I pity Joe Biden

Trump is not unfit. He's just a stubborn asshole
Close your eyes & repeat this 3 times while clicking your heels together.......

Trump is not an unfit asshole
Trump is not an unfit asshole
Trump is not an unfit asshole

Now open your eyes & face reality.

Yea, all your wishing & hoping ain't gonna change the fact that, yes, Trump is an unfit asshole.

Face up too that fact now & reevaluate your logic, or your future is doomed.
I’m a conservative.
Your a Conservative & support Trump?
What about the Debt load of the Federal Government?
Do you agree with Trumps doubling, at the very least, the Deficit?
Conservatives used too be somewhat pragmatic in their own primitive way, but now with Trump as their face they have finally been exposed as to what they truly are, self-serving, greedy fucking dinosaurs lumbering towards the tar pits of oblivion.
I really do pity Joe Biden, or anyone else for that matter that has to follow in the footsteps/quagmire left in their path by Donald Trump.
Biden, just like Obama, will be left with the task of dealing with the devastation/carnage left behind by the previous Republican administration, but this time on a scale never before witnessed in the history of this country.
Ok, Biden wins in November, then what?
In January he is going to be taken over an economy in ruins, a virus that at this point seemingly is just getting started & a country at war with itself over race or even the mundane task of wearing a face mask.
I was reading this piece about the inevitable rise in homelessness as a result of COVID-19 and it really made me think about how precariously close to the edge we are as a Nation, to that actual edge of oblivion.
Too fucking close in my opinion
Anyway, this is a good song
Peace & stay safe :)
Luckily the libs don't have to worry about possibly winning. Trump wins again this time. Watch and see... On a brighter note, there's another election in 2024. Pick a better candidate this time. You guys keep making yourselves look foolish by backing first Hillary and now Biden. Is this really the best you got? Sad.
Luckily the libs don't have to worry about possibly winning. Trump wins again this time. Watch and see... On a brighter note, there's another election in 2024. Pick a better candidate this time. You guys keep making yourselves look foolish by backing first Hillary and now Biden. Is this really the best you got? Sad.

You even added the 'sad' just like Dear Leader.
Luckily the libs don't have to worry about possibly winning. Trump wins again this time. Watch and see... On a brighter note, there's another election in 2024. Pick a better candidate this time. You guys keep making yourselves look foolish by backing first Hillary and now Biden. Is this really the best you got? Sad.
Even Moscow Mitch is gonna have a run for his money this time round, Donald has a lot of fucking up left in him yet. Trump has an IQ of 78, yours must be lower.
The libtards really fucked up by not putting tulsi up front
Another Russian plant, are you getting yer talking points from russia or the republicans? Wait a minute they are the same, it's almost like you are dealing with one entity not two, they appear to be joined at the hip. No wonder they call him Moscow Mitch.
The libtards really fucked up by not putting tulsi up front

No thanks, we already had one puppet we don't need another that comes with the added bonus of growing up in a religious cult trying to de-gay people. No matter how polished of a package she happens to come in.

No thanks, we already had one puppet we don't need another that comes with the added bonus of being growing up in a religious cult trying to de-gay people. No matter how polished of a package she happens to come in.
She’s not perfect , but her or Biden I think it’s clear who has a better chance to win
Lol look I don’t like trump but I’m not for Biden. My options leave me with Trump. You feel? I’m a conservative.

Doesn’t mean I’m a racist who hates people or this that and the other.

I just agree MORE with the elephant than the ass. Lol okay okay the Donkey
that means you are a racist piece of trash

lucky you cant vote from russia
Luckily the libs don't have to worry about possibly winning. Trump wins again this time. Watch and see... On a brighter note, there's another election in 2024. Pick a better candidate this time. You guys keep making yourselves look foolish by backing first Hillary and now Biden. Is this really the best you got? Sad.
is it good for an incumbent when they collapse the economy by calling a pandemic a hoax?

asking for a bunch of retarded racist children in a cult
I went to college near there. That area was commonly called "the buckle of the bible belt."

Well then obviously they have the good Lord to watch over and protect them
There shouldn't be any problem, Jesus Christ the Almighty will spite that evil (Democratic?) virus & all will be fine & dandy again, right soon, ya'll hear?
I went to college near there. That area was commonly called "the buckle of the bible belt."

Well the buckle is getting undone and the pants are about to fall down before the congregation. They ain't wearing underwear either, which is a good thing cause it will be full of shit.