
Every bookies was offering upto 10'000/1 and now none of them will touch it.
Terrible logic. Find some conspiracy theorists, interview them, and call them expert witnesses. Make a commercial (for profit) video. Done all the time for all sorts of dumb shit.

Look at the flat earth morons and you’ll see the same bullshit
Terrible logic. Find some conspiracy theorists, interview them, and call them expert witnesses. Make a commercial (for profit) video. Done all the time for all sorts of dumb shit.

Look at the flat earth morons and you’ll see the same bullshit
So the head of the cia and the Canadian minister of defence are untrustworthy witnesses in your opinion.
If you won't believe people in positions like that then who will you believe about anything?
I believe that anyone can become a conspiracy theorist. Even an asshole president can be a famous conspiracy theorist.

so again, that’s bullshit logic