What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
From the looks, they will leave the nest soon, red birds leave 8 to 11 days after opening the egg....so....
All in the feathers I am guessing...did u get to see the red birds?
I remember you posting them but seems they were real early on (stoner memory)

I been distracted by the red tail hawks here, its freaky getting buzzzed by a 3-4ft wingspan thats having a slight bit of trouble getting lift and every landing is a crash landing. They took over a month+


Well-Known Member
Mother fucking rabbits are eating anything we plant in the veg garden and my pussy ass won’t do what should be done and start eating cottontails. I’ve turned into a pussy

You don’t eat them in months ending in “r” right?
I got like 20 of them running around and this ain’t no “r” month.

I’m about to though. But baby birds. :-(
In Ks we didn't shoot rabbits until the first frost, they have parasites in summer that go away once it freezes, that's what a friend told me anyway. They are like little round spots in the meat. I can't handle the smell of gutting a rabbit, I'd rather gut a deer any day.